Special “Flaming Embassies” E-dition

Friday, September 14, 2012

Leading From Obama’s Behind

  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says these days Obama’s so-called foreign policy expertise advantage is going up in smoke faster than another US Embassy in the Middle East. Ever since his convention recessed, instead of strong executive leadership, we are seeing a world and a country in chaos while the president campaigns, just like every day since his “historic” inauguration. Do you think the murder of an American Ambassador will dent Obama’s lead over Romney on security policy?

Obama got His “3 AM Call” and decided to sleep right through it. According to the White House calendar, there is no public record of President Barack Obama attending his daily intelligence briefing–known as the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB)–in the week leading up to the attacks on the US embassy in Cairo and the murder of U.S. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American members of his staff. Besides, who could have anticipated any attacks on Americans by Murdering Muslim Terrorists on September 11? And by the way, Obama wants to make it perfectly clear that his Administration will not tolerate any rush to judgment that the attacks on two or three American Embassies on September 11 were in any way long-planned coordinated terrorists attacks. It probably could’ve been a coincidence.

Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Obama’s “Our country is stronger, safer and more respected in the world” from his weekly address just last Saturday.

  • That attack in Libya was almost as well-coordinated as when Obama Supporters in the Press ganged up on Mitt Romney Wednesday when they tried to turn Obama’s foreign policy bungle into a Romney gaffe for daring to appear presidential and criticizing Obama’s weak response after the “historic” coordinated murder of our Libyan Ambassador on 9/11. Too bad somebody left his microphone open and everybody heard them coordinating their questions. Maybe it was that NPR correspondent who refuses to stand during the National Anthem or say the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Other people than Romney are ridiculing Obama’s “leadership” these days. Commenting on Islamist Regimes in Egypt and Libya, GOP Congressman Jeff Landry says “Obama built that.” Sarah Palin says it’s time for Obama to grow a “Big Stick.” Obama’s striking teachers union in Chicago says, “This is our Arab Spring.”
  • And with the Middle East exploding, at least Obama was able to head off on Air Force One at over-taxed payers’ expense for yet another campaign-fundraising trip, this time in Las Vegas for Nevada’s six electoral votes, which also had to be moved indoors to a smaller venue, because of no chance of rain.

Commenting on the US Embassy Attacks in Egypt and Libya, Obama told his campaign volunteers that he was “really proud” of them after comparing them to the US ambassador and embassy staff murdered in Libya. No kidding!

Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1901, U.S. President William McKinley died after being shot by a deranged anarchist during the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo. Do you think he was campaigning instead of running the country?

  • Hillary whined, “How can this happen in a country we help liberate, in a city (Benghazi) we helped save from destruction?” Disgraced Former Pants Dropper in Chief Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary was an embarrassment as First Lady, she was an embarrassment as a US Senator, and she is an embarrassment as Secretary of State. No wonder some House Republicans are calling for stripping all Foreign Aid to Egypt and Libya after the Embassy Attacks.
  • Meanwhile, not in any way an act of political correctness running amok, Obama’s White Impersonator Fred Armisen was replaced with Black Guy Jay Pharoh on Saturday Night Live.
  • In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says both vice presidential candidates were campaigning in Ohio on Wednesday. Foreign Policy “Expert” Joe Biden vowed he and Obama would “pursue and prosecute the slayers of four U.S. diplomats in Libya.” Now if only Biden had remembered the name of the University at which he was speaking to only a few hundred supporters, those Murdering Muslims would have been more afraid.
  • Later in Clermont County, Paul Ryan said “We need to be reminded that the world needs American leadership.” Do you think the GOP VP candidate was referring to Obama and Biden? Even so, Sharon Coolidge (D., Fishwrap) reported Ryan’s rally as a “Clermont County crowd.” Do you think the thousands cheering for Paul Ryan were a larger group than that bogus “735” attendance figure Sharon reported last Sunday to puff up Biden’s another Mediscare Stump Speech at the MILF-ord High School cafeteria (downsized from the gym) on his sparsely attended post-convention Lies and Distortion Tour?

Citizen Photographer Patrick Reagan contributed these photos to the Cincinnati Tea Party and The Blower filched the photos from them.

  • Inspired by the “Sluts for Obama” button that Laure Quinlivan was spotted wearing at the DemocRAT National Convention, Republicans for Higher Taxes confessed that they too are sluts and applauded Quinlivan for her brave admission. Sluts for Obama are people who feel the government should stay out of people’s sex lives, except when they want the government to pay for their sex lives.
  • Finally, with only be “52” more days until the Presidential Elections for Obama to try to fool all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct uninformed and undecided voters, Political Insiders at today’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda were asking Charles Foster Kane why Obama is so worried about hurting the feelings of all those Murdering Muslims in the Middle East. “It sounds really stupid to me,” Kane explained, especially when Obama just can’t stop bragging about killing Muslim hero Osama bin Laden. Maybe that’s why all those Muslim Rioters were screaming ‘We’re all Osama!’”

Stories We’re Working On

  • Jobless claims rose to 382,000 this week
  • Marines not permitted to have live ammo at Embassy in Egypt
  • Rasmussen Poll: Romney back in the lead
  • HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius not worried about being prosecuted for violating federal law
  • Christians riot in England over “Life of Brian” Movie
  • Reds “Magic Number” is now “8”
  • Obama looking for small space to speak at in Cincinnati on Monday

 Whistleblower Web Poll

This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said Murdering Muslims are attacking all our Embassies in the Middle East:

(A) Their feelings were hurt: 2%
(B) They knew the Marines had no ammo: 2%
(C) Not giving them enough foreign aid: 2%
(D) Just wishing us a happy 9/11 Anniversary: 94%

Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!

Unconventional Wisdom

This week, everybody who thinks national political conventions are too long, too boring, too expensive, and have really outlived their usefulness, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is our Peter Popinjay, a political planner from Poughkeepsie, who says it was really worth paying all that money to drive all that way to Charlotte and pay ten times the normal rate for his bed bug infested hotel room, only to wind up in a three way with a couple of aging Sluts for Obama from Cincinnati.

Peter wins a video from the Green Party National Convention at a Baltimore Holiday Inn during July, pictures of the Libertarian Party National Convention held in room 802 of the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas in May, and a commemorative corn Cob from the Free Grain Party Convention in Bumfuk, Iowa in August. His winning limerick is:

Here’s what we learned at this year’s conventions
They’re just an opportunity for biased media inventions.
DemocRATS get praised
While Republicans are hazed
And there’s no end to their elite condescensions.

And from the Anderson Laureate (who claims he’s still undecided about this year’s election):

Here’s what we learned at this year’s conventions
Don’t assume both parties will have good intentions
Barack and Michelle
Both sound so swell
And Clinton got a few honorable mentions.

But it’s not what they say that will matter
I’d rather be ruled by the Mad Hatter.
Michelle’s not proud of the US
And Reverend Wright is full of BS
And Joe Biden’s brain’s in his bladder.

The voice vote on God was so funny
If you saw it, you knew it was rigged, Honey.
The yeas and the nays
Could have gone both ways
Maybe they should vote on the Easter Bunny.

The press’s coverage of Ryan
Was nothing but bald-faced lyin’
And the media hates Mitt
They’re so full of … umm …. feces
None of their nonsense I’m buyin’

I long for a time years from now
When politicians finally figure out how
To try to be nice
Not just slice and dice
Meanwhile, keep your eye on the Dow.

I never liked people who lie
And I’ll feel like that til I die
Arrogance makes me puke
Whether it’s Barack or some other kook
I hope we elect the right guy.

Obama promised “hope and change”
But the hope turned out awfully strange
His socialist goals
Are chock full of holes
His we can’t wait to arrange.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“It’s time once again for Oktoberfest”


E-mail your diplomatic debacles today.

Some Obama Bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama Bashing subscribers.

Link of the Day

Barack Obama Used Troop Death To Slam Bush And McCain in 2008

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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