Special “Same Time Last Year” E-dition

Friday, October 4, 2013

What a Difference a Year Makes

  • image007Think of how much things have changed since last year during the first week in October when today’s edition featured the Top Ten ways you knew even Liberal pundits were forced to admit Obama lost Wednesday night’s over-hyped Joint Presidential Candidate Press Conference with a Biased Liberal Moderator Wearing an Obama Button in Denver.

10. PMSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ post debate meltdown
9. James Carville says “Mitt Romney came with a chainsaw”
8. CNN Post Debate Flash Poll said Romney won the debate 67%-25%
7. Michael Moore tweeted “This is what happens when you pick John Kerry as your debate coach”
6. Obama $1 Million Donor Bill Maher said “Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.
5. Al Gore is blaming the altitude in Denver because Obama hadn’t been that high since college
4. Obama and Michelle looked shell shocked after the debate
3. The DNC Post-Debate Ad said “Romney was a Big Meanie”
2. The last time a white man beat a black man like that, it started our Civil War
…And the Number One way you knew even Liberal pundits were forced to admit Obama lost Wednesday night’s over-hyped Joint Presidential Candidate Press Conference with a Biased Liberal Moderator Wearing an Obama Button in Denver is… During the Post-Debate Spin Session, the Obama Surrogate referred To “PRESIDENT Romney.”

  • image009EXPLAINING ROMNEY’S WIN: George Patton said it best: “Romney, you magnificent bastard! I knew you could do it!” Chris Christie had predicted “The debate would turn this race upside down!” And in “Has the RINO saved the Republic,” Nathan Bedford wrote: “An empty suit is like a soufflé, when the air goes out the whole thing collapses. Obama is the classic empty suit who has been propelled since infancy through the best schools (from the most exclusive prep school in Hawaii to Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard Law), bestowed with great honors (president of the Law Review, Nobel Peace Prize) and into posts (instructor at University of Chicago Law School, Illinois State Senator, United States Senator, President of the United States of America) for which he was qualified only by virtue of his race and his radical ideology. The whole contrivance imploded last night as the air went out of Obama’s campaign in one great rancid and embarrassingly public fart.”

Media outlets and personalities across the political spectrum agreed that Mitt Romney won the first presidential debate of the general election. “That wasn’t a debate so much as Mitt Romney just took Obama for a cross country drive strapped to the roof of his car,” the Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway tweeted.


5. We won’t know for two or three days whether Mitt Romney actually won.
4. Romney lied with a straight face for ninety minutes.
3. The free-flowing format was bad and let Romney dominate.
2 The moderator, Jim Lehrer, let Romney win.
1. Obama didn’t show up tonight.

  • LOCAL REPUBLICANS COULDN’T STOP CONGRATULATING THEMSELVES FOR ROMNEY’S BIG WIN: At 10:40 PM, Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP said “Mitt Romney’s performance in tonight’s debate reaffirmed that he is the right man to lead America.” At 10:42 PM, Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett said, “Mitt Romney hit a home run tonight by painting a clear picture of what voters can expect from his policies.”At the At 10:43 PM, Ohio Liberty Coalition President Tom Zawistowski released a statement applauding Romney for “educating” Obama on how the US Economy works. At 10:44 PM, Anderson Republican Club Party Boss Josh Gerth said, “As I type this, I’m watching Mitt DESTROY Obama in the debate tonight. He is spot on with clear vision and answers about our country and I’m encouraged now more than ever. And at 1:28 AM Kasich/Taylor said, “Romney was presidential, he was compassionate and he stood in stark contrast to the President, who didn’t really try to defend his record and instead only lobbed criticism.” Then the Kasich/Taylor campaign asked for a donation. Friday morning, the Anderson TEA Party said, “Are you ready? OK, Let’s roll!”
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on tomorrow’s date in 1947 the first presidential address was televised from the White House, and unlike Obama’s Debacle in Denver, Harry Truman’s speech was a big plus for the president.
  • AND OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose John F. Kennedy’s: “Victory has 1,000 fathers. Defeat is an orphan.”
  • image013NORTHERN KENTUCKY DEBATE REACTION: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo reports the KY Compost said more than 100 Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporting Students and Faculty at Northern Kentucky University gathered to watch the first presidential debate of 2012 in a unique and high-tech way. They crowded into every available seat and even sat on stairways inside the Digitorium at Griffin Hall to watch the debate on a giant TV screen and use their smartphones and computers to tweet comments and answer questions about the debate. What was their most impressive conclusion? A majority of the crowd liked the red tie Mitt Romney was wearing, over the blue tie Obama wore during the debate.
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if Romney was the “Clear Winner” of Wednesday night’s Presidential Debate in Denver. “Only to somebody who watched it,” Kane explained. It kind of reminds you of these days where you’re watching the ObamaCare Rollout during Obama’s Partial Government Shutdown Debacle in Washington this week.

Stories We Were Working On Last Year

  • image015Only “31” more days until Election Day
  • Weekly Jobs Claims rose again
  • ABC’s George Stephanopoulos said “I didn’t see any knockout punches.”
  • More DemocRAT lies and distortions
  • What happened to the lie detector tests at the debate?
  • Paul Ryan asked if he could borrow Portman for his October 11 debate prep
  • Loony Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson at UC today

Whistleblower Web Poll

image019Last Year This Week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said Rob Portman was so effective playing the part of Obama during Mitt Romney’s Debate Preparations:
(A) Watching tapes of Obama’s previous debates: 2%
(B) Studying Obama’s speeches: 1%
(C) Practicing in front of a mirror: 1%
(D) Hawaiian Magic Tanning Cream: 96%

image020Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!

More Conservative Political Cartoons


At Least Obama’s Golf Course Is Open

image024This week, everybody who thinks Obama and those Disingenuous DemocRATS in the Senate forced a Partial Government Shutdown so Obama Supporters in the Press could blame Republicans as the Liberals’ Official Kickoff to the 2014 Congressional Campaign, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is Whistleblower Rogue IRS Snitch Ferrell Katz who says all those rough Obama Supporters at the Cincinnati IRS Office who broke all those laws targeting Conservatives to help get Obama re-elected in 2012 are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Ferrell wins an “I’m Essential” Button, so he won’t get furloughed; an autographed photograph of TEA Party Republican Senator Ted Cruz, and a free Obamphone with his new free ObamaCare Health Policy. His winning limerick is:

The best part of shutting the government down
And turning DC into a ghost town
Would be to find folks non essential
With no future potential
And not pay them to just hang around.

And from the Anderson Laureate (who now knows why his poetic license is being shut down):
The best part of shutting the government down
Was watching Obama put on his crown
He gave speeches and rants
Like the King with no pants
And turned out to be just an ass clown.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“When Obama chooses what monuments to close”


E-mail your informative insights today.   


Some post-debate gloating items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally post-debate gloating subscribers.


The Smirk: RNC plays up Obama’s body language

     image020Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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