One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Happy Springtime, Everybody!
Weeks ago, after Punxsutawney Phil totally blew his 2014 Early Spring Forecast everybody had been counting on, The Blower wonders if the Dissociated Press will once again be reporting (like they did last year) that authorities in still-frigid Ohio have issued an “indictment” of the furry rodent, who predicted an early spring when he didn’t see his shadow after emerging from his western Pennsylvania lair on February 2.
“Punxsutawney Phil did purposely, and with prior calculation and design, cause the people to believe that spring would come early,” Mike Gmoser, the prosecutor in southwestern Ohio’s Butler County, wrote in an official-looking indictment. Gmoser wrote that Punxsutawney Phil is charged with misrepresentation of spring, which constitutes a felony “against the peace and dignity of the state of Ohio.”
Bill Deeley, president of the Punxsutawney club that organizes Groundhog Day, said Phil has a lawyer and would fight any extradition attempt by Ohio authorities. The penalty Phil faces? Gmoser says — tongue firmly in cheek — is death. Punxsutawney Phil does not have a listed phone number.
SPRING BREAKING NEWS: Whistleblower Florida Bureau Chief Rank Feikel says Monday he heard Thom Brenneman during the Reds’ pummeling on TV from sunny Goodyear, Arizona say the top beach in Florida is once again the Siesta Key Public Beach, near Sarasota, but geezers in Speedos looking for Major Yabbos, say South Beach in Miami used to be a haven for topless European swim suit models. It was awesome, but has fallen off as the drunk college crowd found it.
Rank says Cincinnatians can go up to Clearwater and get their Skyline Chili fix at the Skyline on Route 19. It’s just next door the “Cincy Favorites Market” where you can buy all the Montgomery Inn ribs, LaRosa’s, Queen City Sauage, Gleiers, Graters, Grippo’s, Hussman, Worthmore etc. your little heart desires.
CENTRAL COMMITTEE CANDIDATES: Somebody needs to explain the importance of voting in the May 6 Primary for the conservative candidates to represent your district on The Ohio Republican Party’s State Central Committee. One man and one woman are chosen every two years in the Primary Election. Maybe you could find out more about it Thursday night at the 2014 Primary Candidates’ Night at Clark Montessori School in Hyde Park. Local Conservative Candidates include Marsha Haberer (Dist. 7), Barbara Holwadel (Dist. 8), Douglas B. (Burr) Robinson (Dist. 9), Christa Criddle (Dist. 9), Jackie Block (Dist. 14), and Ken Walston (Dist. 14). The event is sponsored by Women for Liberty, the Cincinnati East TEA Party, Liberty Alliance Cincinnati, and the Anderson TEA Party (Although neither of those two TEA Party Groups bothers to capitalize all the letters in TEA Party, like Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski told them to do)
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN: On this date in 1979 Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed a historic peace agreement. Not only did they win a Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts, but in keeping with Arab tradition, Sadat was assassinated by a peace-loving Muslim Islamo-fascist for making peace with the Israelis.
POLITICS ON PARADE: It’s hard to believe next Monday will be the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day. Cincinnati City Clown-cil wants the Findlay Market Opening Day Committee to change the name to the Opening Gay Day Parade and make Rob “Fighting for Fisting” the Grand Marshal. Flamer Fishwrappers are already looking for lots of gays and lesbians to whine about not being included. Whistleblower Alternate Life-styles Editors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis remember two years ago when The Fishwrap’s new idiotorial page editor Dave Holthaus said he just wanted to help our region “evolve” into a tolerant community, and Phil Burr-ass at Citizens for Community Values says if that policy won’t continue to drive people out of the city, we don’t know what will.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES applaud the Disreputable DemocRAT candidate for the 28th House District, Micah Kamrass, for refusing to condemn vote fraud felon Melowese Richardson, or the decision to honor her at the recent “voting rights” rally he attended with Al Sharpton and Tracie Hunter. If you disagree with “Reverend” Al Sharpton, then you are a vote suppressor, and they don’t want any of Melowese’s votes to be suppressed, no matter how many she casts.
DemocRAT State Senator Nina Turner also spoke at that so-called “Voting Rights Event” where a woman who had been convicted of voter fraud was being honored, and has spoken nary a word about it ever since. Nina is running to unseat our Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted and her deafening silence on this issue makes you wonder if she even understands that somebody casting multiple illegal ballots is a big problem.
Briebart says there will be no Justice Department Charges Against the Ohio Woman Who Voted Six Times For Obama, as J. Christian Adams reports Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a “voting rights” rally in Cincinnati. The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days after she admitted on camera that she committed multiple federal felonies by voting six times for President Obama’s reelection. [READ MORE HERE]
FREE NEEDLE HAND OUTS: Last night in the Deer Park City Council Meeting, Hamilton County Health Commissioner, Tim “The Syringe” Ingram swore a Needle Exchange would NOT be set up under the Hamilton County Health Department’s supervision because it would send the wrong message on drug use and wherever it is set up would become a destination point for dealers and users alike! He said, the only community dumb enough to even consider something so foolish would be if those fools in Cincinnati signed off on it! Imagine that!
- BUCKEYE BUREAU CHIEF GERRY MANDERS says, when Perennial Candidate David “Salt is on the Right and Pepper is on the Left” joined forces with the gay activists of Equality Ohio and Not ready for Prime Time GUBERnatorial candidate Ed Fitzgerald, did he really state that AG Mike DeWhine was trying to “institutionalize discrimination” by supporting Hobby Lobby’s case against Obamacare? The logical leap from supporting one family business NOT being required to violate its religious freedoms and “institutionalizing discrimination” is one that can only be made after years of eating from silver spoons, and maybe Christians photographers should be required to film a Hustler spread, or Jewish Deli owners be required to provide bacon, or Black printers be required to prepare flyers for the KKK Conference, and maybe that religious freedom in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution really only means for Government approved religions.
SHARON’S SWILL: It’s too bad the Greater Cincinnati Society for Unprofessional Journalists didn’t extend its deadline for the Chapter’s Mark of Excellence Contest past March 21, because Monday, The Fishwrap published Sharon Coolidge’s hideous piece of drivel about deadbeat desperado Liz Rogers, titled: “Mahogany’s: Trouble From the Start.”
In that article, Sharon repeated Liz’s whining. Liz could have written the article herself, if she could find a crayon.
The only media which don’t fall for Liz’ whining and lies besides The Blower are Tom Demeropolis of the Cincinnati Business Crapper and Nasty Negress Kathy Y. Wilson at CityBleat.
Sharon apparently did no fact checking and didn’t ask follow up questions as Liz fed her the standard “poor victim me” story line. Liz stated she shows up for work every morning at 6:00 am and had worked for ten days straight. Do you think Sharon checked that out?
Rogers also said she employs 49 people in the restaurant. Did Sharon ask for proof of that, such as payroll ledger sheets? Probably not.
Rogers further claimed $80,000 was embezzled by a financial manager. She now states she reported $19,000 stolen from her earlier, but Cincinnati police were unable to find evidence any money was ever stolen. Can deadbeat Liz just state the name of the embezzler? Did Sharon push her for the answer? It would not appear so.
Rogers’ most heinous quote was, “I feel like I’m at war, like I’ve been deployed to Iraq.” Did Sharon ask her if anyone was shooting at her? Or who was the enemy, other than herself? Rogers’ statement was an obscene insult to the 4,486 Americans who lost their lives in the Iraqi conflict and to the tens of thousands who have served in Iraq. Rogers isn’t serving her country; she’s serving herself.
What did deadbeat Liz Rogers do with the nearly one million dollars Cincinnati handed her on a silver platter a little more than a year ago? Did Sharon tell us? What a great idea for a follow up story!
Meanwhile, our guys at Police Squad say Cincinnati’s new police chief not only likes to frequent Mahogany’s, but he also likes to park his unmarked police car in violation in front of the place.
EARLY VOTING UPDATE: Don’t feel like standing in line for three hours just to vote early in this year’s Ohio primary elections in only 41 more days? To get yourself an Early Voting Ballot from the Hamilton County Board of Elections, CLICK HERE.
But don’t tell all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice. We really enjoy ridiculing them every time we see them standing in line for hours just to vote, instead of mailing an absentee ballot for 49-cents, or voting at their neighborhood polling place on Election Day, which the last time we checked, is still totally free.
TWENTY-THREE YEARS AGO TODAY, when Edition #43 was published on March 26, 1991, even then Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel was digging up dirt on some of our “friends.”
- CH SNITCH AT 100 MAIN STREET says there are reports that Susannah “Princess Crazypants” Meyer has withdrawn from the Hamilton Coounty Juvenile ourt Judge race against John Williams, citing “an unexpected opportunity.” Do we want to guess who was hiring?
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders big blue e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now! This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court is filled with the usual collection of thugs, thieves, and other Louisville Cardinals fans! Just get a gander at the shallow end of the Bluegrass gene pool.
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about enablers at The Fishwrap covering the Mess at Mahogany’s. “It’s just like we always say,” Kane explained. “Skaggie Maggie’s minions are either too lazy, too stupid, or too dishonest ever to report what’s really happening.”
That’s probably why our Quote for Today Committee chose Gilbert K. Chesterton’s “Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another.”
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially “Sharon Coolidge.”
e-mail your last-minute requests today.

Some Spring Training items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Spring Training subscribers.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
Rumsfeld: “A Trained Ape” Could Manage Afghanistan Better Than Obama
(Sent in by Women’s History Month Faux Facebook Friend Michelle Glass Slipper [1,259 Friends, 99 Mutual], who used to be an important elected official, but is still joined at the hip to “Mean Jean” Schmidt.)
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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