Daily Archives: June 5, 2015

Special “Tabloid Teasers” E-dition

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FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015

Story #1: The New Nationwide Crime Wave:

 The Wall Street Journal’s Heather Mac Donald says the consequences of the “Ferguson effect” are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor. The nation’s two-decades-long crime decline may be over. Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America. In Baltimore, the most pressing question every morning is how many people were shot the previous night. Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend.

But in Cincinnati, there’s no need to worry because Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell’s “90 Day Violence Reduction Plan” is due today, presumably by 4 PM. Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception shows us what that announcement might look like, as the Cincinnati Police Department Chorus sings “Hail to the Chief.”


Story #2: Tino Delgato Sent This Letter to Sports Illustrated Yesterday:

image007ESPN is going to award Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner the 2015 Arthur Ashe Courage Award. While Bruce has faced some obstacles I do not think his compare with those of Mount St Joseph College basketball player Lauren Hill. Lauren brought nationwide attention to a debilitating disease. She succumbed to this disease. But not before she captured the hearts across the country last year. She worked to achieve her dream of playing for the Mount St. Joseph’s women’s basketball team (despite battling an inoperable brain tumor). I have chosen not to watch the ESPY’s this year as this is a case of poor judgment. With all the bad characters in sports lately I cannot fathom this travesty.  Instead ESPN chose to glamorize a former TV reality star that has made millions performing on those trashy programs. I can only hope Bruce/Caitlyn declines the award. Now that would impress me.  Go Figure!!! 

Then Our Trannie-Teasing Trouble-Maker Sent Us These Treasures



Story #3: Anderson Incites


image013Our Snitch at the Forrest Gump School District says your property taxes are due on June 22, but the increase for “Smiling Dallas” Jackson’s illegally orchestrated campaign for last year’s Humongous $103 million Tax Hike Scam will show up in December—Merry Christmas! Still, today the time is yet long overdue for all Forrest Gump Over-Taxed Payers to read between the lines when they pay all those increased taxes they were misled into approving last year.

Board Members (Forest Heis, M.D.; Randy Smith; Jim Frooman; Julie Bissinger; and Tony Hemmelgarn) are now looking hard at using space in the Anderson Center for their administrative offices.  They’re also looking for other options for the transportation (bus) facilities. The probable reason?  Because it will be money they don’t have to spend from the bond levy funds to build those facilities as they had planned.  Why do they need to conserve that building money?  Because there was never enough to do what they promised everyone they would do.  They are trying to cover up the big lies they told to get the bond levy passed.

Guess what, voters?  By renting space instead of spending building funds, the money can come from operating funds. Since those expenses weren’t budgeted, they will be asking for the extra money before you know it.

Trustees, will you get suckered in again?  It’s either give the school district free space or aid the school district tax scam – again.

There is no “EASY” button here.  But somebody needs to press “STOP” and then “RESET” before this school board blows any more time and money on “Smiling Dallas” Jackson’s school-board-approved bastard building plan. Somebody needs to be in charge that is going to be around for a while, not a “temporary” superintendent.  Hopefully, it will be somebody who will step up and clean up, not cover up.

image026Also in Anderson, Trustee Andy Pappas says June 22 is also “No Panty Day” at Cleaner Concepts, but that story will have to be covered in a separate report, away from the prying eyes of perverts and children alike.  image014

More Pantless Pictures News Laterimage003image008