Special “Leis Legacy Languishes” E-dition

Friday, August 23, 2013

There Goes Her Lawyer of the Year Award

  • image006INCREDIBLE INDICTMENTS: Do you think Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil could find room in his jail for his defeated opponent Sean Donovan’s wife (Mary Jill “MJ” Donovan) while the lady lawyer is awaiting trial on all those charges of helping criminals charged with drug and weapons crimes avoid convictions that federal attorney (Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Karl Kadon) got in his indictment that News-Breaking Fishwrapper KimBall Perry couldn’t stop tweeting about? Our Long-time Friend PFC Kadon says he hasn’t had this much fun since he single-handedly toppled Saddam Hussein in Iraq all those years ago. At least that’s what the old PFC told us.

And what must be the most bizarre coincidence ever, MJ’s law practice website appears to be down for maintenance today. [SEE IT HERE]

  • SPEAKING OF “MJ”: in this case Marijuana, Loony Libertarian Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns says he’s not really pandering to black weed smokers by running his “Don’t Ask, Don’t Smell Ad” on Da Buzz: “Are you tired of getting pulled over by the police for no apparent reason and then they use that as an excuse to look for marijuana? I’m Jim Berns candidate for Mayor of Cincinnati and I think smoking a joint should be legal. Did you know Roxanne Qualls and John Cranley voted to increase penalties for having a little weed on you? Driving while black is not against the law.”

No wonder CityBleat followed up on yesterday’s item in The Blower about Berns’ claim to have been thrown under the bus by the local news media. Long ago, The Blower predicted Berns would be running the most outrageous Cincinnati mayoral campaign in history, and so far, we must admit, he is certainly succeeding.


  • image012HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1814, first lady Dolley Madison saved a portrait of George Washington from being looted or burned by British troops during the war of 1812. These days, Barry and Michelle would only save themselves, and perhaps the new puppy Sunny.  It’s the first thing all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters would want to know.
  • IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says according to the Dissociated Press, police say confusion over a phone message about a toy gun fight prompted a false report of a shooting at a Cleveland-area school on the first day of class.

And speaking of “Class,” one of the two students removed from Oberlin College earlier this year for allegedly circulating virulently racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages around campus just happens to be an ardent leftist and committed supporter of President Barrack Hussein Obama, according to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

  • MEANWHILE IN MICHIGAN, Republican Congressman Kerry Bentivolio told constituents at a town hall Monday that it would be a “dream come true” to write a bill to impeach President Barack Obama, but so far he doesn’t have enough evidence. It’s obvious Congressman Benticolio isn’t a Person of Consequence on The Blower’s Subscriber List.
  • MATH PROBLEM THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says only 29% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction. OK, all you FCPS Honor Students, what percentage does not agree?
  • image014IN ANDERSON: Also long ago (three months as we recall), The Blower began published its exclusive coverage of those two endorsed Republican Anderson Trustee Candidates (Josh Gerth and Andrew Pappas). On Wednesday, the Forest Hills Urinal finally got into the game, actually including Josh and Andy on a list of some of the candidates running for some of the local offices. Also included should’ve been the name of “Kevin P. O’Brien,” the disgraced Anderson Trustee they’ve been only been covering up for the last four years. The only problem was, Kevin’s enablers listed his name as “Keith P. O’Brien.” Maybe Kevin has an evil twin too, just like “Mean Jean.”
  • image016IN CLERMONT COUNTY: ObamaCare Critics remember last year about this time when Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Pete Wentzel got that nice little write up by Jon Newberry at the Cincinnati Business Crapper. [READ THAT HERE]  and The Blower said we might even show Pete how to get some real publicity if he’d put a “You Didn’t Build That” sign on his General Data international headquarters in Eastgate.

You should see some of the “Hate Mail” Pete Wenzel received after he put up his “I Built This Business Without Government Help” sign at his General Data international headquarters in Eastgate.

Here’s that anonymous e-mail from “Debbi”: The anti-Obama sign in front of your building is inappropriate, hateful, and completely unprofessional. If a picture of it was distributed on various social media platforms, I’m sure your clients/potential clients would be impressed.

         And here’s Pete’s reply:

Dear Ms. Debbie:

I am very pleased you commented on my signs.  Because unlike you, I actually believe in the Bill of Rights and the freedoms it (at least for now) guarantee us citizens.  You and your ilk obviously think otherwise.  You think you support Free Speech, but in reality you only support it, if the speech agrees with your views!  When it does not, then you label it as “hate speech” and you and your ilk seek to ban it.

There is nothing untrue on my signs.  Several respected journalists on both the Right & Left have chronicled the many lies of President Obama.  His stimulus did not work, the country is deeper in debt, and if you do not think the “economy died”; then why did the Federal Reserve announce QE3 today?  I can most assuredly guarantee you that many unemployed American people have “cried” over Obama’s handling of the economy.

As to your claim my signs are “inappropriate”.  How dare you?  Are you really such an elitist snob that you truly believe you have the right to determine what a fellow American decides to put on a sign on their own private property?  Your kind are so tolerant that you try to smear Governor Romney from everything from being a felon to an income tax cheat, to worse.  How appropriate is it to portray Paul Ryan as pushing granny over a cliff?  Why do you elitist snobs have a double standard?

Your kind are so tolerant and want “diversity” until there is someone or a business who doesn’t agree with your ideas.  Then it becomes your duty to shut them down or ruin their business.  Case in point is Chick Filet and now to me with your veiled threat of how my clients or prospects may react if you distribute pictures of my signs throughout “social media”.  I got news for you, I don’t care if you post it to social media, unsocial media, or your socialist media.  You can stop by and I will even pose in the picture for you!

You see our customers buy from us because we have innovative products, great customer service, and fair prices.  If someone does not want to buy from my company because they don’t like my politics, that is their prerogative as an American.  And if I cared that they don’t, then I wouldn’t have the “brass balls” to put my signs up.

One last suggestion and challenge to you or any one of your socialist, social media friends; if you don’t like my signs:

Borrow Millions of Dollars.

Convince your spouse to risk everything your family owns.

Start and then continuously grow your business by attracting a brilliant team.

Build a building.

…and Have the guts to:


Peter M. Wenzel
General Data Co., Inc. 

  • image032IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says he hasn’t seen any more hate mail from Letter-Writing Liberals complaining about protestors waving disrespectful “Impeach Obama” signs on overpasses in Northern Kentucky last weekend, and Vonda Pickens says none of her Northern Kentucky TEA Party rabble rousers were arrested, like those two guys in St. Louis who got sent to the slammer for creating a potential traffic hazard, and of course, resisting arrest. Which is probably why you didn’t see any news coverage of Vonda’s event.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose:Brendan Behan’s “All publicity is good, except an obituary notice.”
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane the indictments of Sean Donovan’s wife (Mary Jill “MJ” Donovan) on all those charges of helping criminals charged with drug and weapons crimes avoid convictions. “Isn’t that what a lawyer is supposed to do?” Kane asked.

image022REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.

Stories We’re Working On

  •  image018OBAMA WARNS: “At Some Point, The Government Will Run Out Of Money”
  •  If Bush Had a Son, He’d Look Like Chris Lane
  •  Million Muslim March On 9/11 Linked To Islamist Radicals
  •  Al Jazeera: The News Americans Deserve
  •  Obama’s Brother Linked to Muslim Brotherhood
  •  Chabothead Says “Obama Like Nixon” 
  •  Reds Still in Third Place, Two-and-a-Half Games Out, But Only If the Pirates Won Thursday Night

Whistleblower Web Poll

image022This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said Obama used the old “Look, a Puppy” Deflection this week:
(A) Worst economic forecasts ever: 2%
(B) Egypt in flames and Putin won’t take him seriously: 1%
(C) All those phony scandals just won’t go away: 1%
(D) He has to give another big jobs speech and he doesn’t have a clue: 96%

Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!

More Conservative Political Cartoons


More Fool$ in $kool$

This week, everybody who realizes the whole public edumacation scam is just pissing away over-taxed payers’ money down a rat hole, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

image027The winner is frequent Forrest Gump Schools critic Rod Sparer, who says “a salary increase in the current economic environment would really be outrageous.”

Rod wins a left-over backpack (made by the church ladies for all those impoverished students in the Forrest Gump School District), a peanut-free lunch in any Forrest Gump School cafeteria, and all those School Board Members’ cell phone numbers so Rod can call them at three in the morning with all of his good suggestions. His winning limerick is:

When the kids finally go back to school
They’ll want to be dressed in clothes that are cool
It will cost Dad a ton
But then Dad will have fun
When the kids are gone and Mom finally touches his tool.

From Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis
When kids finally go back to school
Will they learn that homosexuality is cool?
This abomination is still a perversion
To which there is a natural aversion,
Despite the hypocrisy of many a PC fool.

From Our Conservative Curmudgeon
When kids finally go back to school,
The teachers won’t teach “Golden Rule.”
The ACLU says “NO GOD,”
The courts say “Spare the rod,”
And the yoofs are told Obama is “cool.”

From Allie Ackbar at the Whistleblower Arab Bureau
When kids finally go back to school
Will they be learning all about Abdul?
After all, we must understand those who hate us
And pretend they don’t want to exterminate us,
As they rule the USA from Istanbul.

From Fast Eddie Felson
When kids finally go back to school
Some yoofs will still be shootin’ pool;
‘Cause they is misunderstood,
Being raised in de hood,
To make them learn would just be too cruel.

From Rick “The Bat Boy” Robinson
When kids finally go back to school
Time to fill the hot tub and drain the pool.
If the heat doesn’t halt,
That’ll be George Bush’s fault
We certainly can’t blame our Chief Executive fool.

And from the Anderson Laureate (who says, “I never got caught playing hooky when I went to school.”)

When kids finally go back to school
Once again sanity can rule.
Your home is your own
No text, twitters, or cell phone
How nice to be old, and “not cool.”

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“Here’s what we’ll celebrate this labor day.”



e-mail your not poorly written comments today.


Some cowardly and scurrilous items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally cowardly and scurrilous subscribers.

Whistleblower Link of the Day


     image030Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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