Official “Flag Day 2012” E-dition

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day, Everybody!

  • Flag Day was first observed in 1877 on the 100th anniversary of the Continental Congress’ adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States. In that year, Congress asked that all public buildings fly the flag on June 14. The idea quickly caught on and many people wanted to participate in waving the flag. One early supporter was B. J. Cigrand, a Wisconsin schoolteacher who wanted June 14 to be known as “Flag Birthday.”
  • For our cherished occasion, Our Quote for Today Committee has chosen Adrian Cronauer’s: “Our flag is not just one of many political points of view. Rather, the flag is a symbol of our national unity.”
  • In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Flag Day as a national celebration. However, the holiday was not officially recognized until 1949 when President Harry Truman signed the National Flag Day Bill.
  • The Blower says it’s time to dig out your American flag and fly it high this week. Children in school could sing “God Bless the USA,” unless your Obama Supporting School Principal says that would be “too patriotic.”
  • And maybe if you’re at a ball game, you should even put down your hot dog, take off your hat, and actually sing “God Bless America” during the seventh inning stretch.
  • And maybe at all public meetings, we could all join in and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In case you’ve forgotten, the current words, adapted over the years from the original written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, are: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

I Am Your Flag

  • I have been kicked, trampled, burned, and shot full of holes. I have fought battles, but I prefer the untroubled air of a world at peace.
  • I am your Flag. I represent the freedom of humanity, and I shall fly high, thundering in silence for the whole world to hear. My gentle rustling in the breeze sounds out the warning to all who would bury me forever, that below stands a population dedicated to liberty.
  • For those who have perished for my right to freedom of flight, for those who will die, and indeed for those who will live, I stand as a symbol of freedom-loving people.
  • I have been carried into battle in faraway lands, always for the cause of freedom. I am blood-stained, torn, and many times wearied and saddened by the thousands who have paid the supreme sacrifice.
  • Do not let it all be for nothing. Tell me the brave have died for a worthwhile cause. Be proud of what I represent, and display me for all to see.
  • Whether you call me “Old Glory,” Stars and Stripes,” or “Star Spangled Banner,” I shall fly forever as a symbol of your freedom, as I did for your ancestors, and I shall for your heirs.

~By James M. Fillmore

Today is Another Date That Will Live in Infamy

  • Today on Flag Day, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says not only is Obama scheduled to make the customary Flag Day proclamation (It’s up to President to declare the observance each year), but that phony flag-waver probably would’ve already extended the observance to make June “National Flag Month.” That’s if he hadn’t already set June aside to honor all the Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgenders. And this year, with the 2012 Elections only “144” days away, our Sunshine Patriot President will also deliver what the White House calls a “major campaign speech” in Cleveland. No kidding!
  • Did you ever think—if Obama had come through on even a single one of his 4,289 unkept campaign promises from 2008, our Campaigner-in-Chief wouldn’t now have to be spending every waking moment jetting around the country on Air Force One at over-taxed payers’ expense trying to raise money for his Billion Dollar Re-election Campaign. He could be doing something more productive. Like playing golf!
  • These days Obama is using a restaurant metaphor to explain the mess he has made of the economy. You’ll be surprised to read that none of it is Barry’s fault. BHO says the Republicans ordered a steak dinner and a martini and now criticize him for running up the restaurant tab. Funny line. But Obama fails to mention that since he sat down at the dinner table in January 2009, he has ordered his own filet mignon, lobster, roasted beet and goat cheese salad, caviar, strawberries Arnaud and a bottle of Dom Pérignon you generous over-taxed payers get to pick up the tab for, and so will your heirs, if you can still afford to have any. Bon apetit!

Flag Day in Southwest Ohio

  • According to all those respected political scientists who measure the effectiveness of Conservative political activity at the American Conservative Accountability Project (ACAP), seven years ago on Flag Day was only the “second biggest day” in the decline and fall of the fortunes of Conservatives in Southwest Ohio.
  • On that date Mean Jean Schmidt (or as she has come to be known as the Junketing, Lame-Duck Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch) was elected after our disgraced former Sniveling Senator’s Stuttering Son (Now-a-Judge) P-P-P-Patrick DeWhine spent more than a million dollars trashing revered former Congressman Bob McEwen and “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman in a special Flag Day GOP Primary, after Rob “Fighting for Funding for the Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center” Portman abruptly resigned with millions in his campaign war chest, at the same time costing Second District over-taxed payers more millions of dollars for special elections to replace him. If that doesn’t qualify him to be Mitt Romney’s running mate, we don’t know what does.
  • Hurley the Historian says the biggest day in the decline and fall of the fortunes of Conservatives in Southwestern Ohio was the date the Robmeister announced he was quitting to become a TROTUS and then a DOMBUS (pronounced Dumb-ass) in Duyba’s Cabinet, where, once Portman arrived, the President’s approval numbers got flushed down the crapper, along with Portman’s legacy, which was declared “totally flushed” on June 8, 2008 as The Honorable Rob Portman and other “Honorable” Hamilton County RINOs selling their souls, groveled before Greedy Hearse-Chasing, Disgraced DemocRAT, Clinton-loving, Fen-Phen Scandal Plagued, Not-yet-Indicted Trial Attorney $tan Che$ley (who is still fighting his disbarment hearing by the Bluegrass Bar Association), when $tan held court at his first big fund-raiser for Mean Jean Schmidt to celebrate the “Bluing of Hamilton County.”
  • That Local Insider who at one time claimed to be writing a long-overdue book about all that Wandering in the Wilderness going on at Hamilton County RINO Party Headquarters, says three years ago on Flag Day, GOP Mall Cop Alex T. and the rest of $tan’s Soul-mortgaged RINOs attended $tan’s Second Annual Brunch to honor our Bitch-in-a-Ditch (only the day after The Fishwrap disclosed Mean Jean’s multi-million dollar net worth on its front page), as they all showed what they thought of that big Cincinnati Tea Party and Cincinnati Project 912 Rally for Freedom in Southwest Ohio at the Bandstand in New Richmond, Ohio (which claimed 1,480 confirmed RSVPs) on Flag Day 2009.
  • Republicans for Higher Taxes had hoped Mean Jean would drive down to the anti-taxers’ event in New Richmond that year and get herself on Channel 5 again, claiming all those Tea Party Patriots supported her, just like she did at the March 15, 2009 Tea Party Protest on Fountain Square, although “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman had passed out 3,000 pieces of literature exposing Southwest Ohio’s most embarrassing elected official in history (including Jerry Springer), who’d voted for higher gas taxes, higher sales taxes, and the Bush/Obama Bailout for Billionaires that funded AIG’s $165 million bonuses to executives. 
  • In 2012, our local Tea Party Patriots got their revenge, when they worked to help war hero “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup defeat Mean Jean in the GOP Congressional Primary in March. Unfortunately, our Tea Partiers appear to have been double crossed again, after Alex T. assigned a career-bureaucRAT totally beholden to Alex T. and the Hamilton County RINO Party to “manage” “Bronze Star’s” campaign.
  • Back in 2009, then Hamilton County Devious DemocRAT Hamilton County Commissioner David A. Pepper lost his bid to become Ohio Auditor against Tea Party Pariah Dave Yost, and our Local Kneepad Liberals in the Press still have never gotten around to following up on the Republicans for Higher Taxes report that said Pepper’s favorite freedom to support was “Burning the American Flag.” You can’t get much more disgraceful than that.
  • And where are all those so-called Anti-Tax Organizations today? In less than a week, your Hamilton County property taxes are due. Maybe those guys are still sucking up to our Disingenuous DemocRAT County Auditor (who has traditionally been permitted to run unopposed by the RINOs at 700 Walnut Street and received a medal from attorneys making a killing handing all the Auditor’s Board of Revulsion cases).
  • Even though today is Flag Day, we won’t be seeing our Annual Gay “Squealing with Pride” Parade in Greater Cincinnati. Whistleblower Alternative Life-Styles Editors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis say our local gay wads have instead chosen June 30 as a more appropriate time to put the Queen back in the Queen City. Still, every day at Cincinnati’s Gay Friendly City Hall, you can see the Gay Pride Flag proudly unfurled.
  • Meanwhile, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo explains why Confederate Flag Day isn’t celebrated as a national holiday: 

(All together now, Whistleblower Readers) Because they lost!

Today’s Whistleblower is brought to you during our June fund-raising drive by a generous donation from Flaggs USA, milking all this patriotic crap for all it’s worth today.

A Picture is said to be worth a thousand words, but we think this one is worth many more.


e-mail your egregious examples today.

Some flag desecrated items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally desecrated subscribers, like this photograph from Bobby Leach showing the best desecration of the American Flag he could find.

Patriotic Links of the Day

The Greatest Play in Baseball


Flag Day 2010- Obama vs. The American Flag

Stars & Stripes FOREVER!

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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