Daily Archives: June 25, 2015

Special “Custer/Obama Court Martial” E-dition

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More Indian Uprisings

 image010image004Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1876, Major Marcus Reno took command of the surviving soldiers of the 7th Cavalry, the ones who were on sick call the day before when Old Yellow Hair made that slight miscalculation of enemy troop strength and forgot to take along his three Gatling guns.

image010And our Quote for today Committee came up with this line from Custer, right before the Battle of the Little Bighorn: “Hurray, boys! We’ve got them. We’ll finish them up and then go home to our station.”

image010All of which reminds us of Obama, when he said “Al Qaeda is defeated,” “The War on Terror is over,” and “ISIS poses no immediate problem.” Obama claims when he made his stupid comment about extremists being a JV team (“If a JV Team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant”) he “wasn’t specifically referring to” Islamic State.         

image010image006The Blower remembers that time Obama got a bit confused while sitting down for dinner but the Prime Minister of India when he apologized on behalf of the American people for the actions General Custer. Unfortunately when the state department told our president he was going to be sitting down with an Indian leader, he thought it was the great-grandson of Geronimo and wondered why the country of India looked so much different than what he envisioned what South Dakota look like.

image010Whistleblower War Hero Ollie Hackworth says the military could still court martial Obama, since it doesn’t look like John Boehner’s Republicans will never find the courage to impeach the Commander-in-Chief any time during the next 573 Days of Incompetence and Chaos for America during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term.

image010image008American Indian Bureau Chief Oglala Tadwell says the Sioux Nation Supreme Court says Native American Same Sex Marriages will still be determined by local Tribal Councils, no matter how SOTUS rules in Washington.

image010Moises, Julio, Alfredo, and Jose say, “Did Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse know how to protest against illegal immigration or what!”

image010Earlier this year, Milwaukee police were investigating a report of shots fired across the street from the Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education. Coincidentally, that school was formerly known as Custer High School.

image010Meanwhile, NBC News reports amid the controversy surrounding the Washington Redskins’ team name, some Native American groups hope public outcry turns toward a different team’s symbol, more than 300 miles to the northwest: Chief Wahoo, the bright red, wide-grinning face of the Cleveland Indians baseball team.

image010image012And hereabouts, all those White, God-Fearing Citizens in Anderson are wondering when Liberal Activists will return like a plague of 17-year locusts to demand the Anderson Redskins’ mascot be changed, too. Of course, every Anderson Alum was pleased as punch when their beloved “Anderson Redskins” won the Ohio Division II state football championship back in 2007, and the Forrest Gump School Board and the Anderson Park Board want to put a tax levy on the ballot to pay for a new $158 million domed stadium at Beech Acres.
