Special “Foreign Policy Failures” E-dition

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fundraising While Our Embassies Burn

  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says in case you were looking at the front page of Friday’s Fishwrap, you probably didn’t notice how Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures are setting the world on fire, because while our “Nerobama” has been busy campaigning and fundraising, our US Embassies in the Middle East are burning. Maybe Obama should’ve stayed in D.C. to deal with his Foreign Policy Crisis Failures and send Bill Clinton to Las Vegas instead.
  • Also, America was warned of an imminent embassy attack in Libya, but did nothing and Murdering Muslims killed U.S. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American members of his staff. Hillary’s State Dept had credible information 48 hours before it happened. Sensitive documents are now missing. Names of 400+ Libyans who are working with Americans have now been exposed. 
  • Egyptian intelligence was warned on September 4 of possible attacks and passed that information on to US authorities. Reuters reports protesters scaling walls of the US Embassy compound in Tunis, breaking windows and setting fires. A black Al-Qaeda flag now flies over that embassy. Meanwhile, the Dissociated Press reports a Marine team being sent to help secure US Embassy in Yemen. We hope they’re allowed to take their bullets with them.
  • But maybe The Blower was wrong. Perhaps the most important news of the day was not the attacks on our embassies in Egypt and Libya, or the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Neither was it Obama’s wussie response or that of Hillary’s dysfunctional State Department. The nation needed another liberal media generated political controversy to change our focus to Mitt Romney’s politicizing the attacks by daring to appear presidential and questioning the current administration and its reaction and response to the attacks.
  • Wednesday evening, ABC, CBS, and NBC newscasts devoted 9 minutes and 28 seconds Mitt Romney’s statement criticizing the administration’s handling of the Libyan crisis, but spent just 25 seconds on questions regarding Obama’s Middle-East policy, a greater than 20-to-1 disparity. No wonder Newsbuster’s Tim Graham called the Washington Press Corps a “Pathetic Pack of Politicizers.” And the CBS News President denied there was liberal bias in the Mainstream Media, claiming they are a “Beacon of Unbiased Journalism.” What a load of crap!
  • Conservative Comedian Dennis Miller says, “Let me get this straight. There’s a War on Women but no War on Terror? Hey Guys, little less focus on the labia little more on Libya,” and News Spoofer Edward Cropper provides a suitable illustration.
  • John McCain says, “Obama is pursuing a ‘Feckless Foreign Policy.’ ” Anybody who uses the word “Feckless” can’t be all bad. Former CIA Director Michael Hayden says “Obama broke our Libya Policy, and now he owns it.” Conservative Columnist Charles Krauthammer says, “We’re seeing the collapse of the Obama policy on the Muslim world.” Mitt Romney says, “The world needs American Leadership.” As a matter of fact, so does America.
  • In 1980, Jimmy Carter attacked Reagan’s Foreign Policy as “Shoot First, Ask Questions Later.” In 2012, Obama attacked Romney’s Foreign Policy as “Shoot First, Ask Questions Later” Coincidence? We think not!
  • Meanwhile, Michelle Obama says Obesity is “Absolutely” the greatest threat to National Security and VP Buffoon Joe Biden says, “I’m supposedly an expert on foreign policy.”
  • Conservative Columnist Michelle Malkin nailed Obama for his lack of foresight to protect our men and women abroad on a day when you’d think they’d be the most prepared: “These optics suck, White House! I mean we have 4 Americans who are dead who were butchered and slaughtered because this administration did not have the foresight to fortify these embassies on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. And there he is with all of his fan boys and fan girls in Vegas raising money while they scream ‘I love you!’ in the middle of an international crisis.”
  • Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says most Americans believe the Libyan government may have had something to do with the murder this week of the U.S. ambassador there and are not confident that the Libyans will punish his killers. Just 29% are even “somewhat confident” Libya will punish the Ambassador’s killers.
  • And WTF happened after Obama said we “Don’t consider Egypt an ally?” Obama Supporters in the Press were still obsessing over their manufactured gaffe for Romney and could hardly bring themselves to report Obama’s stunning admission that he has lost Egypt as an American ally. Egypt has been our ally for the past forty years. American Over-Taxed Payers have borrowed more than $70 Billion to lavish on our Egyptian friends during that time. So if Egyptians are no longer our allies, why didn’t the House strip their foreign aid money from its humongous, six-month continuing resolution that will keep the government running on borrowed money until late March?
  • Nancy Pelosi said she still supported sending the Muslim Brotherhood-Run Egypt $1.5 Billion in U.S. Annual Aid after Obama said, “I Stand Up For Foreign Aid” because the Bible says so. Apparently Obama’s Bible tells him to borrow more money from China to piss away on countries that hate our guts, kill our ambassadors, and burn our embassies.
  • Friday Morning, a mob at the US Embassy in London burned an American Flag. An Al Qaeda threat temporarily shut down the University of Texas. North Dakota State University was evacuated after bomb threat, and there was an “Unspecified” threat at Valparaiso University. Who says Obama’s foreign policy failures are coming home to roost.
  • All over the Middle East, thousands of Marauding Muslims were chanting “We are all Osama.” Maybe Obama’s idea to take total credit for killing bin Laden wasn’t such a great idea after all. Not to worry. Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard said, “This is not a case of protests directed at the United States. All those peace-loving Muslims are rightfully upset over that movie playing nowhere and seen by no one.”
  • Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain visited Hitler at Berchtesgaden. And you thought Obama was clueless.
  • Our Quote for Today Committee wonders if you remember Chamberlain’s “Peace in our Time” Speech? It was in all the papers.
  • Finally, with only be “51” more days until the Presidential Elections for Obama to try to fool all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct uninformed and undecided voters one more time, Political Insiders at today’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda were asking Charles Foster Kane what else Obama could possibly do to piss off all those Murdering Muslims. “If you think they were all mad about that movie,” Kane explained “Just wait till they see Obama’s New Year’s greetings to Israel, after both Obama and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas wished Israelis a happy new year ahead of the Rosh Hashanah holiday, which begins on Sunday evening.

Do you think Obama will be explaining all of his Middle East triumphs when he takes time off from fundraising and shows up to conduct High Holy Day Holiday Services at Murray Seasongood Pavillion in Eden Park on Monday? Plum Street Temple, Wise Center, and Adath Israel were already booked. Do you think all the “schvartzes” will remember to wear their yarmulkes?

REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.


e-mail your foul-ups and flubs today.

Some geopolitical items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally geopolitical subscribers, but we could always use more.

Link of the Day

New ad questions Obama’s relationship with Israel

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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