Daily Archives: June 2, 2015

Special “Violence Reduction Plan” E-dition

Header-June 2 Violence Reduction


Will This Man Come Up With A Plan?

image005Ever since The Fishwrap ran Monday’s big story about Cincinnati City Manager Harry Black’s ordering Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell to come up with a 90-day “Violence Reduction Plan” by Friday, Pete Rose’s Bookie has been taking bets on the outcome. Let’s remember, Black came from Baltimore, where police and the City Government really have things under control these days. Maybe Black and Da Chief should call their new best friend Obama’s AG Loretta Lynchmob for some ideas.

Let’s face facts: Cincinnati’s Disgraced Ex Fourteen Star Police Chief James Craig took credit for the work of all those who came before him then decided to abandon everything that had been put in place during the past decade though, crime had been on a steady decline for more than six years.  Craig decided to delete those successful programs and install his LAPD/Portland model to teach the Midwestern yahoos how policing is done in the big city!  After about 18 months of Craig’s tactics, crime began to noticeably increase. 

Exit Craig for BIG CITY Deeeetroit and enter our new Bling Chief Blackwell, aka, “The Ghost!” Blackwell elected to ignore all past and present members of the police department except, of course, Johnson & Johnson, who have absolutely no clue about administrative operations in the agency.  They’re a sergeant and a police officer with NO command experience.  They do know how to stand around and talk about “stuff” dat’s causin’ all dees problems wit black folks – da racist white “polices” past and present. 

Blackwell inherited Craig’s failures which yield our current increases in shootings and homicides to levels higher than they’ve been in more than a decade.  Remember, it takes 18-24 months for strategic plans to yield results in policing. Blackwell has continued to consult Craig, and continued to ignore his current command staff despite the fact his assistant chiefs were the worker bees who implemented all the positive changes of the past 10-12 years.

The Blower’s Prediction: Blackwell will consult Craig and plan a gang unit, a gun reduction plan, hot spot policing, compstat, or some variation of it, and a mixture of community involvement, blah, blah, blah.  He may even give lip service to the proven strategies that were working well before “Frick & Frack” arrived a couple years ago and became the face of our broken Cincinnati model of policing.  It will be a bunch of age old bullshit with a new name on a few things and ignore the strategies that effectively reduced crime here in Cincinnati until those two idiots were placed in charge. 

The new plan will probably be nothing new or innovative unless he’s smart enough to consult his current command staff.  And, if he does, The Blower doubts he’ll even understand their recommendations.  Meanwhile, Columbus Police Department continues to laugh their asses off ever since Cincinnati chose its latest police chief! 


Shootin’s Is On Da Rise.  Let’s Play Some Hoops, Y’all!image020image027