“Obama’s Security Leaks” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More Real Political Analysis

  • In Washington, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says so far, June has been a real debacle for Obama. Job growth has stalled. DemocRATS and Big Labor were humiliated in Wisconsin. His attorney general is facing a contempt-of-Congress citation. Talks with Pakistan have broken down. Bill Clinton is stabling Obama in the back. Mitt Romney is raising more cash. Senators on both sides of the aisle are accusing him of leaking military secrets to burnish his warrior image, and on Friday he went on record saying the “private sector is doing fine.”

So what else could go wrong? Early Monday morning, we learned Obama’s Commerce Secretary had been cited for a felony hit-and-run after allegedly crashing his car three times on Saturday. The Blower assumes Bryson will have to clean up his own wreckage. Obama’s White House has too much other damage to tidy up.

But not to worry, Tuesday our Fundraiser-in-Chief traveled to Baltimore and Philadelphia to tie a record for six campaign fundraisers in one day, officially doubling George W. Bush’s pace as the same point in his presidency, 160 to 79.

Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Will Rogers’ “Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated.”

  • Speaking of Fundraising, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Mitt Romney will be in Cincinnati on Wednesday to pick up some Lindner loot at the Netherland Plaza (because you can’t spell R O M N E Y without “M O N E Y”)and back through Ohio on Sunday as part of a six-state bus tour. Do you think Vice President Wannabe Rob “Fighting for Fund-raisers” Portman will be tagging along? Obama will be in Cleveland on Thursday afternoon, speaking at a crappy Cuyahoga Community College Recreation Center.

Yes, they’re both campaigning in Ohio this week. But The Blower says the big difference, over-taxed payers who’ve seen their net worth plunge 40% since Obama took office, are paying millions for Obama’s travel. Just think, it has only taken Obama three and a half years to reduce American wealth to the level of 1990 and if we give him another four years, he can get us all the way back to 1890.

  • Harry the Cable Guy says the Presidential election is now only “145” days away, and if the outrageous comments of PMSNBC contributor Karen Hunter are any indication of what we’re going to see, it is going to be one of the nastiest, divisive elections in the history of the Grand Old Republic.

Hunter believes Romney is running for President of “Caucasia-stan.” Why? Romney has too many white faces in his campaign ads to suit Hunter. Unbelievable! Does PMSNBC stand by such racism? Didn’t they fire right-wing writer Patrick J. Buchanan simply for writing in his book “Suicide of a Superpower,” Buchanan dared to express concern that America is weakening itself because government policy has evolved from protecting equal opportunity to some wrong-headed pursuit of guaranteeing equal outcome.

But Hunter’s comments are fine? Hope and Change are gone. Barack Obama’s pursuit of a second term has become a campaign of economic fantasy, national security leaks and false attacks. Many in the media are just fine with that. It’s fine to attack the Mormon religion? It’s acceptable to assert that the Wisconsin governor who handily defeated a union-backed recall election could be indicted in a few days?

What hateful things will the left-wing say if Romney prevails in November? Of course it will have nothing to do with voters who are tired of high unemployment, a sea of red ink flowing from a bloated government and failed policies that have done nothing to revitalize a stagnant economy.

Brace yourself for endless charges of stolen elections and racism. The death of democracy indeed!

  • Back in Washington, our DC Newsbreaker says when Eric Holder was told Congress planned to hold him in contempt, Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General said, “The feeling’s mutual!” And last Friday, when Obama claimed: “The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive,” he didn’t say it wasn’t true. He just said it was “offensive.” It’s hard to disagree with that! And when asked how soon they planned to investigate those leaks of secrets to make Obama look like a strong military leader, Justice Department lawyers said, “it’s the same as the recipe for ‘Leek Soup.’ First you take a leak.” Maybe that’s why Senate Republicans on Tuesday introduced a resolution that would put the chamber’s members on record over whether they think an independent counsel is needed to look at the Obama administration. Hurley the Historian says Miranda Rights were established on this date in 1966. Maybe Obama’s Attorney General is just exercising his these days.
  • Ohio Tea Party Patriots are calling on Sherrod Brown and putting him on the record with his vote this week on the Utility Maximum Achievable Control Technology rule, which when combined with Obama’s new greenhouse gas rules, will shut down all coal-fired power plants in America. Energy prices will “necessarily” skyrocket.
  • Speaking of Sherrod, Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception says our Deranged DemocRAT really lost it when Breitbart.com’s Dana Loesch daring to ask him a question. Dana says, “If Sherrod doesn’t like answering questions on his voting record, perhaps he should have chosen another line of work.”
  • Cincinnati is being run so poorly that even some DemocRATS feel compelled to speak out. Little Lord John Cranley, who has never been mistaken for a conservative, published an editorial criticizing Foxy Roxy Qualls and the DemocRAT-majority Clowncil for trying to raise property taxes. Cranley also continued his long-time criticisms of the streetcar and said that we might as well call this proposed tax hike a “streetcar tax.”
  • Sure enough, Republicans for Higher Taxes condemns Cranley for opposing higher taxes and the Mayor Mallory’s Trolley Folly. They stand with Our Fabulous Babe and point out her support for the stadium tax, light rail tax, jail tax, and now the streetcar and its associated property tax increase. That’s a record even Obama would be proud to run on.
  • Our Compassionate Conservative says folks at the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools are offering FREE lunches at their schools this summer. Wouldn’t it be a better and cheaper idea to offer a PBJ, that the kids can make themselves or an apple and a glass of milk at the libraries? They might even read a book first! But The Blower would like to see all those little chillruns singing “God Bless the USA” instead of the Obama National Anthem.
  • Speaking of schools, the Northworst Local School District is hell bent on taking more from the over-taxed payers. They threaten to cut all extra-curricular activities and reduce buses to state minimums while their double-dipping administrators collect fat salaries and fat pensions simultaneously. To justify their actions, they sent out a “community update” that over-taxed-payers received on Saturday while they were working their second jobs to make ends meet and pay their taxes to a school system that continually turns out semi-literate graduates and illiterate dropouts. Northworst doesn’t need a PR lady making $100,000 a year when they have the Northworst Press’ own Jennie Key willing to print whatever the Superintendent tells her to.

The overpaid PR fluffer who produced the attached flier announcing the meeting forgot to include the time of the meeting. Of course, that wasn’t a mistake. The board didn’t really want any over-taxpayers to show up anyway. All that they wanted was a rah-rah rally where those dependent on the government could lobby the government for more to be spent on them. That’s exactly what they got. The corrupt system that was dismantled in Wisconsin is alive and well in Ohio.

  • Our favorite pervert attorney James “The Rock” Bogen says, “How much do you want to bet that the binder Jerry Sandusky is carrying in this picture is full of kiddie porn and the pages are stuck together?” No wonder Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says even though the trial has just begun, most Americans think they’ve already heard enough. 69% believe the ex-Penn State Coach guilty of some child abuse charges.
  • Speaking of perverts, Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel says she heard a complaint was filed last Friday about a local elected official wagging his weenie in a woman’s car, and the woman wasn’t even his wife.
  • Maybe that’s why at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane told political insiders it’s a good thing The Blower’s customary policy is only to withhold the name of the perp in such political perversion cases, and expose the vile-and-disgusting actions of the victim, or else everybody would already know that disgraceful degenerate’s identity by now.

“Amazingly,” Kane added, “the guy wasn’t even from one of the top ten local neighborhoods of philandering adults listed in Ashley Madison’s online dating service survey.”

Bluegrass Blasts

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says sometimes Bitch McConnell doesn’t get enough credit, like when Kentucky’s U.S. Senate Minority Leader blasted Obama after Obama’s Private Sector Gaffe heard ‘round the world. “Well the President must be on another planet. I mean we just, you just saw the jobs figures last Friday. To argue that the private sector is in good shape, it seems to me as to be completely disconnected from reality. We’ve got a very, very sluggish economy; a very slow growth rate. We’re just barely bumping along and I commend his creativity in trying to find some bright spots, but I don’t think very many Americans see any.”

Was that a great zinger or what?

  • At the last meeting of the Fort Wright City Clown-cil residents of East Henry Clay Avenue suggested dead-ending their street because the residents parked in an unsafe manner on the street. Some of the snobbish Fort Wright residents even said they didn’t want “those people from Covington” using their street as a short-cut to I-75 and the Dixie Highway. East Henry Clay has been a through street for well over 75 years and the residents knew it when they purchased their homes, and you know they have a Constitutional right to have it stay that way forevermore. What is even more astounding is that some of the Clown-cil seemed to agree with them. You must wonder how many of those same closed-minded people use the through streets of Covington.
  • Finally, Thursday is Flag Day in Northern Kentucky, and you can be sure The Blower will have something patriotic to say about that.


e-mail your dyke plugs today.

Some leaked items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally leaked subscribers.

Leaked Link of the Day

DemocRAT Pat Caddell names Tom Donilon as Obama’s leaker

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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