Special “Obama in Ohio Again” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

And How Much Did This Campaign Trip Cost?

  • Wednesday, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders said Ohio lawmakers were outraged about Obama’s landing at Mansfield Lahm Airport, because it’s the same airport for that Air National Guard Unit the Obama Administration has proposed eliminating. Word is the 800 Guardsmen at the base who’ll be losing their jobs were not all that pleased either.

Romney VP Wannabe Rob “Fighting for FUBARs” Portman said, “Time and again, these Ohioans have answered the call to serve. They must be pretty frustrated to see the president drop into town, ignore their award-winning work, and fail to give them a straight answer about his plans to end their important mission.”

Ohio Republican Party Chairman Robert Bennett said, “Punching someone in the stomach and then asking them for their lunch money probably won’t go over well with people in Mansfield.”

Meanwhile, if there were any War Hero Congressional Candidates hereabouts, Obama’s plans to cut the Defense Budget in Ohio might be a timely opportunity to wake up and make some sort of statement.

Not to worry: In Washington, Obama’s $172,000-per-year Press Dweeb Jay Cardboard claimed he was unaware about the defense cuts that would close that Air Force Base in Ohio, wherever the hell that was.

  • Also in Washington, with the US National Debt fast approaching $16 trillion, our DC Newsbreaker says GOP House Speaker John Boehner and Disingenuous DemocRAT Senate Leader Harry Reid agreed to kick the can down the road one more time, and agree to a so-called short-term spending deal that would remove the possibility of a government shutdown from the fall campaign season, as Tea Party conservatives who swept into office in 2010 promising to fight for lower spending every chance they got showed a new willingness to wait until after the Tea Party’s big win in November.
  • Meanwhile, with only “95” more days until the Presidential Elections, Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose say they were happy to see a photo of Obama donating money to his own campaign, since each of the daily pleas for money from the Obama and his allies has become more urgent and desperate than the last.

Back in The Queen City

  • Did you notice how our Local Kneepad Liberals are trying to protect their favorite Cincinnati City Clown-cil gay these days?

Listen to Chris Squeal-bach’s 911 call describing his assault, where the obviously publicly intoxicated councilmember says he is a city councilman at least four times before describing what happened and the 911 dispatcher (who probably voted for him since he’s a DemocRAT) tells him to stop mentioning that.

The Fishwrap does not mention his 911 call.

Channel 5 quotes from it, but won’t dare let you listen to the whole thing.

Channel 9 pretends it doesn’t exit.

Channel 12 now has part of it.

But not Channel 19.

Leave it to Louisville to scoop the entire Cincinnati media establishment and play the entire 911 call, which is a public record all other outlets easily could have provided.

  • The Kneepad Liberals in the Cincinnati media market willingly let themselves get scooped so as not to embarrass their gay friend on city council. Editors used to fire reporters who got scooped. Now, they get rewarded for promoting the liberal agenda at all costs, including to the publication’s own credibility.
  • THIS JUST IN: Our Feckless Fishwrappers were scooped and forced to post the call at 2:20 PM.
  • Now we’re wondering if ABC News is now reporting that the unnamed assailant might have a page on a Tea Party website, and could have been talking about joining the Tea Party last year.
  • A Whistleblower reader writes that Cincinnati City Clowncilman Chris Squeal-bach’s recent beating, calls to mind former Covington City Commissioner Sandy Cohen’s beating in the that city 25 years ago. Lots of similarities with this one!
  • And several people say we haven’t seen this big a cover-up since Delicate DemocRAT David A. Pepper met “Gino the Kidnapper.”
  • Maybe if Seelbach’s Savaging had occurred in front of a Chick Fil A restaurant, there would’ve been better news coverage.

 Eat More Chicken Update

  •  Another one of those Greater Cincinnati Chick-Fil-A locations being protested by the Gay Gestapo these days is also NOT within the City of Cincinnati limits. You probably think that because Kenwood Towne Centre is filled with misunderstood yoofs who take the Metro from the city all the way out to Kenwood, that it is in Cincinnati, but that packed Chick-Fil A is actually in the Indian Hill School district. [SEE YOUR CHICK-FIL-A- LOCATOR HERE]
  • One reason it seemed like all those local Chick-Fil-A restaurants were so busy yesterday could be because across America on Wednesday morning, only about 582,000 Romney Supporters planned to go to a Now 100% Pervert Free Chick-Fil-A location and order something for “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.”
  • The only place in town with a longer line to get in yesterday was at 225 West Court Street, where our favorite former Judge Mark Painter was passing out free cocktail and weenies-in-blankets to announce his now job as Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka’s bagman, wearing his favorite pink pin-stripe suit.
  • In Anderson, the line at lunchtime to get into the Chick-Fil-A was really long. In fact, Duffy “the Homo Slayer” Beischel says, it was the longest line he’d ever seen at a restaurant in his entire life.”
  • And while these Andersonians were standing in line, many people were talking about Anderson’s Dis-Trustee Kevin “Spanky” O’Brien, who actually showed his face at the Anderson Daze community festival this past weekend. However most of the discussion among residents at the festival was how could someone who misappropriated over $300,000 of one of his customer’s money, received a lifetime ban from the securities industry by FINRA, violated state law for giving financial advice for a fee without a license, is accused of sexual offenses against a woman, and is not paying his property taxes (Spanky is over $11,000 delinquent in his property taxes) – show up without having any shame! You should have seen the number of people laughing at him behind his back!

Then he had the nerve to show-up in the sponsor area for the fireworks on Sunday! However he was completely alone, looked like his dog had just died, with most people completely avoiding him. O’Brien just took the free food and drink and sat down. This of course resulted in mothers quietly moving their families away from him to avoid any display of his body parts and more of those uncomfortable O’Brien moments.

Even Kiwanis which still has not banned O’Brien from its membership, should be concerned about having O’Brien around their money or the children in the Kiwanis basketball program.

Hey Spanky, let’s end Anderson Township’s embarrassment. Resign and move somewhere far away where you can have a chance to get your life back together. Right now it seems to be in complete shambles with no hope of recovery by staying in the Anderson community.

 More Breaking News

  •  Republicans for Higher Taxes reacted to the revelation that Mean Jean Schmidt raised ZERO dollars in the second quarter to repay the $515,000+ of illegal gifts she received from Turkish interests. Few expect her ever to pay this bill, since legal experts generally agree that the order from the House Ethics Committee to repay this money carries no weight once she is out of Congress. But Republicans for Higher Taxes says Mean Jean will repay this money, since she is a woman of great integrity. Wanna bet?
  • Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says only the Bungals would extend a contract for another few years for a coach with a losing record like 69-77-1. The team has yet to win a playoff game during his tenure. If you don’t expect success don’t look for a successful coach.
  • Another “minority” business got a huge tax break in Cincinnati. This one is worth $7 million dollars for rehabbing the old Enquirer building into a Hilton hotel. Do the mayor and City Clown-cil know this “minority” is an Indian, and not an African American? It might make a difference on how they vote tomorrow.
  • Monday on TV 5, Sheree Paolello did a segment about the sad tourists at the Olympics who couldn’t have their picture taken in front of the Olympic flame because it was inside the stadium. The news was a day late, since that flame was moved outside the stadium on Sunday.
  • Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Whatever happened to that Saddam Hussein guy anyhow?
  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says everybody was really surprised when Kentucky’s Fourth District Congressman Goof Doofus suddenly resigned on Tuesday. So now that he’s out of Congress, what’s he going to do now? Republican Thomas Massie and DemocRAT Bill Adkins are running to succeed Doofus in November’s general election. DemocRAT Governor Steve Be-Sheared was caught flat-footed. Now his office has to figure out the next steps in naming a replacement for the Goofster, whether that involved an appointment or a special election.

And if you think the DemocRATS were caught off guard, what about the Republicans? The Blower suggests: Don’t worry about it, you won’t even know he’s no longer there.

  • Also in Northern Kentucky, the Cabal of Attorneys Still Out to Destroy “Crazy Eric” Deters were highly amused when prosecutors asked for a gag order aimed primarily at “Crazy Eric,” because of too much pre-trial publicity about the case involving the Sarah Jones Sex Scandal.

“Crazy Eric,” of course, wants the entire case thrown out of court, and to prove it he says, “My client Sarah Jones is not a sex fiend.”

  • Finally, at yesterday’s Bribe Lunch, a Conservative Consultant was asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the apparent lack of success of Wednesday’s Gay Activists protest of Chick Fil-A restaurants because the Chick-Fil-A CEO had been asked if he held the same view of marriage Obama held until 90 days ago, he answered “guilty as charged.”

 “Let’s look at what really happened,” Kane explained. “The Christian president of a restaurant chain that is never open on Sunday was asked what he thought about gay marriage, and Gay Activists threw a hissy fit when they didn’t like his answer. What a surprise! It’s just one more distraction by our Obama Supporters in the Press NOT to talk about Obama’s failures on the economy.”

And that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose, “Protest long enough that you are right, and you will be wrong.” (And vice versa!)

More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans

Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our August fund-raising drive from Chick-Fil-A, for encouraging all that Liberal Whining about Gay Marriage.


e-mail your fast food favorites today.

Some Chick-Fil-A Loving items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Chick-Fil-A Loving subscribers

Link of the Day

Anti-Gay Chick-fil-A Commercial

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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