Special “Kasich Campaign Update” E-dition



Trying To Make Up For Lost Time

image004Ohio RINO Governor John Kasich’s Presidential Campaign may’ve only begun on Tuesday with Kasich still not among the top ten candidates in the first GOP Presidential Debate at 9 PM on August 6 in Cleveland in only 15 more days, but the Kasich for America Team was really making up for lost time on Wednesday, sending out the following updates:

image010At 7:48 AM, Kasich for America announced Kasich would travel to Michigan on July 25.

image010At 8:01 AM, Kasich for America announced Kasich would be in New Hampshire for a series of Town Hall events July 21-23.

image010At 8:03 AM, Kasich for America announced Kasich would visit South Carolina on July 24.

image010At 8:05 AM, Kasich for America announced Kasich would also visit Iowa on July 24.

image010At 10:33 AM, Kasich for America sent us a copy of a column by Peter Thomson at the New Hampshire Union Leader telling us “Why John Kasich is the choice for Republicans for 2016.”

image010At 10:41 AM, Kasich for America sent us a copy of The Wall Street Journal’s “The Case for Kasich.”

image010At 10:39 AM, Kasich for America sent us a copy of a column by Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post telling us “Conservative values are not policy positions.

image010And at 11:47, Kasich for America sent us a copy of a column by Hunter Schwartz at the Washington Post, telling us John Kasich is way more popular in his home state than Scott Walker or Chris Christie are in theirs.

image010Let’s face it. If Kasich doesn’t get himself included in the top tier of candidates for the GOP Debate in his home state of Ohio in 15 more days, it won’t be his Media Team’s fault. It surely looks like they were planning ahead!


image024Meanwhile, Our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane said, “Maybe we should call Warner Business Class” and ask them to increase the size of our spam folder.”
