Special “The Week That Was” E-dition

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Whistleblower Week in Review

  • image006OUR NUMBER ONE FAILED HASHTAG ACTIVISM STORY THIS WEEK was when The Blower said there’s nothing wrong with drawing attention to an important issue through the power of social media. But what if “hashtag activism” has turned into something else? 
  • OUR NUMBER TWO FAILED HASHTAG ACTIVISM STORY THIS WEEK was when Mark Steyn slammed “hashtag activism” for the silly cop-out that it is, saying what if it’s just a way to make ourselves feel like we’ve done something important when all we’ve done is post a pitiful looking selfie?  
  • AND OUR NUMBER THREE FAILED HASHTAG ACTIVISM STORY THIS WEEK was when a panel of Fox News contributors mocked Moochelle Obama’s #BringBackOurGirls hashtag on Sunday, bashing the Twitter phrase for being a useless “exercise in self-esteem.”

  • MONDAY in our Annual “Moms and MILFs” E-dition,” The Blower said “A MILF is a terrible thing to waste!”

Definitely Worth Fighting For

           image008Even three years after the long-awaited death of Osama’s bin Laden, our Eternal War on Terror continues as Obamatized DemocRATS and their Willing Accomplices in the Liberal Press continue to ask why we’re still fighting. So with Armed Forces Day coming up on May 17, maybe it’s time to find out what our American heroes are really fighting for.  

Duty? Honor? County? What really keeps our American Fighting Men going so far from home? That’s why yesterday on Mother’s Day, we asked some of lonely young heroes so far from home overseas and they told us what really kept them going was thinking about all those MILFs back home.


  •  TUESDAY in our Official “Gay NFL Draft” E-dition, The Blower asked, “What Do You Mean There Was Only One?” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

image010Isn’t it awful the way some politicians always exploit Mother’s Day as just another way to try to raise money? —Ohio Governor Kasich-Taylor, Ohio U.S. Senator Rob “Fighting for Families” Portman, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWhine, DemocRAT U.S. Senate Candidate Alison Wondergams Grimes, and Barack Obama

There are still a few Republicans in Ohio who haven’t sent in their donations to honor the Governor’s Birthday Card. —Ohio RINO Party Boss Matt Borges

image012But why did Portman use such an old family picture  when his children were so young and back when he claimed he was a “Commonsense Conservative” in his e-mail yesterday? —Bewildered Constituents

Dear Son, I am so glad you are well, now that you have come out of the closet.  While I won’t have any grandchildren from you, it is nice to know you and your partner can help with my decorating, whether I want it or not.  One thing, I hope you don’t mind, but we had to take our family picture this last week and we are sorry you didn’t received the notice.  I just made it to the post office yesterday.  Best wishes, Mom. The Senator’s


  • WEDNESDAY in our Special “Same Time Last Year” E-dition,The Blower said, “Those Were the Good Old Days!

What a Difference a Year Makes

     image014Think of how much things have changed since the second Wednesday in May, 2013. It was our Special “Nixonian Comparisons” E-dition, and The Blower said, Maybe we should just call it Obamagate.” Curiously, it looked a lot like this year, because the first item in the previous day’s Blower predicted Republicans in Congress would be very busy that week scheduling all those IRS and Benghazi hearings. About a third of all House committees were investigating the Obama administration those days. Five separate committee were currently investigating Obama’s Benghazi cover-up, along with a probe into Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ illegally raising millions of dollars to promote ObamaCare, just because House Republicans refused to approve giving her any more over-taxed payers’ funds.

Two separate House committees (Oversight and Government Reform, and Ways and Means) were already probing whether Obama’s IRS was targeting our TEA Party Patriots. The IRS acting director was scheduled to get his balls kicked at a hearing on Friday. Did anybody ever call for his resignation?


  • THURSDAY, in our Special “Police Officers Memorial Day” E-dition,The Blower said, “Our heroes risk their lives every day to serve and protect.”

Happy Police Officers Memorial Day, Everybody!

         image015The event is held each year in the United States on May 15 in honor of federal, state, and local officers killed or disabled in the line of duty. It is observed in conjunction with Police Week.

 The idea of Peace Officers Memorial Day came into effect on October 1, 1961, when Congress asked the president to designate May 15 to honor law enforcement officers. President John F Kennedy signed the bill into law on October 1, 1962. Each year, the president of the United States proclaims May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week of each year during which such May 15 occurs as Police Week.

According to the Legal Information Institute, the president is requested to issue a proclamation to: designate May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day; to direct government officials to display the United States flag at half staff on all government buildings; and to invite state and local governments and the people to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.


  • FRIDAY, in our “Just Another Guest Column E-dition, The Blower explained, “But It’s Still the Same Old BS!”

Now Let’s Meet Today’s Guest Editors:


        Why, it’s none other than our current Whistleblower Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo and his predecessor J.R. Hatfield, shown as they appeared 23 Years AgoThis Week(when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town).

That’s why The Blower, which takes pride in rewarding long and meritorious service reporting on politics in Northern Kentucky to be this week’s guest editor and choose three items written by people from Northern Kentucky plus a Quickie for today’s E-dition from our Current Cadre of Conservative Columnists and Contributors, and our Quote for Today Committee chose Andrew Jackson’s “I have never in my life seen a Kentuckian who didn’t have a gun, a pack of cards, and a jug of whiskey.”


  • SATURDAY in our Special “Honoring the Military” E-dition, The Blower asked, “Send a salami to your boy in the Army!”

           The third Saturday in May has been officially designated as the day to salute all of the men and women in all branches of the service who protect you and your country. They can be called upon at a moment’s notice to put their lives on the line to ensure your freedoms, so a little gratitude on your part today wouldn’t hurt.

Each branch of the military used to have its own celebration, but Hurley the Historian says on August 31, 1949 then Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of Armed Forces Day. President Harry Truman also announced the holiday in a presidential proclamation on February 20, 1950. All branches of the military were asked to celebrate on the same day and they complied on the first Armed Forces Day which was held the following year on May 20, 1950.

And appropriately our Quote for Today Committee has chosen this from Jan Scruggs, Founder of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: “The Price of Freedom is Never Free.” Luckily Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane found somebody willing to buy lunch for a veteran today.


More Screw the Last Minute TV Political Ads in Kentucky Because We Already Voted in Ohio  

  • image018OUR FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERS: The most Foolish Fishwrappery for local Republicans this week (and as always there was so much to choose from) had to be the “Coming of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul” for Friday night’s Hamilton County RINO Party Lincoln-Reagan-Portman Dinner. We missed the picture of The Rand Man parting the waters or walking across the Ohio River. And did you see where they claimed Hamilton County was “one of the most important counties in the country for his presidential hopes” on Friday’s front page? Good grief!  Zip Codes 45236 and 45243 might be good for raising big chunks of campaign cash, but as far as votes, fahgettaboudit! Hamilton County hasn’t been a Republican Stronghold since Alex T. turned Hamilton County indelibly blue for all time and his RINOs sold their souls to Disgraced DemocRAT $tan Che$ley, back when he still had his law license.
  • image020HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1891, an unnamed newspaper reporter on an obscure California newspaper cast first lady Mary Todd Lincoln in an unflattering light, and Republican presidents and their wives have been worked over by our Kneepad Liberals in the Press ever since.
  • THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose to remember the Geico commercial that showed what happened when Mrs. Lincoln asked Honest Abe, “Does this dress make my backside look big.”  No wonder the guy got assassinated.
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says going to college is leaving a lot of Americans deep in a financial hole these days, and they don’t seem very confident that spending all that money is getting them anywhere.
  • image022THE COUNTRY’S PREMIERE POLICING TEAM: This week after The Blower featured a story about local policing experts Scott Greenwood and Tom Streicher helping the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico solve some of the same problems Cincinnati went through in 2001, Followup Fishwrapper Kimball Perry finally finished a story about the Dynamic Duo’s supplemental audit of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s divisions that oversee the jail and take inmates to and provide security at the county courthouse. What took him so long? 

There were some blockbusters in that report, especially regarding officer safety and the Leis culture (there was a piece of “artwork” portraying the Senile Former Sheriff riding atop his tank through the Killing Fields of OTR), yet the usually sensationalist Fishwrapper quoted none of them in his article about the now two-month old report. [READ IT HERE]

  • image021RINO ALERT: Friday night at the GOP RINO Dinner, host members were falling all over themselves for having over 600 people attend.  Of course, the fact that Presidential hopeful KY Senator Rand Paul was the Keynote speaker seemed the greatest motivator – especially since the crowd thinned out immediately after he finished speaking! 

Ohio’s Head RINO Senator, Rob “Fighting for Frivolity” Portman was introduced by Party Hack Chairman Alex Triantifilou (pronounced “Alex”) as somehow still relevant and compassionate because he is fighting for those in poverty…as though his previous failed efforts at reforming the IRS, restraining the budget, or even addressing the illegal drug issue ever amounted to anything either! 

image023Portman stumbled through a mediocre speech, after receiving partial-standing applause.  The silence during his explanation of why Country Clubbers should care about his poverty solutions was unnerving, even for him.  The weak applause from almost completely white bread audience, betrayed the lack of sincerity among the party faithful. 

image025In contrast, Senator Paul was heartily received with a standing ovation – and much laughter as he smacked Obama with several comments about his neck being sore and that he wasn’t bowing like a cowed dog before foreign leaders!  From there he launched in to a vigorous discussion about Essential vs Unessential federal workers!  If 90% are unessential – why are they still working there!  He then went into specific details about federal employees who have not worked in years, still receive pay checks and cannot be fired!  What a sad story for our country.

Senator Paul received applause when he pointed out that the Bengahzi scandal means that if Hillary cannot understand the need for security support when Secretary of State, she has precluded herself from ever being qualified to be Commander-in-Chief!

As he moved in to expanding the Party, he pointed out that it should be done on principles, especially the Bill of Rights, not by diluting what we stand for!  Portman’s grimace was visible three tables away!  While highlighting subjects and groups to reach out to (especially black and browns) he finished with a plea for passionate belief in GOP principles as they reach out.  The extended standing ovation was nothing short of Presidential.

As the meeting moved on, Chairman Alex pleaded with folks to stay and bid on silly golf outings and one-nighters at hotels for you and your mistress, or wife if you are still suffering the recession.

If the one-way stream of folks “headed to the bathroom” wasn’t a clear indicator, those who were undecided made up their mind when Attorney General DeWhine lived up to his name and though not allowed to speak from the podium (it was too tall for him) spoke his piece from the floor…his piece and about 4 others it seemed.  It could have only been worse had he spoken loud enough to actually hear.

  • image027FREE NEEDLES UPDATE: With Defeated State Rep-Tile Peter $tautberg completely ignoring his vote to support free needles (HB 92) that sealed his fate, has he also been talking with other RINOs facing tight races who are also concerned that this vote might come back to bite them?
  • GAY LIKE US: Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis released yet another phony poll stating that over 50% of people support same-sex marriage, and yet neither the questions asked nor the demographics on who was actually polled was released. Maybe Draft Dodger Bill Cunningham was right when he interviewed Charlie Hassle, spokesperson for Citizens for Community Values, that the media just might have an agenda in this issue…like when they interviewed fifth string NFL Gay Draftee Michael Sam and published the “Kiss Seen ‘Round the World!”
  •  image028FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: Failed CFT “president” Rumpelstiltskin Julie SellYourSoul announced that she finally woke up after six years and is pleased to announce a potential 6% pay increase to failed CPS teachers. Under her current failed union minionship, teachers have already suffered from salary decreases, health care premium increases and the union membership has an expressed motif of no confidence in her ability to viciously fight her way out of a wet paper bag. Also eliminated was the highly popular teacher performance review evaluation which generously rewarded failed teachers up to $2,400 annually.  Cincinnati homeowners can eagerly look forward to a school levy in November. All the teachers will be out praising, “It’s all about the children.” [See the new tentative agreement with salaries here]

So Cincinnati Public School teachers learned that their new contract is quite indicative a mismanagement of union dues by Julie Sellers.  As teachers continue to progress forward, Sellers continues to unravel everything the teachers once fought for and went on strike in the 1970s.  Things would have been different had Sellers met Evil Bolton at Frisch’s to discuss things.  A pittance pay raise and increased health premiums!

image029The main library got a new 3D printer. If they can’t stop people from watching porn, how can they stop anyone from making a plastic gun?

And did you see where Cincinnati’s Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor said the previous administration was living in la-la land, pissing away so much over-taxed payers’ money on all those stupid projects? Did he forget his Stupid Six Members of City Clown-cil who voted for the Equally Stupid Streetcar? 

  • NOT SO DAMN SUBTLE: Satire blog Republicans for Higher Taxes, while fronting as if they are in mourning over the unexpected loss of their Tax Hikin’ Rick Bryan, tried to make fun of the Bryan supporters who’d spent all of 2014 boasting that Rick was going to win in a landslide.  [READ MORE HERE]
  • image030APPALLED IN ANDERSON: Patriotic People who are thankful America has a day like Armed Forces Day to salute each of the men and women in all branches of the service who protect us and our country could hardly believe yesterday’s story in The Blower about how the Ohio General Assembly had designated Beechmont Avenue between Markey Road and Nagel Road as the “PFC James Miller, IV Memorial Highway,” on March 22, 2013,” and since then, nothing else had been done to honor the 22-year-old Anderson High School Graduate who died on January 30, 2005 while serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom. When PFC Miller was guarding a polling station in Ramadi, Iraq, a bomb exploded near his vehicle. Do today’s students at Anderson even know who PFC James Miller, IV was? There was no mention by our Fishwrap farm team members at the Forest Hills Urinal. There was no proclamation by Defeated State Rep-Tile Peter $tautberg at an appropriate honor guard ceremony. And there were also no speeches by Senator Rob “Fighting for Free Publicity” Portman, or Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, whose District Office just happens to be located on the “James Miller, IV Memorial Highway.” Oh, the irony!
  • image031BLUEGRASS BUREAU CHIEF KEN CAMBOO says as NoKY politicians scramble to finish out the race, it seems that River City News has once again scooped The Fishwrap by following up on that poll run by the apartment association in Kenton and Campbell counties.  With Knochlehead and Arlinghaus in a statistical dead heat with voters wishing they could vote for “None of the Above,” and Spendery in Campbell county limping along only slightly ahead of Kevin “Give ’em Hell” Sell with lots of undecided voters, it could show blood in the political water for the incumbents, soon to be followed by mud-slinging! And even the Anderson TEA Party in Ohio is telling its members about how Brett Gaspard is speaking the truth and presenting facts, to hold his elected officials accountable, because the Boondoggle County TEA Party Guy is trying to SAVE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, not just beat DemocRATS. Now if people in Ohio who voted on May 6 could only cross over a bridge and vote in Kentucky on Tuesday too!

Meanwhile, Ditzy DemocRAT Alison Wondergams Grimes is asking her supporters to send in another $5 donation after, another Bogus Bluegrass Poll said she was leading Bitch McConnell 43% to 42%. That might actually mean something, if only Wondergams was running in the Republican Primary on Tuesday.

image033Also in Northern Kentucky, the CamBoozlerhas this heartwarming story about the Bluegrass Battalion returning home last night, just in time for Armed Forces Day:

Six-month old Carley Mather had never seen her father Harley Mather until last night, when he returned home to Boondoggle County with the rest of the 169th Underground Mess Kit Repair Group. PFC Mather, a motor pool specialist, had been in Afghanistan for the past eighteen months. Actually, the unit was only supposed to be in a combat area for six months, but one night they all got drunk and the entire unit volunteered to stay an extra year.

When asked by a Channel 19 reporter how it felt to see his six-month old daughter for the first time after being away for a year and a half, Harley thanked his best friend Jody for taking care of his family while he was away and beamed: “Now I finally know what the surprise was my wife kept writing me about.”

  • image035LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #135 is to find a feminist and see if she has a sense of humor:

Q: How many men does it take to open a beer?

A: None. It should be open when she brings it to you.

  • image036LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHER liked David Letterman’s “President Obama was here, touring New York sites in need of repair. He wants to spend money on our infrastructure. For example, the port authority needs fixing. And the Tappan Zee Bridge, where the renovation is already finishing up way ahead of schedule — like Obama’s second term.”
  • image037NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL (OUR ODIOUS OCTEGENARIAN), THE BARD OF CLEVES: Just in time for what used to be the Drive-in Movie Season, we found this licentious limerick by our old friend Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves, from his latest book, “Remembering When,” found in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves. 

“Friday Night Fun”
The demise of the drive-in is sad
There was so much fun to be had
To hell with the movie
There was something more groovy
To make all the sex organs glad.

  • image040SEEDIEST KIDS OF ALL:  Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible who learned to hate taxes at an early age. [READ MORE HERE]
  • image042IN LAST WEEK’S COLUMN FROM PATRONAGE COUNTY TITLED “PRIMARY CONCERNS,” our three Corrupt Commissioners from Patronage County were recalling that time many years before they borrowed a county car to cross the Great Divide and join the overflow audience at the Gannett Foundation Distinguished Felons Lecture Series at Thomas More College. The star attractions were Watergate conspirator John Dean III and Senate Watergate chief counsel Sam Dash, reflecting on Watergate a decade earlier.    This op-ed column was recalled from the April 28, 1982 edition of the feisty Mt. Washington Press, personally edited by eminently renowned publisher Dennis Nichols    
  • image044THE FREE GRAIN PARTY still stands as the last refuge of anyone willing to help himself from the stores of others.

This includes all DemocRATS, RINO Republicans, some TEA Partiers, quite a few Independents, disgruntled postal workers, senior citizens demanding free prescriptions, those who believe bigger government is the answer to all their problems, everybody who said “what Bill Clinton did was indefensible, but he shouldn’t be removed from office,” and those who think pork-barrel spending is OK as long as their district gets the money.

  •  image046FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if The Blower will be worried about Low Voter Turnout in Kentucky’s Primary Elections? After all, isn’t “Not Voting” just like a vote? “Perhaps the voting challenged among us fails to grasp the consequences of decisions made by those who do take office,” Kane explained. “Kentucky, after all, has paid a high price for electing too many politicians who refuse to implement policies needed to effectively compete with other states for genuine economic growth.”


  • image048Monday (May 19) we’ll featuring our “Bluegrass Indecision 2014” E-dition, but we’ll still be continuing to count down the 978 Days of Dishonesty for the rest of the nation remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached.
  • Tuesday (May 20) will be our “Bluegrass Election Bamboozle” E-dition and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” will report the latest voting trends.
  • Wednesday, (May 21) we’ll be congratulating Tuesday’s winners and bashing the losers.
  • Thursday (May 22) we’ll be checking to see if any of our Republicans have summoned up the courage to use the word “Impeachment.”
  • The first line of Friday’s (May 23) limerick is: “Each year at the Taste of the “Natti.”
  • And Saturday (May 24), we’ll be seeing just how patriotic we can be during the Memorial Day Weekend.

image056image050Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people in Northern Kentucky politics ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Campbell County jailer candidate David J. Guidugli, who has two misdemeanor arrests on his record in the past five years.

The Libtard Show With Dixon Diaz



e-mail your revolutionary recaps today


Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more. 

            Whistleblower Video of the Day

Matt Bevin supporter explains how McConnell is a RINO

 image055(Sent in by Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend “Mischievous Mike” Sadouskas [141 Friends, 12 Mutual Friends], who would probably still be Mayor of Vanilla Hills if The Blower hadn’t endorsed him and he was run out of town on a rail.)

image056Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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