One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
And Look Who’s Getting His Ash Kicked
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Obama continues to embarrass America on the world stage these days, as world leaders recognize our Community Organizer in Chief for the Clueless Leader he is during the current crisis in the Ukraine.
Revered Former Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen spent two weeks as an election monitor in the Ukraine over Christmas 2004 supporting the Orange Revolution. He spent Election Day in beautiful downtown Donetsk, hometown of ousted Ukraine President Yanukovych in the Russian part of the border with Ukraine.
On the Current Crisis, McEwen explains: The world, like all organizations, becomes chaotic whenever there is a lack of leadership. When the teacher leaves the room, chaos will slowly ensue. When the police abandon an area, lawlessness follows. When the British Empire abandoned its role as the world leader in the 1930s, Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia were devoured. When the world realized that Jimma Carter was in over his head, Nicaragua, the Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Angola and others were overrun. The Soviets were about to have a puppet in El Salvador were it not for Ronald Reagan ordering the removal of Carter’s ambassador in the first hour of his Presidency. And then there was that little coincidence of Iran returning all of our embassy employees they had been hold for 444 days the moment Reagan was sworn in and Carter was gone.
Sarah Palin warned that our response to Russia invading Georgia was so tepid and that Obama’s comments were so tepid that it would encourage Russia in the future to, perhaps, invade Ukraine. They’ve always wanted complete control of the Black Sea, that’s where their navy is. Ukraine is a sovereign nation that both the United States and Russia guaranteed in writing would remain so. And now look what’s happened!
Maybe that’s why Conservative Commentator Mark Levin distilled everything The Blower’s been saying about Obama’s first five years in office by finally concluding that everything Obama touches turns to crap. And just think, thanks to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, America will be blessed with more of Obama’s foreign policy fiascos for the next 1,052 days (unless he’s impeached).
Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says American Investors must really like it when our Pussy President embarrasses himself in the field of foreign policy. The Dow bounced back big $227.85 on Tuesday. Go, Putin!
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE says Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) wrote in 1811: “Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle merite.” (“Every nation has the government it deserves.”) This is a democratic republic. If you find your country is being run by idiots, remember who put them there in the first place.
- IN OHIO: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says John Boehner told The Fishwrap, getting re-elected speaker “won’t even be close.” That doesn’t say much about those TEA Party guys running against him in the May 6 GOP Primary in only 62 more days.
Manders also reports the real Republican race right now is between Christa Criddle (incumbent) and her Kasich-backed challenger Chrystal Faulkner for the Ohio Seventh Senate District Seat on the GOP State Central Committee. Faulkner has given big bucks to to Squealback, Pepper, Berding and others. She even supported Mallory over Wenstrup. Yeah, how about those credentials? But the Kasich-Taylor and the Ohio RINO Party want Faulkner because Criddle cannot be trusted to rubber stamp whatever Kasich-Taylor wants.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: Republicans for Higher Taxes applaud the Ohio Republican Party’s refusal to endorse three conservative State Representatives for re-election. In this state, the Republican Party is more welcoming of a convicted criminal with numerous tax liens than a law-abiding conservative who represents his or her district. [READ MORE HERE]
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says nothing was probably more important to America than when the Hula Hoop was patented on this date in 1963, and that goes double for the inventor’s heirs.
- RACIAL HEALING MOMENT: Only 16% think blacks are better off under Obama.
FOOL’S ERRAND UPDATE: On Tuesday, Politico reported that after the Republican National Committee narrowed its list of 2016 convention host cities down to eight last week, five of the cities in the running went to D.C. Monday to present their bids to the site selection committee. (The other three cities, Las Vegas, Dallas and Cincinnati, couldn’t make it. Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP claimed the bus got stuck in a snow bank somewhere on the way to Washington, but sources at RINO Central say Alex T. was busy working on his press release to announce the name of the featured speaker at this year’s Lincoln-Reagan-Rand Paul Day Dinner, whenever the hell that is. Almost as foolish, Ohio Republicans want you to sign a birthday card for Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor on Friday, but they won’t tell you how many candles are on her cake.
- DIRTY NEEDLE UPDATE: Charlie Hassle says the Hamilton County Health Commissioner’s meeting with Deer Park was moved back until March 24. What was of such concern that Tim “The Syringe” Ingram bailed on the meeting, twice now? Could it be that he really doesn’t want to explain to contracted communities how the Health Department plans to sign off on allowing the Needle Dispensing Van to numerous Hamilton County neighborhoods?
- MORE SOREHEADS IN THE SUBURBS: Patriotic Paul wonders if that American flag is still in tatters on the West Entrance of the west side entrance of A. J. Bechtold, Jr., Park in Sycamoron Township. How disgraceful would that be!
ANDERSON REPUBLICANS: Tonight is that really big Candidates Night at the Anderson GOP, but Peter $tautberg won’t be available to his constituents. Instead, the best State Rep-Tile Money Can Buy will be attending another campaign fundraiser arranged by his Larcenous Lobbyist Puppet Master Chippy Gerhardt then. “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman looks forward to debating an empty chair tonight, just like what happened in 2012 when “Mean Jean” Schmidt failed to show up, although Fred Kundrata, now running in the May 6 DemocRAT Congressional Primary in Ohio’s First Congressional District, was there.
Our Anderson Trustees With A Heart now plan to replenish salt for the roadways by giving a much needed part-time job to former Trustee Kevin P. O’Brien, and pay him to go door-to-door collecting donations of those little packages of salt from McDonald’s take-out orders.
In a related item, The Blower is publishing this public service announcement to give fair warning to all attorneys who are considering doing legal work for Kevin “Big Spanky” O’Brien. Make sure you have Spanky pay you up-front and in cash. Word is, some attorneys who have performed work for the Mad Masturbator have not been getting paid on time.
And Tuesday was the second day the Lyons YMCA in Anderson failed to keep its promise to re-open the indoor swimming pool, and a Garrulous Geezer we’ll call Bob wonders if they’ll be offering a pro-rated discount for this month’s dues.
DEADBEAT DEMOCRATS: Monday was supposed to be the deadline for deadbeat desperado Liz Rogers and her hubby Trent to pay their massive back rent of $52,844 on their restaurant Mahogany or get evicted. Rogers has already written three bad checks to her landlord NIC Riverbank. What a surprise! Rogers is also $22,000 in arrears to Ohio for sales tax payments and workers compensation. She is delinquent with Cincinnati for $17,684, not that mayor John Cranley much cares if she pays or not. As is her practice, Rogers is whining and giving excuses as to why she hasn’t made these payments, unfairness, cold winter, bad hair days, etc. Many City Hall Blower readers are betting the broke city of Cincinnati will pay that back rent for Rogers.
Now, Liz Rogers says her business manager embezzled $80,000 from her! Geeze, how many excuses can she come up with besides the weather? If this was such a great place you would think all the black businessmen would have been throwing money her direction to be a partner! She could have the Mayor Mallory Fried Baloney sandwich, the Lincoln Be Ware Wishbone dinner and the Clyde Grey Cooked Goose. Jeff Ruby named his dishes after his partners and look how he made it thru the winter…. still impossible to get a reservation on a Saturday night.
As predicted by Tino Delgato, Mahogany’s is surely going to fail. Her so-called business manager supposedly embezzled $80,000, but that person’s name was not mentioned by The Fishwrap. Why do we suspect some relative is this “business manager?” Why does she need one? Where is Mark Mallory?
This was Tino’s original post when the city set up the $1 million loan: “Mark the time on this decision; 18 months from now there will be a different restaurant at this location. I hope the owner is not counting on the people traffic from the soon to be closed Freedom museum. Do the math on the OVERHEAD for this restaurant to make a profit with this “loan” payment added to their normal costs. Unless this is to be paid off at ZERO percent interest over 100 years I see failure. I would rather see this money go towards Police and Fire protection. Is this the best minority owner they could find, how sad. IF I am any of the other Banks owners down there I would like my free money too. When you vote in candidates to public office who have NEVER run a business let alone been successful in business you get these kinds of decisions. Council should be comprised of business owners who are paid $1 per year for their council job and work for a living.
Tino also says, Disgraced Dainty DemocRAT Former Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory’s Clowncils left Cincinnati a Legacy of financial losers:
- FreedomMuseum $110 million
- Folly Trolley $133 Million
- Mahogany’s $1-2 million in losses.
- But they did get the choir games. Go Figure!!!
CRIME STOPPER: Whistleblower Michigan Bureau Wolverine Tadwell says Chief Detroit’s Police Chief is not backing down from his comments that an armed citizenry in his city is the best way to deter crime. How come Cincinnati’s Former Fourteen-Star Police Chief Impersonator never said anything like that when he was here?
- DOOFUS DEMOCRATS: Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose just were excited to enter an e-mail contest to pick the winning design for a car magnet to show you’re not a Republican, and they could even pre-order the winning magnet design right now by chipping in $10 or more to support DemocRATS.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders’ delicious e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now. Last week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court was apparently on a snow delay because it was delivered THIS week. Nevertheless, it’s still full of the ugly mugs the Robster’s readers know and love. And unlike the usually white-bread mugs, this week there seems to be an extra helping of ethnicity. Check it out.
TWENTY-THREE YEARS AGO TODAY, when Edition #40 (published on March 5, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town, readers first learned about speed traps in Elmwood Place. What a coincidence that is.
Meanwhile in “Bluegrass Holler,” Ken CamBoo reported then Covington Mayor Denny Bowman’s request for a fully-time city car, even though he only had a part-time city job.
AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane to explain the Debt Ceiling. “I love it when a complicated situation can be explained in such simple terms,” Kane said. “DemocRATS don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING. Republicans don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING. Liberatarians don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING. Not even the TEA Party understands THE DEBT CEILING, so please allow me to explain.
“Let’s say you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood. Your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings. What do you think you should do, raise the ceiling or pump out all the shit? Your choice is coming in November. Don’t miss the opportunity.”
- FINALLY, FROM WHISTLEBLOWER RELIGIOUS REPORTER GANTRY TADWELL, we have a video showing you Churches offer Ash Wednesday drive-thrus.
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially “Easter Sunday Episcopalians”
e-mail us your dust-to-dust comments today.
Some sacrilegious items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally sacrilegious subscribers.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
“The Government Can”
(Sent in by Faux Facebook Friend James Duffy Beischel [361 Friends, 37 Mutual Friends], whose favorite quotation is, “Never argue with an idiot. They’ll bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”)
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.