Special “Desperate and Deceitful” E-dition

Saturday, August 11, 2012

No Wonder Our Truth Squad Has Been Working Overtime

  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says today, everybody’s watching to see if Obama’s re-election campaign is still running that lying CancerGate TV ad accusing Romney of letting a woman die of cancer. Let’s see—they’ve called Romney a “Felon.” They’ve called Romney a “tax cheat.” They claim he hates women, and dogs. And now he’s a “Murderer.”

But Obama’s Sleazy Slander has merely begun, because we have another “86 days until Election Day to suffer even more lies from the Obama White House and Re-election Campaign and only the daily dishonesty of our Obama Supporters in the Press will allow it to continue. After all, why would anyone expect Obama’s campaign to be run any different from the rest of his life?

Let’s face it, these Liberal Liars have no shame. Pat Buchanan says, “Obama has steadily diminished both himself and the office he holds,” and Michelle Malkin says the “Real Murderers” are the “Job Killers in the White House.” American Crossroads: calls it a “Cancer within the cloak of the presidency.”

Meanwhile, according to Bellwether Blogger Bill Sloat, The Onion is reporting a new Obama Campaign ad alleges Romney Murdered JonBenét Ramsey.” [READ MORE HERE]

Your mission, Mr. Phelps, should you wish to accept it, is to find anything this campaign says that’s true.

  • Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1984, President Ronald Reagan made a joking off-the-cuff remark about bombing Russia while testing a microphone before a scheduled radio address. That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose: “My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” Kneepad Liberals in the Press still haven’t gotten over it.
  • In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders wonders if Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett really called the League of Women Vipers “special-interest snakes in the grass,” for their part in the alleged cheating in the signature-gathering process by the Ohio Voters First coalition, of which the league is a proud member.
  • Findlay Market Cheese Store Owner Debra Krause-McDonnell got her Fifteen Minutes of Fame this week after Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP helped her complain about her business being featured in a lying Obama TV commercial. The Obama campaign said they wouldn’t run the commercial again, but with Alex’s help, it was run about 1000 more times as part of a TV News story, including several interviews on Fox News, including Stuart Varney and Greta Van Cistern. And The Blower bets it had to kill former John Kerry campaign operative Ashtray Chloroform to have to send a press release criticizing the DemocRAT President and Anointed One. Obama justified his lying ad by saying she “didn’t build that.” And in a related item, the IRS just announced 10 years of audits on Debra Krause-McDonnell, her Findlay Market Cheese Store, her brother, sister, father, and mother.
  • Cincinnati Assistant Police Chief Richard Janke has been named Director of Security for the new casino downtown. Does that mean he can whack unruly gamblers with beanbag rounds? At least unlike Cincinnati Police Chief Impersonator James Craig, Janke would be able to make an arrest.
  • The Cocaine Township “Victory” Center opened a month ago, and we still haven’t seen a “Grand Opening” announcement. On July 29, the Blower brought this up: “SOREHEADS IN THE SUBURBS: Are wondering when the folks at 8240 Clara Avenue will be having a big grand opening party for the new Romney Victory Center in Colerain? There’s something else the Hamilton County RINO Party forgot to publicize.”

With a new candidate for state rep-tile, within walking distance of the place, and with, for the first time ever, all three township trustees Dennis Deters, Jeff Ritter, and biography-less Melinda Rinehart being endorsed Republicans, who or what is the problem in Colerain? Why is there absolutely no publicity for the new Romney campaign office? Are the Walnut Street Wizards lazy? Are they incompetent? Perhaps. Or they know it’s an exercise in futility to get people out of the suburbs into the North Ghetto and endure the stench of Rumpketown.

Maybe Alex T’s loyalty to his Greed Township cronies precludes him from working to expand the party outside of the Westwood/Greed/Cheviot area, while his loyalty to Republican dollars causes him to pump up Kenwood to the Nth degree.

Taste of Colerain is this weekend. Perhaps Alex is planning to publicize it then.

  • Our “Portman Watch” continues, even if around here he’s best known for flushing his legacy in the House down the crapper when he selected the most embarrassing elected official in the history of Congress (and that’s saying a lot) to succeed him.
  • The Fishwrap wrote a fitting eulogy for Ron Liebau whom they describe as a news editor at the paper. The eulogy goes on and on about all of the wonderful things Liebau did at the newspaper to try to improve it. What the eulogy fails to tell you is that The Fishwrap laid off Liebau over a year ago before he died. What a way to reward such great work.
  • Blue Ash RINOs on clowncil faced a hostile crowd and were even called whores by one of the speakers against their already decided agreement to rewrite a six year old agreement so that Mark Mallory can misuse money on the street car. Resident and non-resident alike called them out and made the RINOs very unhappy but the best was when some anonymous resident stood up and called them whores and the crowd went wild.

Let the lawsuits and petition drive begin, because as expected Blue Ash City Clowncil voted 6-1 to help fund Cincinnati’s streetcar while hurting their own city’s best interests. Blue Ash citizens and business owners packed City Hall and one-by-one pleaded with Council to protect their airport property purchase, stand up to Mark Mallory’s bullying, and stay out of Cincinnati’s streetcar issue, with some also protesting the imminent closing of the airport itself. However, regular citizens had no chance since Blue Ash Clowncil had already agreed to the deal at their closed-door July 30 meeting. 

In 2007 Blue Ash and Cincinnati officially closed on a deal in which Blue Ash purchased from Cincinnati 130 acres on the Blue Ash Airport property. Cincinnati kept the other 98 acres and the responsibility to reconfigure the airport on the remaining portion. Now Cincinnati has decided it doesn’t like it agreement it they voluntarily signed because the FAA won’t let it spend the money on that stupid streetcar. So Cincinnati has bullied and threatened Blue Ash to rescind the 2007 “done deal”, which means Blue Ash returns the property to Cincinnati. Then Cincinnati will close the airport, then sell the land again. This makes it just a regular land sale rather than an airport sale, and means Mallory and his Extreme Liberal City Clowncil can spend the money on their precious streetcar.

But once Cincinnati owns the property it can always sell it someone else, or hold the property hostage knowing how badly Blue Ash wants to build a new park there. Only one person on Clowncil managed to understand this. Blue Ash already owns the property, and the existing contract calls for it to take possession by the end of the month. The Deputy Solicitor acknowledged this.

However, the attorney also stated that Cincinnati has hinted (though never outright said) that it will breach the contract and not turn over the land to threaten Blue Ash into rescinding the 2007 “final” agreement. Essentially, this brilliant attorney told Blue Ash clowncil members they should let themselves be blackmailed and risk their 130 acre property because otherwise Cincinnati might flagrantly breach the existing contract, and then Blue Ash would have to sue to enforce the terms of their legally-binding contract. But if Blue Ash caves in to Cincinnati’s demands, Mallory and his Extreme Liberal City Clowncil promised they wouldn’t file any frivolous suits and would turn over the property as required. 

Blue Ash citizens were shocked and appalled to see their Clowncil hurt their own city and help Mallory build a streetcar under the phony excuse of needing to avoid a frivolous lawsuit. Blue Ash could have protected its valuable property purchase and stayed out of the Cincinnati streetcar fiasco by doing nothing more than sticking to the original agreement. Sadly, Blue Ash Clowncil is bowing down to Mark Mallory instead of standing up for its own citizens.

A real campaign manager would be putting out a press release announcing his candidate’s opposition to this maneuver.

A real campaign manager would put said press release on the campaign website after using the campaign mailing list to send it to political reporters and news outlets.

A real campaign manager would make follow-up phone calls to the media to make sure the candidate’s opposition to this smarmy deal got news coverage.

A real campaign manager would come to this clowncil meeting to reach out to the fiscal conservatives opposed to this waste of over-taxed payers’ dollars.

However, Bronze Star Brad’s campaign mangler is none of these things. He is a career bureaucrat who takes orders from others and is counting down the days until he can make over $100,000-per-year sitting in the Congressman’s Congressional office answering phones (if he feels like it, he’ll have other staff for that) and doing whatever else Alex T tells him to do.

No one could find Wenstrup’s campaign mangler with a search warrant and a flashlight. Maybe they should be looking in the watering holes near the Courthouse.

  • Clarence in Clifton says he can’t put any Republican signs up in his yard because his Destructive DemocRAT neighbors send their kids out at night to tear them down or spray paint them. His neighborhood is solid with blue flags on the Obama telephone ap, filled with all those UC professors and students, and each one is nuttier than the next. Clarence also says he went past the so-called downtown “Republican Headquarters” this week and it is only open a few hours each morning, so how can anyone get political signs during their lunch hour or after work?
  • The Deacon on Beacon, who always has his ear to the ground in the culture wars, reports the latest: Romney plans to serve Chick-Fil-A at the Republican convention.
  • In Anderson Township, a guy wants to raise chickens, even as Disgraced Anderson Trustee Kevin “Spanky” O’Brien wonders how he can get out of going to court next Tuesday for “Choking His Chicken.”
  • Finally, at today’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane if he heard the latest Liberal Attack that Chick-Fil-A was “Racist.” “Of course,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained. “They separate the white meat from the dark meat.”

REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.

 Bluegrass Bullheads

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wonders if you can remember when this weekend’s Great Inland Seafood Festival used to be held on the North Shore in Ohio? Do you remember years ago when The Blower predicted the event would move to Northern Kentucky? We do.

The CamBoozler also says, “Please, no pushing and shoving at this weekend’s Inland Seafood Festival. We promise we won’t run out at the free all-you-can-eat raw squid buffet.”

And our old pal Bobby Leach says, “Ladies, don’t forget to visit the Greedy Weasels at the Clear Channel booth at the Great Inland Seafood Fest. The winner of our big contest gets a free case of crabs.”

Now here are the Top Ten Things you really don’t want to hear at the Great Inland Seafood Festival in Northern Kentucky:

10. “And the idiot ATE it?”
9. “Do you want eyes with that?”
8. “Well, fish it out.”
7. “Wait a minute…The squid’s still alive! THE SQUID’S STILL ALIVE!”
6. “Sure, I have crabs.”
5. “Damn it! That’s the third Band-Aid I’ve lost today.”
4. “Would you care to pound my flounder, Mr. McKrevis?”
3. “Is that an eel in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?”
2. “No thanks, We’re just trolling.”
…and the Number One thing you really don’t want to hear at the Great Inland Seafood Festival in Northern Kentucky is… “Hello, I’m Jerry Springer. Would any of you girls accept my personal check?

  • Finally, those folks wondering why they haven’t seen much of the lovely Miss Vicki lately were pleasantly surprised to spot her at the Bungals first pre-season home game on Friday night!


e-mail your crabby complaints today.

Some raw fish smelling items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally raw fish smelling subscribers.

Link of the Day

Hitler Rants about Murderer Mitt Romney

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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