Special “Warren County Hate Crime” E-dition



Fanning the Flames of Political Unrest

image010image005 - CopyBecause the next 475 days until the 2016 Presidential Election will be the most important period in American History, we can’t overlook the Devolution of American Culture along with our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness and the Liberal News Media.

image010It seems perfectly OK these days for somebody blessed by The Liberal Agenda to burn flags, demolish monuments, and destroy anybody else’s property in the name of Anything Illegal, as long as it furthers the Liberal Agenda and its name is preceded by a hash-tag.  

image010But this week the Hate Crime statute was instantly invoked after somebody allegedly tore Obama’s left ear off a life-size cardboard cutout at the Warren County Fair in Lebanon.

image006“It was so hateful and bigoted,” said Warren County DemocRAT Party Chairwoman Bethe Goldenfield, “It’s really disheartening that after the president has been in there six years, the hatred has not diminished but has probably increased.”  And why would Disingenuous DemocRATS call Feckless Fishwrapper Keith BieryGolick to report such a stupid story? [Obama cutout defaced at Warren County Fair) Obviously, Bethe Goldenfield knew it would be published as part of The Liberal Agenda Fishwrap’s on-going Diversity-Uber-Alles Campaign, as long she sent them the picture and swore on a stack of Bibles she didn’t tear Obama’s left ear off herself.

Warren County Republican Party Chairman Ray Warrick claimed he didn’t know who defaced the cardboard cutout, condemning the actions and calling them “idiotic.”

Meanwhile, at the Loony Libertarian booth you’ll see cutouts of a blue donkey and red elephant that say “Clowns to the left” and “Jokers to the right,” and directly across from the Disgruntled DemocRAT Party’s booth are vile-and-disgusting replicas of aborted fetuses at Right to Life booth.

There hasn’t been such a heinous crime in Warren County since that 911 caller complained she’s been short on her French fry order at the McDonald’s drive thru.

image010That’s why at this weekend’s Annual Anderson Daze celebration, Angry Andersonians are all anticipating being allowed to act out their anxieties and aggression at the Township Trustees Dunking Booth.  

These Guys Dare You to Dunk Themimage009
