One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
A Whole Lot of Backstabbing Going On
The Blower’s friends at define “Backstabbing” as attacking someone unfairly, especially in an underhanded, deceitful manner. Backstabbing was first mentioned in historical literature with reference to Julius Caesar and Brutus – a conflict that was memorialized by William Shakespeare with his notable quote “Beware the Ides of March….” Since that first documented backstabbing the act has been perfected as an art form. Most of us know of at least one Backstabber and some of us are unlucky enough to have to deal with many of them on a day to day basis. (Bosses, “Best Friends,” Spouses, Boyfriends, or Girlfriends) Today we find ourselves surrounded by public backstabbers in Politics. That’s why we all need to nominate all those Backstabbing Bastards for The Whistleblower’s Annual Backstabber Awards to be announced this Saturday on Backstabbers Day (The Ides of March).
IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders reports Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception says Ohio’s open records laws took a significant blow in a pair of Ohio Supreme Court decisions that could benefit public officials who, either through neglect or intention, attempt to skirt the laws’ intentions. Supreme Court Justice Sharon Kennedy cut to the heart of the matter in her lone dissent. “If no fees could be awarded unless the court had ordered a party to produce records, it would allow a public office to sit on a public-records request until a case was filed and then turn over the records before the court had a chance to issue an order,” Kennedy wrote.
- IRONIC UPDATE: Decrepit DemocRAT Former President Jimmy Carter (the Second Worst President in History) is scheduled to be at the Joseph-Beth Bisexual Bookstore in Norwood on April 1 for a book-signing event.
- GOING WEST, YOUNG MAN: Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup was the guest speaker at Monday night’s Southwest Cincinnati TEA Party dinner in Ohio’s First Congressional District. At least Brad wasn’t speaking at a DemocRAT event, like Flim-Flamming Flyboy Fred Kundrata (now running for Congress as a DemocRAT in OH1), who only got 3% of the vote in the 2012 GOP Primary against Wenstrup.
- IN A RELATED ITEM: Yesterday, Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters announced the release of Melowese Richardson. Judge Ruehlman had sentenced her to five years in prison last July, but Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka had asked for early release for the Worst Local DemocRAT Vote Frauder in History in a spirit of bi-partisanship, because Ohio’s DemocRAT Primary Election is only 55 days away, and the D-RATS need all the help they can get.
In a totally unrelated event: Did Tim Burka really say he wasn’t interested any more in where “JayWalking Joe” was living when he voted the past couple of years?
- ALSO GOING WEST: Whistleblower Indiana Bureau Chief Hoosier Daddy says, with “Crazy Eric” not being able to practice in Ohio and Kentucky, maybe the Bull Dog is headed to Indiana.
HOMOS STAY HOME: Whistleblower Alternative Life-Style Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis report Cincinnati Clown-cilGay Chris Squealback can’t stop pouting ever since the local St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee banned a Gay Group again this year. Parade organizers also didn’t invite gay-loving politicians at Cincinnati City Hall, so they couldn’t boycott the event like they did last year. Who says The Irish don’t know how to hold a grudge?
- MORE REASONS TO AVOID DOWNTOWN: Three teen girls and two teen boys ripped off $10,000 worth of Louis Vuitton purses from Saks when it opened recently. There’s no need to question Sak’s any more about why they’re moving to Kenwood! It can’t happen soon enough!
- GOP CRONY UPDATE: Down sat Hamilton County RINO Party Headquarters, Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP sent out an e-mail congratulating Greed Township’s Newest Trustee: Triffon Callos. Loyalty to Chairman Alex has its rewards. Triffon was “selected” by Trustees “Stadium Dave” Linnenberg and Tony Rosiello, who owes his job to Tracy Winkler, whose daughter owes her job to Tony. Coincidence, we think not!
- TWENTY-THREE YEARS AGO TODAY, when Edition #41 was published on March 12, 1991, even then The Whistleblower was making fun of some of our friends.
HERO OR HEROIN: If Dr. “I’m a Hero” Engel discussed solutions to heroin addiction, would he support free needles to further impact a community or even offer the next step of free heroin, which may be why Kentucky State Senator John “Real Hero” Schickel seriously questioned the frenetic Doctor’s plans? The real question is this, if the addiction is so serious, why not put substantially more focus on prevention? Of course that doesn’t result in funding for addiction relief centers, doctors, nurses or Illicit Needle Dispensary Vans! After all, if Dr. “I’m a Hero” Engel didn’t have patients, would it be a medical issue? [READ MORE HERE]
- MEANWHILE, DOWN AT THE FISHWRAP: Metro Mole explains the new format: It’s just a USA Today template, without the content.
- INVITATION TO A LYNCHING: Did the Anderson TEA Party really invite State Rep-Tile Peter $tautberg (the best one money can buy) to attend Candidates Night on March 27? Do you think Larcenous Lobbyist Chippy Gerhardt will actually let him attend?
GREEN SPACE UPDATE: An Annoying Anderson Airedale Owner let his dog take a dump and run loose at the Mercy Health Plex parking lot, Saturday morning. When a walker held out a plastic bag and asked if he needed it for his dog, he yelled, “It’s not on the trail so it’s not in your way!” The dog continued pooping, peeing, and kicking mulch over the walking trail. That followed numerous off leash dogs on the Five Mile Trail from Turpin. There will be green grass this Spring because inconsiderate dog owners haven’t picked up their poop since last fall. People let young kids walk their dogs and don’t teach them that cleaning up is part of the deal!
Meanwhile, new Anderson Trustee Gerth Pappas pooh-poohed another great idea for the new Township Motto (“Dog Shit Makes Our Green Space Green”)
- SPEAKING OF GREEN: Sarah Palin was a big hit at last week’s Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) Meeting in Washington. Which is probably why Faux Facebook Friend Vivacious Vicky Zwisser sent Monday’s video of Sassy Sarah’s entire speech. [SEE IT HERE].
But best of all was Sarah’s Marvelous Mockery of the Obama Administration with her totally accurate reading of Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham.”
I do not like this Uncle Sam,
I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks,
or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their crony deals.
I do not like this spying, man.
I do not like , “Oh yes, we can”.
I do not like his spending spree,
we’re smart, we know nothing’s free.
I do not like reporter’s smug replies
when I complain about their lies.
I do not like this kind of hope
and we won’t take it, nope, nope, nope!
No Wonder Liberals Love Her!
- AND DID YOU SEE where Obama had a big Dan Quayle Moment last week when he misspelled “R-E-S-P-C-T” during an Aretha Franklin concert at the White House? During the Age of Obama, too many people have forgotten how a real president acts.
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this day in 1933, only eight days after his inauguration, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his first national radio address or “fireside chat,” broadcast directly from the White House. Amazingly, FDR didn’t even have to use a teleprompter.
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose David Herbert Donald’s “Lincoln was not a good impromptu speaker; he was at his best when he could read from a carefully prepared manuscript, though maybe a teleprompter could have helped that!”
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES applaud Crystal Faulkner Cooney for donating $1000 to Democrat David Pepper in his 2010 run for Auditor against Republican Dave Yost. This marks the beginning of their new series – The Crystal Faulkner Democratic Donation of the Week – which will run through the primary election. One might ask, why should we care what MS. Faulkner does with her money? Well, Crystal is running for the Ohio REPUBLICAN State Central Committee. She has donated to numerous liberal Democrats, but wants us to trust her to run the Republican Party. We can stop her.
- WHISTLEBLOWER SENIOR SPOILED SPORTS EDITOR ANDY FURBALL says Bryan Price’s 4-10 Reds are picking up right where Dusty Baker’s Reds left off last year. St. Louis can hardly wait for Opening Day.
- TIME WARNER CABLE is asking Business Class customers to submit stories by March 21 about how Time Warner Cable Business Class services have helped them to be more productive, competitive and successful. Good luck with that!
- DUMBED-DOWN DEMOCRATS: This weekend, Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose donated $10 to the DemocRAT National Committee and got a free car magnet, which lists for only $2.95 in the Obama Catalog. We told you all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, aren’t all that smart.
RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: The supposed deadline for Deadbeat Desperado Liz Rogers to pay off the second half of her rent arrearage came and went with nary a word about it. We doubt someone (or the City of Cincinnati) would have paid that first installment without agreeing the pay the second half which was due this past Monday.
One of our favorite quotes from the recent Mahogany restaurant media stories is owner Liz Rogers’ saying, “I pay my bills.” Mwah-haha.
Liz, what about that judgment you have against you by the State of Ohio #CJ13024358 for $9,861.48? And also another #CJ13024504 in the amount of $12,424.04 also against you by the State of Ohio? What about your delinquent loan debt to the city of Cincinnati for $17,684.00?
Oh, and what about those judgment liens against you in Butler County, by the Ohio department of taxation (#7130200295, #7130200293, #7130200294, #7120212836, #7110221238 and #06201205405559), totaling $11,379?
The Blower has said DemocRAT Deadbeat Defender Mayor John Cranley and some members of the City Clowncil seem eager to pay off Mahogany restaurant owner Deadbeat Desperado Liz Rogers’ massive unpaid bills for her. Here’s what a recent letter in The Fishwrap said:
“Did I miss something? Does Wendell Young still work for City Council and therefore the people of Cincinnati, or Liz Rogers and Mahogany’s (“$80K theft cited in Mahogany’s fiscal woes,” March 5)? Over the last couple of weeks it is hard to tell. If one didn’t know any better, one could almost construe his posturing as his having a personal interest in the business. He is willing to consider forgiving the debt! Assure her success! He seems awfully involved. Maybe he should try to help her by trying to find the elusive financial manager that allegedly absconded with $80,000.”
BEYOND CLUELESS: Folks at “Beyond Civility” (whatever the hell that is) e-mailed a reminder for tonight’s big “Side-by-Side” Event featuring Hamilton County Commissioner Chris Monzel and Cincinnati City Councilman Wendell Young. That reminder tells you where and when the event will be held, but it doesn’t offer a clue why those two speakers were chosen or what they’ll be talking about.
BLUEGRASS BACKSTABBERS: Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders says unfortunately, political backstabbing isn’t even a misdemeanor. “It’s a good thing,” said Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl. “Our place wouldn’t be big enough to hold them all.”
In last Sunday’s E-dition, Our Vanilla Hills Vigilante said he heard a rumor that the Police Chief got fired by the Mayor, and it only took until Tuesday’s digital edition of The Fishwrap for The Blower’s little NoKY News Scoop to be confirmed. [READ MORE HERE]
Speaking of Vanilla Hills, Ronald “One Ball” Corman pleaded guilty Monday, two days before he was scheduled to stand trial, because he didn’t want prosecutors to tell the jury he had a testicle and part of his penis shot off during a gun-battle with police.
Our Catholic Comedian says this Lent, I’m giving up making up jokes about what I’m giving up for Lent.
And our Good Friend Bobby Leach wonders if it’s only a coincidence that BB&BJ Day on March 20 comes during Women’s History Month.
- AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane to why so many of his Faux Facebook Friends have been sending in videos every day for the Whistleblower’s Video of the Day at the bottom of every e-dition. “People who waste all that time on Facebook will do anything to see their names in print,” Kane explained, “and sending in videos The Blower could use seems to be as good a way as any.”
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially “Facebook Fanatics”
e-mail your nastiest nominations today.
Some backstabbing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally backstabbing subscribers, but we could always use more.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
(Sent in by Women’s History Month Faux Facebook Friend Marsie Hall Newbold [9,782,347 Friends, 72 Mutual], whose life has really gone to the dogs)
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.