Special “Boston Bombing” E-dition

 One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Exploiting Tragedy for Face Time

  • image004 - CopyMonday afternoon, Obama took to the podium to try to explain the current status of how the White House was dealing with the Boston Bombings, but he couldn’t call that carnage “a terrorist attack or incident,” especially since Obama long ago rejected George W. Bush’s doctrine that placed the “War on Terror” at the center of American foreign policy. (Ft. Hood and now Boston are two terror attacks on U.S. soil under Obama’s watch.)

Obama said: “but make no mistake—we will get to the bottom of this. And we will find out who did this; we’ll find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.”

But after Benghazi, right before the last election, Obama said: “And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.”

Good luck with that, because all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span voters who re-elected him are still waiting for Obama to bring those killers to justice. Just think, today there are only 1,372 more days for Obama to find those killers. 

  • image008 - CopyAt least everybody can now breathe a little easier after hearing that “Mean Jean” Schmidt had survived the Boston Marathon Massacre. Local news outlets were really scrambling to hype the national tragedy, and “Mean Jean” couldn’t have been more accommodating. Feckless Fishwrapper Carl Weiser led off with this teaser.

Do you think she really minded being the buff of all those Boston Marathon jokes at Tuesday morning’s Hamilton County GOP Judicial Fundraiser? TV guy Andy Levy says a good way to tell if your Boston Marathon joke is funny is that nobody who’s actually funny is making Boston Marathon jokes. Like when one of our Clermont County Tea Partiers said “Jean Schmidt said the explosion sounded exactly like a house falling on her sister.”

meanJeanHouse01And critics reading “Mean Jean’s” friend Terresa Herron’s story in The Fishwrap might’ve even thought Her Meanness had insinuated herself into the atrocity for the sake of publicity, a further indication of her wishes to return to politics. Where was our Hawaiian Hatchet Woman Malia Ruin when we really needed her? After all, didn’t Mean Jean claim “I’ve never been so close to death” before? The Blower remembers her saying something like that back when she claimed somebody (probably not “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman) had run her off the road into a ditch (which is why we lovingly call her our “Bitch in a Ditch.”) And how long would she be “milking it” on her good friend WLW Hate Radio Trash Talker Bill Cunningham’s show the next day, telling all the terrorists in radio land about the upcoming Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati on Sunday, May 5.

Hey, Jean, while the Feckless Fishwrappers are sticking their noses up your rear end as they have continually done so since 2005, you could multiply yesterday’s carnage by a million and then you’d have an idea of how deadly that Armenian genocide which you continue to deny really was. Hope you spent that blood money from the Turks wisely, since you’re now UNEMPLOYED.

  • image011 - CopyHURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1961, JFK was waiting for word from Cuba on his Bay of Pigs invasion, just like our Ditherer-in-Chief is waiting for word on who was behind Monday’s “heinous, cowardly attack,” while all those Muslim Terrorists in the Middle East the Obama Administration continues to fund are dancing in the streets after the Bombing in Boston.

The Boston marathon bombing may (or may not) represent the work of al-Qaida, but it still could be a warning of future attacks targeting Americans in our own country.

  • NO WONDER OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose George W. Bush’s “In our efforts to discover and stop attacks, we have to be right every time; the terrorists only have to be right once.” 
  • IN WASHINGTON: Is the U.S. Senate really finally thinking about talking about gun control? You know they must be serious if they plan to give everybody any entire day to read the 1,500 pages of proposed legislation before a single day of hearings on such a monumental matter.
  • IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Tom Zawistowski, Candidate for Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, responded today to false charges by a State Central Committee member that he is working with the DemocRAT Party to smear his opponent Matt Borges.

April 15 was Tax Day. Which means you paid your taxes – and Matt Borges didn’t. Republicans for Higher Taxes say they have no problem with Borges being a convicted criminal, but being a tax cheat is harder for a high-tax organization like them to overlook. However, they say if the rest of the GOP establishment is fine with their Chairman being a convicted criminal who doesn’t pay his taxes, then they’ll be ok with it too.

  • image013 - CopyIN CINCINNATI: There was supposed to be a meeting at Hamilton County Demo-Labor Party Tim Burka’s office on Tuesday to discuss upcoming debates for the Cincinnati Mayoral Race, but Foxy Roxy declined to participate at that meeting. Not only does our Fabulous Babe not want to debate, she won’t even meet to discuss debates. We haven’t had this much fun since her appearance in the “Vagina Monologues” on V Day in 2005.

Troublemaking Tattler Tino Delgato says it appears soon-to-be-former Cincinnati Girly Mayor Mark Mallory may be writing a sitcom for TV. For those who felt that most politicians never held a real job and after politics become lobbyists Mark may be breaking that mold. Prior to politics Mark spent 14+ years working for the Library. There he spent his formative years reading travel log books on places to visit around the world. He then went into politics so he could get the over-taxed payers to pay for his junkets. His sitcom could reflect those exploits. It will be called the “Accidental Tourist”; however, in his case,  the only thing “accidental” was his election. He originally planned to go with “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” but felt he would have to leave out one of the clown-sale members or add another name, “Lazy.” Go Figure!!!

And just as The Blower predicted, Cecil Thomas announced he’s ready to resign so his wife, Pamula, can replace him on City Clown-cil. Cecil denies any Nepotism is involved, since Pamula isn’t his nephew, although from the spelling, we can’t really tell what Pamula is for sure.  

Meanwhile over at the Hamilton County Board of Elections the first 1,000 signatures have been verified, and more than 600 were actually from residents of Cincinnati. What does that say about the other 400 Obama voters?

And at UC, a crowd has gathered waiting for a puff of white smoke to indicate that Greedy Hearse-Chasing, Disgraced-DemocRAT Clinton-loving, Fen-Phen Scandal Plagued, Disbarred in Kentucky Trial Attorney $tan Che$ley has finally resigned from the Board of Trustees. $tan says, “I hope they brought they pup tents, because rain is predicted during the next six months.” 

  • image015 - Copy22 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town) Edition #46, which came out on April 16, 1991 featured a story about weekend warriors in the Tri-State.
  • IN THE SUBURBS: Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil spoke to the Northwest Tea Party last night and got a great reception. Neil said he wants Hamilton County to issue more Concealed Carry permits than any county in Ohio. He described it as “unacceptable” that there’s a two month backlog to schedule a Concealed Carry appointment and he aims to reduce that to where they can take walk-ins.

Neil also discussed a range of other law enforcement issues – cutting upper Administrators, shared police services, ending catch-and-release, no tax increases, living within the budget, and working cooperatively with other law enforcement agencies. People appreciated that Hamilton County finally has a Sheriff who supports the 1st and 2nd Amendment, and spends his time doing his job rather than building a political empire, and a military larger than Cosa Rica’s. 

  • FROM THE GREAT WHITE NORTH: Did Springboro, Ohio School Board Members really cross the line when they explained the status of union contract negotiations to the public and offered details about the competing proposals? Those offers now are posted on the district website. From the homepage, visitors can click to access the text of the district proposal as well as the full text of the (Springboro Education Association) proposal … The district has no position on the proposals at this time as the fiscal and operational impacts are being evaluated.
  • image018 - CopyIN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chef Ken CamBoo says one of the two Dishonest DemocRATS involved in the illegal recording of a strategy meeting at U.S. Sen. Bitch McConnell campaign headquarters asking people to donate to help pay legal fees. Curtis Morrison, former member of the Democratic Super PAC Progress Kentucky, has started a legal defense fund setting a goal of $10,000 to pay legal fees, living expenses, food, cable TV, and a new apartment until he can find somebody to hire him. [SEE HOW MUCH HE’S RAISED SO FAR FROM 41 PEOPLE ON HIS FIRST DAY INCLUDING JOE BIDEN WHO GAVE $5]

Meanwhile in Campbell County, Kevin “Give “Em Hell” Sell is National Chairman of the Free Enterprise Alliance. Wait till to see the video he sent us for our Link of the Day at the bottom of today’s e-dition.

Speaking of videos, yesterday we showed you a military readiness center that has apparently just popped up off Conrad Lane in Burlington, Kentucky. The footage shows some military equipment stored there and the guy states that people in Gallatin County are reporting drone flights. There is obviously something there and The Blower thinks some serious questions are in order.

  • FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH where a politician was trying to get some unsubstantiated rumors he could spread about his opponent in The Blower, Charles Foster Kane was asked if the Cincinnati Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is really looking for its members Best Work from 2010. “It must be true,” Our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained. “At least that’s what the e-mail says from Tom McKee, Greater Cincinnati SPJ President, at Channel 9 “Substantially True” News.


e-mail your extension requests tonight.

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Some anti-tax items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally anti-tax subscribers.


You May Already Be A Loser

image023 - CopyNote: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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