Special “Civility Shutdown” E-dition

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Obama’s Assault on Veterans Continues

  • The closed World War II MemorialDYSFUNCTION IN DC:  Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says today will be Day 5 of Obama’s ObamaCare Clusterfuck and Partial Government Shutdown, and our Nation’s Capital is almost totally dysfunctional, but elsewhere, other than those whining Obama Supporters that the Blamestream Media has been dredging up to complaint about what might happen to them next month, the rest of the country seems just fine. DemocRAT Senate Leader Harry Reid was even forced to apologize for all those nasty things he said about filibustering TEA Part Republican Senator Ted Cruz. A couple of days ago, the Deranged DemocRAT Senate Majority was forced to explain what he meant when he said “We wouldn’t want to help one kid with cancer.”

Maybe Dingy Harry is just following Obama’s lead, after our Blamer-in-Chief claimed TEA Party Extremists closed the Statue of Liberty. While Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen said, “More Americans blame Obama than the TEA Party for the Government Shutdown.”

Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden actually told a Park Ranger “I’m Proud of You” for blocking access to the WWII Memorial after the National Park Service was using barbed wire to reinforce those “Barrycades” so Veterans couldn’t get in to visit the WWII Memorial, and trying to shutdown Mount Vernon, even thought George Washington’s birthplace is privately funded. An angry Park Ranger said, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.” Out West, Republican Governor of Arizona offered to keep the Grand Canyon for visitors at Arizona’s expense, but said “Why would I want to do that?”

Nutty Nancy Pelosi told Republicans “Take Back Your Party” from Evil Conservatives. Delirious DemocRAT Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee claimed the Government Shutdown drove that “Poor” Black dental hygienist from Connecticut with a history of mental issues who was shot by Capitol Police after ramming through a “BarryCade” while Nattering Nabobs of Negativism in the Liberal Media blamed that shooting on the TEA Party and the NRA, and hoped that Republican leaders were shot while the White House defended Obama’s violent “Gun To the Head” rhetoric.

Obama’s White House Press Dweeb Jay Cardboard couldn’t stop whining after Obama had to cancel his trip to Asia because of those Hateful Republicans. Conservative Commentator Allen West says, “Sorry Mr. President you have to stay here with us sappy Americans.” Obama spent the entire Day Three of his Shutdown sitting for his Presidential Portrait.

  • CALLING FOR CALM: On Thursday, Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup spoke on the House floor, questioning the heated rhetoric used in recent days and calling for all sides to “come to the table” and find a solution that is fair for all Americans and applies the law equally.

“We have heard much debate over the last week; arguments and accusations being made from both sides. I have heard references to being “terrorists”, to “jihad” and to having “bombs strapped to our chests.” I spent one year, 2005-2006, perhaps the bloodiest time of the war as an Army Combat Surgeon in Iraq. In this chamber, I have seen no “terrorists,” no “jihad,” nor any “bombs strapped to chests.” If you had been to war, you would not use such rhetoric here.”

A full transcript of the speech can be found here.

UntitledInstantly afterwards, Nico Probst, Director of Special Projects for Obama’s Cyber Goon Squad from Obama’s Organizing for Obama attacked Wenstrup, urging his constituents to send a Tweet to Bronze Star right now and say you’re calling out the people responsible for the shutdown and will not put up with anyone who’s trying to sabotage the economy.

  • THOUGHT FOR TODAY: We are always hearing about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about Welfare running out of money?
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1947 the first presidential address was televised from the White House, and unlike Obama’s Daily Diatribes, Harry Truman didn’t Republicans “Terrorists” or “Baby Killers” once.
  • image008MEANWHILE IN COLUMBUS, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Former President George W. Bush was on hand in Dublin when The Ohio State Band kicked off opening ceremonies for the Presidents Cup at Muirfield Village. “Boy, do we miss you,” a fan called out after the crowd chanted “43, 43” when Bush was introduced.
  • WHISTLEBLOWER SENIOR SPOILED SPORTS EDITOR ANDY FURBALL says one person who won’t be missed will be Finally Fired Former Reds Manager Dusty Baker, who won’t be back again to disappoint Reds Fans in 2014. Ken Broo called the play-by-play: “He’s outta here, Dusty’s waaaay outta here.” Rush Limbaugh scooped The Fishwrap too when he reported Dusty blamed his firing on “Racism,” since the under-achieving Reds Manager was getting all that hate mail comparing him to Obama.”
  • image010DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Republicans for Higher Taxes comment on the discovery that a prominent Roxanne Qualls supporter engaged in vote fraud by voting for her in September’s primary, even though he apparently hasn’t lived in Cincinnati for several years.  Randy Simes has lived, worked, and voted in Chicago as of late, and lived in Atlanta and Korea as well over the past few years, but not in Cincinnati. Republicans for Higher Taxes applauds Randy’s enthusiasm and says that they would recruit votes from the dead to elect Foxy Roxy if that’s what it takes.
  • RINO REPORT: One would think that former Cincinnati TEA Party President George Brunemann (who was voted out of that position unanimously) would have learned his lesson and stop shilling for Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T. Mall Cop GOP and the ridiculously poor candidates he recruits. Unfortunately he hasn’t.
  • image012HORNY IN HEBRON says if we’re lucky Tom Brady’s wife will be in the stands during Sunday’s Patriots-Bungals game. Watching her on the scoreboard would  be way better than the game.
  • ALSO IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Kentucky Republican Senators Bitch McConnell and Rand Paul tag-teamed the daylights out of Steve BeShear after reading the Doofus DemocRAT Governor’s “Ode to ObamaCare” in the New York Times, saying, “We agree with Governor Beshear that Kentucky needs health reform. But we strongly disagree that ObamaCare is the answer. As so often happens when our friends on the left set out to fix a problem, their ideas, however well-intentioned, end up hurting the very people they sought to help. That’s just what we’re seeing with ObamaCare.” 
  • image015OCTOBER IS BREAST AWARENESS MONTH and the Mercy Mobile Mammography Unit will be at the Anderson Farmers’ Market this morning.  No appointments are necessary.
  • FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why the Anderson High School’s Class of ‘56 Survivors Dinner was held at Red Lobster on Thursday night instead of the Outback Steak House. “The dinner had to be changed,” Kane explained, “because our hostess said the only classmates who could enjoy the sirloin steak at Outback were the ones, unlike her, who still had with their own teeth.”
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Kurt Vonnegut’s “True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.”

image020REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.

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image022 Some government shutdown favoring items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally government shutdown favoring subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.


Obamabots Don’t Know What Party Obama Is Affiliated With…


image020Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today. 

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