Daily Archives: June 27, 2015

Special “SCOTUS Running Amok” E-dition



Nine More Lawless Government Officials Republicans Don’t Have Nerve to Impeach

image010image005Whistleblower Supreme Court Observer Amicus Curiae says, Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court officially became the rubber stamp for all that lawlessness and stupidity we have come to know and hate during the Obama Administration with their 6-3 to decision to provide healthcare cost subsidies to people enrolled in the Federal Healthcare Exchanges.

Friday, the Supreme Court not only guaranteed every gaywad’s wet dream into reality but also promised every living litigious litigator life on Easy Street with its brand new definition of marriage (and everything else) is what five-old-lawyers decide it will be on any day they choose to speak out on whatever subject they feel like controlling.          

image007Justice Kennedy, who will now be hailed as a Sodomy Rites Icon for all eternity, after questioning government lawyers during arguments last spring on the problem with overturning millennia of western culture and teachings, led a 5-4 majority in doing not only that, but opening the floodgates to a tidal wave of litigation. What is wrong with two flamers deciding they’d like to get married, what harm is there in that, some may ask? Well, despite what Justice Kennedy claims in his opinion, that the only issue is what was before the court—two fudgepackers from Cincinnati wanted to be married before one of them died of AIDS, and our own Judge Black, said, “Sure thing, sounds good to me.” No harm in that, regardless of what Ohio law provided. Well, Justice Kennedy and his merry gang of four liberals found that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was enacted to prevent those states of the Confederacy from mistreating Black Folks after the Civil War, and had absolutely nothing to do with gay marriage. But now it’s all of a sudden a Constitutional right to marry another member of the same sex, as opposed to the traditional definition of one man and one woman. Now that is not the definition. The definition is whatever the justices say it is when they get around to saying it. Why can’t it be three people? What’s wrong with bigamy, polygamy, or even “pigamy”—if you want to marry your pet pig? Maybe you like your sister or first cousin, whatever sex they may be, or even your dog or the neighbor’s pony.


image009Oh and all that “Constitutional right stuff”—that means churches have no right to prohibit marriage services because your religion says homosexual marriage is against our religious teachings—can’t discriminate because of sexual preferences now, same for housing, wedding photographers, or cake bakers, just to name a few court cases being prepared as we sit here today.

This was truly a horrible decision, and its ramifications have no bounds. A dispute over the purchase of contraceptives led to a penumbra of rights including privacy that led to Roe vs. Wade abortion on demand with an earlier Supreme Court legislating three separate periods when abortions could not be prevented, a period when there could be some restrictions, and a final trimester where it would be possible to prohibit abortion. How that could fairly be called deciding cases and issues, and not legislating, is only if it depends on what the means of is, is, and the Supreme Court is making up the meaning as it goes along.

image007Thursday, Justice Scalia called out Justice Roberts for his opinion, saying that words no longer had meaning, the opinion was just deciding the result and then ruling that way. But Friday’s opinion where Roberts said that precedent was clear and the words were clear, reveals the comments were accurate. Roberts’ majority opinion on ObamaCare cannot be squared with his dissenting opinion in today’s gay marriage decision.

Another 5-4 case receiving less attention, but just as important dealt with a fair housing claim, that even if it was not intended or equal in its application, if there were a disparate impact shown by the action, a claim of illegal discrimination could be maintained. So if Indian Hill requires minimum lot sizes of one acre, or three or five acres, and no multifamily rental housing is permitted, and poor blacks (or Orientals, or Cherokees, even) can’t afford to buy houses there, a disparate impact has been proven and such restrictions are illegal. Justice Thomas states that such basis to determine and make actionable regulations that have no intent to discriminate by such after the fact inspection standards have no place in US law and that the NBA with over 75% of its players being Black, would present the same phony basis for white players to complain and sue the NBA. Think about it. Which side makes the most sense? If any right-thinking American ever even pauses a second of time before voting a straight Republican ticket, no matter what job it is, that voter is voting to leave this mess just as it is and however worse it can get.

image010image011Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski says, “The ruling by the Supreme Court Friday is no surprise. It is equally illogical and unlawful as yesterday ruling on Obamacare. Which is demonstrated by Robert’s hypocritical dissent today which completely contradicts his own ruling yesterday. Clearly the US Supreme Court is no longer operating within the bounds of the US Constitution or the concept of the rule of law. They can not legislate morality and this ruling does not change the hearts and minds and values of the vast majority of Americans who don’t need elitist judges to tell us what words mean, or what natural marriage is, or what is in our bible, or how to live our lives.”

image010On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer says, “SCOTUScare is here to stay unless and until the Republicans win the White House and hold the Senate. If they do there is no question that they will repeal and replace. They’re going to run on it, it is going to be something they campaign on, they will be committed to it, and the [next] president is going to have to do something about it. I think they will have a plan and if you are the president you decide which of the various plans will be done. If DemocRATS hold the White House it is here to stay.”

image010image0102016 TEA Party Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz has some Constitutional remedies for our lawless Supreme Court, including making SCOTUS subject to “Retention Elections” instead of their lifetime appointments: “Judicial retention elections have worked in states across America; they will work for America. In order to provide the people themselves with a constitutional remedy to the problem of judicial activism and the means for throwing off judicial tyrants, I am proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution that would subject the justices of the Supreme Court to periodic judicial-retention elections.” [READ MORE HERE]

image010Texas Republican Congressman Brian Babin proposed forcing the Supreme Court justices and their staff to enroll in SCOTUScare. “As the Supreme Court continues to ignore the letter of the law, it’s important that these six individuals understand the full impact of their decisions on the American people,” Babin said. “That’s why I introduced the SCOTUScare Act to require the Supreme Court and all of its employees to sign up for ObamaCare.”

image010ISIS celebrated gay love today by tossing four more gays from top of a high rise.


COMING SOON: Supreme Court Demands Apology From God For Sodom And Gomorrah

image013Just hours after ruling that all Americans, no matter their sexual orientation, can now legally marry the people they love, the U.S. Supreme Court went forward with plans to demand that God apologize and make amends for His actions at Sodom and Gomorrah.

Many are calling the decision to hold God liable for the destruction of the impenitent cities as a victory for gay rights activists who have fought for centuries to see God brought to justice.

The justices found that, under the 14th Amendment, states must issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognize same-sex unions that have been performed in other states, and that the Divine judgment of God that was passed upon Sodom and Gomorrah was unjust. Justice Anthony Kennedy delivered the majority opinion and was joined by Justices Ginsburg, Kagan, Breyer, and Sotomayor in calling God to step down from his post immediately.

More SOTUS Surprises Laterimage020image027