Special “Honoring the Military” Issue

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Happy Armed Forces Day, Everybody!

  • The third Saturday in May has been officially designated as the day to salute all of the men and women in all branches of the service who protect you and your country. They can be called upon at a moment’s notice to put their lives on the line to ensure your freedoms, so a little gratitude on your part today wouldn’t hurt.
  • Each branch of the military used to have its own celebration, but Hurley the Historian says on August 31, 1949 then Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of Armed Forces Day. President Harry Truman also announced the holiday in a presidential proclamation on February 20, 1950. All branches of the military were asked to celebrate on the same day and they complied on the first Armed Forces Day which was held the following year on May 20, 1950.
  • image006And appropriately our Quote for Today Committee has chosen this from Jan Scruggs, Founder of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: “The Price of Freedom is Never Free.” Luckily Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane found somebody willing to buy lunch for a veteran today.
  • Mottos for our service branches include: the Army “This We’ll Defend”; Navy—“Honor, Courage, Commitment”; Air Force— Integrity First; Marine Corps—“Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful); and the Coast Guard—“Semper Paratus (Always Ready).
  • Members of the Military and their families on food stamps can hardly wait to see how the White House inserts Obama and The Mooch into history and how many gay references Obama makes during his tele-prompted Armed Forces Day Re-election Campaign Proclamation today.
  • image007Fox News reports Republicans are putting the heat on President Obama over the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs over allegedly fatal health care delays, saying he can no longer float above the ever-widening controversy. “It’s time President Obama personally answer for the horrific conditions and abuses occurring at our veterans facilities,” House GOP Leader Eric Cantor said in a statement, after VA Secretary Eric Shinseki lied his ass off when he wasn’t whining before a Senate committee on Thursday. Is he the most incompetent Obama Administration Official since Cincinnati’s own transplanted Kathleen Gilligan Sebelius or what!
  • Weasel Zippers says everything is an “outrage” to this president. Until it becomes “dude, that’s so two years ago.” Then how dare you bring it up, you racist, you. That is the stock response of the Obama regime. Nothing is ever done, and no one is ever held responsible.
  • image008Such outrageous treatment of those who’ve given the last full measure of their devotion is not confined to Washington, D.C. Even in Anderson Township after the General Assembly designated that portion of Beechmont Avenue between Markey Road and Nagel Road as the “PFC James Miller, IV Memorial Highway,” on March 22, 2013,” The Blower can’t remember anything being done to honor the 22-year-old Anderson High School Graduate who died on January 30, 2005 while serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom. PFC Miller was guarding a polling station in Iraq when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle in Ramadi, Iraq.

There was nary a mention by our Fishwrap farm team members at the Forest Hills Urinal. There was no proclamation by Defeated State Rep-Tile Peter $tautberg at an appropriate honor guard ceremony. And there were also no speeches by Senator Rob “Fighting for Free Publicity” Portman, or Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, whose District Office just happens to be located on the “James Miller, IV Memorial Highway.” Oh, the irony! 

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says people in Northern Kentucky are always patriotic, and nothing short of this would be appropriate today.


e-mail your patriotic prose today.


Some flag-waving items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally flag-waving subscribers.

Patriotic Link of the Day

I’m Putting Up the Flag

 image013(Sent in by Long Time Whistleblower Person of Consequence, Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, a Decorated Marine, Two-Tour Iraq War Vet.)

image014Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.


“Profiting From Experience” By James Jay Schifrin

         image016This week in Patronage County, the 2014 Ohio Primary Elections are only a distant memory, and politicians were watching the Primary Elections in Northern Kentucky for amusement purposes, when our three Corrupt Commissioners from Patronage County were recalling that time many years before they borrowed a county car to cross the Great Divide and join the overflow audience at the Gannett Foundation Distinguished Felons Lecture Series at Thomas More College. The star attractions were Watergate conspirator John Dean III and Senate Watergate chief counsel Sam Dash, reflecting on Watergate a decade earlier.

“Those guys were amateurs. We could’ve showed them,” said Commissioner Swindle on the ride back home.

“It’s nice to see that crime still pays,” laughed Commissioner Filch. “How much did Dean and Dash get to speak tonight?”

“They claimed the Fifth Amendment,” Swindle said. “I guess they’re still covering up.”

“Dean said he had a good idea who the informer Deep Throat was. So how come he didn’t name him?” asked Commissioner Pilfer.

“Probably waiting for his new book to come out,” Swindle answered. “And did you notice both Dash and Dean didn’t say there’d never be another Watergate, just that it would be a long time till they pick out another one.”

“But ever since Watergate, legal ethics has been a required course in law schools,” said Filch.

“Pretty soon we’ll all have to be criminal lawyers just to protect ourselves,” Swindle said.

“Listen,” explained Pilfer, “before the Nixon Tapes were leaked by some eager beaver on Dash’s staff, only seven of the 2,700 so-called journalists in Washington were working on the Watergate story.

“I’m glad we live in Patronage County,” Swindle laughed, “where nobody really covers the courthouse.”

“And isn’t it great what Dash said,” Filch asked. “Election commissions and special prosecutors are on their way out.”

“I like it when our own prosecutor investigates us,” Swindle said. “People expect a little ordinary corruption. Why else would they keep electing us?”

“Wait a minute,” interrupted Pilfer. “Before we get back, let’s stop in Kentucky and buy some of that cheap, illegal booze and smokes.”

“Right,” said Swindle. “And we can use the discount coupon from today’s newspaper.” 


          image014This op-ed column was recalled from the April 28, 1982 edition of the feisty Mt. Washington Press, personally edited by eminently renowned publisher Dennis Nichols

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