Yesterday Was Just Another Slow News Day in Obama’s America
Yet another Islamic Terror Suspect was killed in Boston. This peace-loving Isamist was discovered to have been plotting to behead police officers along with a Jewish Activist and Conservative blogger Pamela Geller.
Obama Supporters in the Press made it number the number one story for yesterday’s 24-hour news cycle, even eclipsing Rush Limbaugh’s call for the GOP to reject Caitlyn Jenner’s giving the keynote address at the Republican National Convention.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the planned attacks.
A Boston Imam claimed his Terror Suspect Brother was “Shot in the Back.” Guess he figured that old “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” Lie wouldn’t work this time.
A CAIR spokesman arrested on child porn charges said, “We urge the community to refrain from jumping to any conclusions until we learn more about my case.”
Obama’s Doofus Secretary of State John Kerry said Islam was a “Religion of Peace.”
Obama’s Race-baiter # 1 Al Sharpton called the Dead Terrorist’s critics “Racists.”
Obama’s Black Attorney General Loretta Lynchmob opened an investigation of the Boston police force for profiling Muslim Terrorists carrying large knives.
Obama, now less popular than George W. Bush, apologized to Murdering Muslims everywhere, claimed ordinary Americans were not in danger from ISIS on the way to celebrate LGBT Pride Month while in route to the golf course.
Leftist Bloggers in their mothers’ basements claimed the Dead Muslim Terrorist was the victim of Police Brutality.
#BlackLives Don’tMeanCrapProtesters advertised a rally for the Dead Muslim Terrorist who wanted to behead Police Officers.
Fear of beheadings was not the only reason for low morale in Cincinnati Police Department.
No Beheading Zones were quickly added to Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffery Blackwell’s Plan to Reduce Violence in Cincinnati and Blackwell was seen right before he beheading back to Columbus.
Yesterday was just another Slow News Day. But don’t worry, we’ll have plenty more just like it as we continue counting down the 594 Days of Chaos for America remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached.
More trivial news later