Daily Archives: June 19, 2015

Special “Jeffrey’s Junkets” E-dition


FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015

Leadership, Cincinnati Style!

image005Yesterday, The Fishwrap was administering some rather well-deserved flogging to Jeffrey Blackwell’s bureaucRAT backside by merely mentioning Cincinnati’s latest Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell had been gone twice as many days on out-of-town trips and has spent about double the money on travel as his predecessor, Disgraced Former Fourteen-Star Police Chief James Craig.

image005The Blower wonders why Blackwell’s calendar shows basically the entire published schedule for conferences he attends when he usually deserts the room after an hour or two, never to be seen again, at least until cocktail receptions. What is he doing, and who is he with after he disappears like that? Where are all the other trips that “don’t” appear on his published calendar? Where is he that even the assistant Chiefs can’t reach him for up to three weeks? What value is the City — not his self-promotion of his career — getting from his spending 2 1/2 months completely gone? What, specifically, is his work product in that bogus 90-day plan, since by all accounts he fobbed it off on his staff, telling them he was too busy/important to deal with silly little operational details?

image005Wouldn’t it be a coincidence if both Blackwell and Craig were scheduled to be present together at the upcoming NOBLE training session in Indianapolis, Indiana, during the second week of July?

image005And speaking of communication: Rumor has it one of Cincinnati Assistant Chiefs recently complained to suburban colleagues that he hadn’t spoken to Chief Blackwell in more than three weeks despite, the City’s recent surge in violent criminal activity. This lack of communication has caused a delay in implementing strategic initiatives that require the Chief’s personal approval.  The Chief has responded by telling his staff that they should move forward without his approval because, “he doesn’t prefer to involve himself in those types of operational matters.”  WTF! This guy sounds more like Obama every day!

Word is everybody in the CPD knows that if the Assistant Chiefs do move forward, without Blackwell’s personal approval, they’ll be hung out to dry should any of the initiatives result in an embarrassing failure. Therefore, the agency has been sitting at a complete stalemate with little, if any, critical initiatives having been implemented to address the growing pace of violence in Cincinnati.

image005image007The Blower wonders how implementing those critical initiatives might have affected the shooting and killing of 30-year veteran Cincinnati Police Sonny Kim in Madisonville Friday morning. At least Blackwell called Kim’s killing “A Tragedy” at a 10:15 a.m. briefing that offered few specifics while the investigation was still unfolding.

The Fishwrap reported Sonny Kim, 48, had immigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1973. He was a well-respected officer who earned praise in 2012 from the U.S. Department of Justice for his service. Kim was the 98th Cincinnati police officer to die in the line of duty — the first since 2000.  [READ MORE HERE]

image005The Blower presumes Madisonville is still included in Blackwell’s So-Called “90-Day Violence Reduction Area” Cincinnati’s Scruffy Mayor John Cranley’s City Mangler “Baltimore Harry” Black was praising recently. No word yet if Obama’s Racist Attorney General Loretta Lynchmob has yet distributed Blackwell’s Politically Correct “Hug a Thug” Program for other cities to follow across America.


God Bless Officer Kim and God Save Cincinnati and the United States of America!image003 - Copyimage027