Special “Same Time Last Year” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

What a Difference a Year Made

  •  Think of how much things have changed since last year during the first week in August when our Truth Squad had been working overtime and Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus said everybody was watching to see if Obama’s re-election campaign was still running that lying CancerGate TV ad accusing Romney of letting a woman die of cancer. Let’s see—they called Romney a “Felon.” They called Romney a “tax cheat.” They claimed he hated women, and dogs. And then he was a “Murderer.”

But Obama’s Sleazy Slander had merely begun, because we had another “86” days until Election Day to suffer even more lies from the Obama White House and Re-election Campaign and only the daily dishonesty of our Obama Supporters in the Press would allow it to continue. After all, why would anyone expect Obama’s campaign to be run any differently from the rest of his life?

Let’s face it, these Liberal Liars have no shame. Pat Buchanan said, “Obama has steadily diminished both himself and the office he holds,” and Michelle Malkin said the “Real Murderers” are the “Job Killers in the White House.”  American Crossroads: called it a “Cancer within the cloak of the presidency.”

Furthermore, according to Bellwether Blogger Bill Sloat, The Onion was reporting a new Obama Campaign ad alleges Romney Murdered JonBenét Ramsey.” [READ MORE HERE]

Your mission, Mr. Phelps, should you wish to accept it, is to find anything this campaign says that’s true.  

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN said on this date in 1974 Republican President Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace, but since Obama had no shame and Congress had no balls, the best people could do in 2012 was to wait another “86” more days and vote Obama out of office. Not to worry, said our Obama Supporters in the Press. Their bogus polls showed Obama was going to be reelected by a landslide. No kidding.
  • image008ANOTHER FOREIGN POLICY REBUFF: Yesterday, Obama made news cancelling a meeting next month with Vladimir Putin because the Russian President gave Obama the finger when Obama begged Russia not to give NSA leaker Edward Snowden temporary asylum. Photo Spoofer Edward Cropper had a picture of that.
  • LATE NIGHT NEWSMAKING: Sucking up to Late Night TV Comedian Jay Leno Tuesday night, Obama made his first public statement on a frightening Obama Administration worldwide warning of an imminent terror attack, when he responded to Leno’s question about the safety of Americans traveling abroad, saying, “The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.” Where was Obama’s teleprompter when he really needed it?

Obama also tried to assure the skeptics among us “There is no spying on Americans.” Apparently, the president was trying his hand at being a comedian, since he’s not doing so well at his day job.

  • IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says according to an editorial in the Dispatch, Ohio lost more than 400,000 jobs under former Gov. Ted Strickland’s bloated and outmoded development department. Under JobsOhio — Gov. John Kasich’s inventive team of sharp, connected business recruiters — Ohio has regained 162,000 private-sector jobs. Show of hands: Who wants to go back to the old way? That would be the guy Strickland has been recommending all over the state for Kasich’s job. [READ MORE HERE]
  • image009IMPLODING AT THE FISHWRAP: Metro Mole thought you might appreciate this internal memo from that sinking ship: They’ve been training breaking news reporters on live stream, but so far they’ve barely gotten in any, training and still aren’t competent at it.  There was a shooting in Ft. Thomas, Kentucky Tuesday morning where a woman remained in critical condition Tuesday night after her estranged husbanded shot her in the lobby of her office building before turning the gun on himself. The Fishwrap was late to the party and they sent Jen Baker out to do live stream. Maybe she forgot her mic was on, because she said a lot of very inappropriate things.  A sampling:

Several F-bombs and GD-bombs
Asking another TV reporter for advice on how to do opening/closing and for story updates
Not knowing our NKY website address and having to ask for it
Telling a TV reporter she hasn’t been trained on stand-up
Moaning about how she looks fat and her hair looks like “buckwheat”

But here’s the kicker:  A real TV reporter asked how the atmosphere was, referring to layoffs. Jen replied that there’d been rumors, they weren’t unexpected, how the newsroom was very grim, etc… Then she talked to, I’m assuming, Brenna Kelly, who was off camera, about the supposed shuttering of the bureaus.  Jen said sarcastically, “Well, they will still be there physically at least.”  Brenna then said that they’d been “discouraged” from working out of the KY bureau.  Jen then asked if Steve Wilson got the boot for talking to CityBleat, and Brenna repeated that he wasn’t even allowed back to the bureau after talking to HR, etc…All of this went on for at least five minutes LIVE.

A reader even tweeted @cincienquirer saying to cut the mic because she didn’t need to hear cursing and other questionable content. They finally cut the live stream but only after several emails from Cin-BP.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, when they updated the story more than an hour later, they put the same live stream back on the site in all its glory. 

  • image010CONGRESS IN RECESS: Ohio First District GOP Congressman Steve Chabothead is back in the district holding town hall meetings during Congress’ August Recess, and his recent blog provides answers to some of the questions he’s received. [READ THOSE ANSWERS HERE] Now you don’t have to attend any of Steve’s other town meetings, since his answers will likely be the same.  

Meanwhile, in Ohio’s Second Congressional District, “Bronze Star Brand” Wenstrup’s staffers say, “What’s a town hall meeting?”

  • IN ANDERSON: All day Wednesday, everybody (especially the Forest Hill Urinal) was waiting to hear if anybody except our Two Republican Endorsed Trustee Candidates Josh Gerth and Andy Pappas had filed to be on the ballot for this year’s race before the filing deadline passed at 4pm.
  • IN CLERMONT COUNTY: At this week’s meeting, Ted Stevenot says his TEA Party Patriots spoke briefly about GOP Governor Kasich-Taylor’s preposterous “against it before he was for it, then against it again” stand on ObamaCare.  Ted says while the governor is full on to implement Medicaid/ObamaCare expansion in our state, he is simultaneously circulating a petition against the healthcare law. Don’t be fooled! Learn more here.
  • FROM THE GREAT WHITE NORTH:  NoTaxJack better start picking up all of his “No More Taxes” signs after voters renewed that 2-mill, five-year permanent improvement levy. The owner of a $100,000 house still gets to pay $46.09 a year. About 68% of voters must have missed the signs.
  • WHISTLEBLOWER SUMMER INTERNS Rachel, Bradley, Ashley, and Hunter say Mental Health has always been of great concern to Whistleblower readers, like this 22-year-old Top Ten List published in the August 6, 1991 Edition, which listed the reasons some very well-known people in Cincinnati at that time needed to see a psychiatrist. Also someone who needed to see a shrink was Kenton County GOP Party Boss Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters, who was screwing up politics before he began screwing up the legal profession. Former Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief J.R. Hatfield even noted “Crazy Eric’s” curious support of Larry Forgy way back then.


  • image015IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: When the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s King of Comb-Overs, Attorney General Jack Conway, blew into town for a late afternoon, self-promoting press conference, do you think he bothered to tell anyone in the press that he’s not actually prosecuting the case against a Boondoggle County child predator?  Of course not!  Conway, who is openly campaigning for governor, took credit for the work of a female deputy attorney who actually went to court to handle the case.  No, Conway, who has previously admitted he’s not really a prosecutor, blew into Northern Kentucky hours after the case was over to jump in front of TV cameras in an effort to convince voters he’s a law enforcement guy before the 2015 governor’s election.  Even the Feckless Fishwrap almost picked up on Conway’s campaigning when they noted that he ignored Lovely Lady Prosecutor Linda Tally Smith’s personally chosen prosecutor, but of course The Fishwrap failed to ask Conway the follow up question: WHY?!  As in, why deviate from protocol, unless of course, you’re just using a high-profile case of child molesting for your own personal gain?!  Unfortunately it’s the victims of the sexual abuse who will suffer as their case is fumbled by a do-nothing Attorney General who has never stopped campaigning for some other office.
  • BUNGALS 2013: Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says tonight is the Bungals’ first pre-season game of the 2013, and thank God it’s in Atlanta, because it’s too hot and muggy to suffer through another game that doesn’t really count. 
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH, a Conservative Consultant asked Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the success of The Blower’s “Same Time, Last Year” e-ditions each month. “The purpose is to show where we’ve been,” Kane explained, “So we might better see where we’re going.”

 And of course, our Quote for Today Committee chose George Santayana “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

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Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our August fund-raising drive from the Great Inland Seafood Festival, serving crabs for more than a quarter of a century.

Some of Today’s Conservative Political Cartoons



e-mail your curious comparisons today!


Some Obama bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama-bashing subscribers, but we could always use more.

Whistleblower Link of the Day

Matt Bevin Senate Ad: “Slinging Mud Is All Senator McConnell Has Left”

image022Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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