Sunday, February 26, 2012
The Blower’s Week in Review
- OUR NUMBER ONE LOCAL STORY THIS WEEK was when Obama sent Afghan President Hamid Karzai a letter of apology over the burning of copies of the Koran overseen by a US officer at a US military base. Obama said the incident was unintentional and pledged a full investigation, the president’s office said, as fierce anti-US protests swept the nation in which at least 14 people have died, including two American soldiers. “I wish to express my deep regret for the reported incident,” Obama wrote in the letter presented to Karzai by US ambassador Ryan Crocker. “I extend to you and the Afghan people my sincere apologies.”
The Blower says our sorry Commander in Chief really ran up the white flag one more time with that apology, and says this “Apology to President Karzai on Behalf of Americans should suffice.
OUR NUMBER TWO LOCAL STORY THIS WEEK was the Beatification of Bill Clinton when Whistleblower Media Watchdog Harry the Cable Guy said if anyone ever doubts the left-ness of the Liberal Left Media, let them watch the sickening sanctification of Bill Clinton on PBS’s series, “Clinton.” Having just suffered through the whole many-hours-long disgusting travesty, I can attest that only Mother Teresa recently, or Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago, could have been more clearly depicted, as Clinton was at the end, as a good and honorable person.
Every flaw is excused, forgiven, justified. “He loved his country” seems to be the saving factor, no matter how grievous the sin. All the journalists, editors, writers and columnists weaseled their way across the horizon of shame, explaining the reasoning behind his disgraceful activities before and during the White House years. Not a crucifixion in sight.
Yet, even today, when some international event needs “fluffing,” the media go right to Clinton, not to either Bush or any other Republican for an opinion.
That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Bill Clinton’s Big Lie: “I Did Not, Have, Sexual, Relations, with THAT Woman…”
Bring me the barf bag!
AND OUR NUMBER THREE LOCAL STORY THIS WEEK was the response to Obama’s so called “Energy Speech,” after Pollsters at the White House said rising gasoline prices would hurt his chances of being re-elected.
At “Daily Events,” Eric Erickson says, “If America could put in their cars what Barack Obama has been shoveling lately, we could fuel the 21st century. After campaigning in 2008 claiming his policies would bring down the price of gas, Barack Obama now says there really is not anything he can do. He also claims Republicans are licking their lips over higher gas prices.
Well, if they are not, they should. It is Barack Obama’s fault. His policies have led to this moment, and it is not like the president and his advisers have been hiding from this.
Republican 2012 Presidential Hopeful Newt Gingrich said, “This will be an early preview of this fall’s Lincoln-Douglas debates offering a choice between two dramatically different futures. Obama’s answer to soaring gasoline prices is to bow to foreign leaders and tell the American people to accept the pain because there’s nothing he can do. My plan to lower gasoline prices involves immediately authorizing the Keystone Pipeline, re-opening the Gulf of Mexico, and permitting exploration and production in the Chukchi Sea and National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska.”
MONDAY in our Annual “Having to Work on Another Invented National Holiday” E-dition, The Blower was surprised our Kneepad Liberals in the Press are not calling it “Obama’s Day”:
Last week, our Funkin’ Wagnall’s said the proper spelling for today’s invented holiday is “Presidents’ Day,” not “President’s Day” or “Presidents Day.”
Since then, we’ve only seen it spelled wrong about a million times, especially in advertisements by companies which should know better, like Macy’s, Toyota, and the Onion Store, that wants you to fill your life with trivial crap from the past on this “President’s Day.”
But now The Blower’s presidential historian Dorian Grady says in a way, “President’s Day” could also be correct.
According to the federal government, the holiday being observed today is officially “Washington’s Birthday.”
But many dumbed-down Americans believe this holiday is now called “Presidents’ Day,” in honor of both Washington and Lincoln, who were born on February 22 and 12 respectively.
TUESDAY in our Official “Post President’s Day Depression” E-dition The Blower explained it was all because of Congress’ “Monday Holidays Act,” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
According to our Funkin’ Wagnall’s, the proper spelling for yesterday’s invented holiday is “Presidents’ Day,” not “President’s Day” or “Presidents Day.” —Sidney Spellchecker
Why didn’t you just wish everybody a happy patri-idioticWashington- Adams- Jefferson- Madison- Monroe- Adams- Jackson- Van Buren- Harrison- Tyler- Polk- Taylor- Fillmore- Pierce- Buchanan- Lincoln- Johnson- Grant- Hayes- Garfield- Arthur- Cleveland- Harrison- McKinley- Roosevelt- Taft-Wilson- Harding- Coolidge- Hoover- Roosevelt- Truman- Eisenhower- Kennedy- Johnson- Nixon- Ford- Carter- Reagan- Bush 41- Clinton- Bush 43-Obama Day? —Whistleblower Presidential Historian Dorian Grady
Yesterday we wished everybody Happy “Barack Obama is the Only President We Care About” Day. —Obama Supporters in the Press
It’s truly an honor to be among this year’s finalists with Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane for the Ebony and Ivory Racial Healing Awards during Black History Month, now called Half-Black History Month in honor of the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. —Buckwheat Blackwell
Tomorrow’s the real Washington’s Birthday, in case all you Libtards didn’t know. —Hurley the Historian
WEDNESDAY in our Official “Washington’s Birthday” E-dition The Blower asked if Congress had to approve GW’s troop surge, and The Blower honored the Father of our Country.
Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1732, George Washington, the Father of our Country was born. Shouldn’t we have a National Holiday to celebrate the occasion? That’s why our Quote for Today Committee selected Washington’s “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.” Do you think the Father of Our Country had Obama in mind?
Whistleblower Presidential Historian Dorian Grady says today would’ve been Washington’s 279th birthday, but on “President’s Day” disrespected George Washington once again. According to Freedom Warrior host Radio Greg Halvorson (“Failure to Honor Washington: a Triumph of the Left”) it’s “The equivalent of ‘every leader gets a prize,’ it mocks history, inspires no one, and displays the lengths to which fools go to be foolish. There is no equality between George Washington and James Polk, between Thomas Jefferson and Millard Fillmore, and to assert otherwise says: 1) that no president is different from any other; 2) that individuals must bow to the Collective; and 3) that history is a dull, generic ride.
“This, of course, derives from the Left, which spreads tales – even a few false ones – of racism amongst the Founders, and which last year had members of the NAACP hide General Washington from view. Indeed, they covered the statue of George Washington with a black box, even as they praised the author of the line, “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”
Maybe that’s why Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin said, “Hey! Maybe someday when the Right is back on top, MLK Day can be changed to Protesters’ Day.
THURSDAY, in our Special “Obama’s Defenders” E-dition, The Blower asked if we now have to call those guys “Your Excellency” from now on, and pointed out what a bunch of losers those guys really were:
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says with only “256” days more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, Obama’s re-election campaign has scraped the bottom of the barrel to come up with 35 state, local, and community leaders as unpaid national co-chairs, or “ambassadors” for the president, to play a high-profile role in defending his record and mobilizing voters for November. No wonder a loser like Disgraced DemocRAT Former Ohio Gayvenor Ted Strickland is on that list.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose its words of wisdom from William Lyon Phelps: “If at first you don’t succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.”
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says with then only “263” days more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, Obama has finally explained why he failed to cut the deficit in half, after being lobbed a softball question by an Obama Supporter in the Press, who said he is getting “pelted in the media” for making a campaign promise he did not keep. Obama said it turned out to be a lot deeper than he thought.
According to Obama’s Lame-Duck DOA 2013 Budget, Obama’s additional deficit spending would be $17K per person, $70K per family.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Dick Gregory’s “Political promises are much like marriage vows. They are made at the beginning of the relationship between candidate and voter, but are quickly forgotten.”
FRIDAY in our Special “Tax Scofflaw” E-dition, The Blower said Even Elected Officials should pay their fair share!
Today it’s the top ten reasons Whacky Jackie’s Illegitimate Son Kevin P. O’Brien failed to pay his property taxes on that house at 7964 Hopper Road (in foreclosure for a mere $373,137.80) in “the third most affluent neighborhood in America”:
10. I forgot
9. The dog ate it
8. She told me she loved me
7. I did it to help the homeless
6. The Devil made me do it
5. I just wanted to be loved–is there anything wrong with that?
4. I’m an excommunicated Republican
3. I was framed
2. This whole thing is just one big terrible mistake
…and Disgraced Anderson Township Trustee Kevin P. O’Brien failed to pay his property taxes on that house at 7964 Hopper Road (in foreclosure for a mere $373,137.80) in “the third most affluent neighborhood in America” is… the guys at the Forest Hills Urinal said nobody would ever find out.
SATURDAY in our Official “Oscar Preview” E-dition, The Blower said any other Official Oscar Preview would surely be a fake:
Sunday night, millions of Americans will be watching the 84th Annual Academy Awards in Hollywood. These viewers know everything about every film and movie star being nominated. Unfortunately, these are the same Dumbed-down, Self-absorbed, Media-influenced, Celebrity-obsessed, Politically-correct Uninformed Short-attention-span voters who’ll be going to the polls on Super Tuesday in only 10 more days, the Bluegrass Primaries in only 87 more days, and the 2012 Presidential Elections in only 255.
Nevertheless, at today’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane will be presenting The Whistleblower’s “Real Awards for Real Acting” for 2012.
Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.
e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.
REPUBLICANS IN 2012: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus wonders if Wednesday night’s 20th GOP Presidential debate was the last televised “not-really-a-debate” among Republican candidates for president of the 2012 cycle. The stakes were high because it was the last chance for each candidate to distinguish himself in this sort of setting (at least before Super Tuesday on March 6). Newt Gingrich won. Rick Santorum lost. Ron Paul was entertaining, as always. Mitt Romney survived. And the Fat Lady is nowhere near ready to sing.
- OBAMA 2012: Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose say the Obama re-election Campaign at the White House is spam-gramming their e-mail list with an offer for a chance to have dinner with Obama for only a $2 donation. No kidding. “These meals are one simple thing that sets this campaign apart,” Tom explained to Rose. “The $2 seats at Obama’s table don’t belong to any Washington lobbyist or powerful interest.”
Now compare that with the price of tickets to have a Black History Month moment when Michelle jets in at Over-Taxed Payers’ Expense for lunch at the Westin on Thursday. For $250, you get a crappy wallet sized photo with a stamped autograph, and a $10,000 donation might get you an autographed poster. Such a deal! By the way, was the Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center already booked, or does Michelle not want to be caught dead down there, just like everybody else.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “President Obama said he understands that rising prices are making people worried and fearful. Especially in his re-election campaign. They’re really fearful.”
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says, Tuesday will tell us a lot about the race for the Republican presidential nomination, and right now the numbers are running Mitt Romney’s way. Things are a little murkier when it comes to the following week’s Super Tuesday.
MEDIA MENDACITY: On Newsbusters, Kyle Drennen says: While ABC’s World News declared “a big chunk of the pain at the pump is Wall Street’s fault” on Thursday, on NBC’s Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams similarly announced: “The problem is gas prices are largely set by commodities traders, also known these days as speculators.” Correspondent Miguel Almaguer reported on “backlash from both sides of the register” as a sound bite played of Los Angeles gas station owner Andre Van Der Valk ranting: “Consumers should be very, very angry and very challenging of the oil companies. That’s where it all starts.”
See, according to our Obama Supporters in the Press, Obama has been totally absolved. Speculators and Oil Companies are to blame for high gas prices
- READING THE TEA LEAVES: Tea Party Patriots at all levels are telling us how busy they are these days (although their web pages might not have been updated lately), what with all that hype about Super Tuesday only being nine days away on March 6 (86 in Kentucky on May 22) But The Blower knows it’s easy to get people involved right before an election. That’s why we’re waiting to see how people’s activism will wane on March 7.
- OHIO RINO PARTY: In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders is also waiting to see the outcome of all those “Republican State Central Committee” races to see how effective those gazillions of dollars were Ohio RINO Party Boss Kevin DeWhine spent to save his job.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Our Compassionate Conservative wonders why would anybody on Cincinnati Girly Mayor Mark Mallory’s New Extreme Liberal Clown-cil wants to take a close look at a deal to give almost $1 million in over-taxed payers’ money for a soul food restaurant that’s scheduled to open this spring, just because Elizabeth “Liz” Rogers” has a demonstrated history of not paying her taxes or their creditors? Wouldn’t that be racist?
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo was not quite so subtle, after he saw The Fishwrap was asking “Where would you have taken the first lady?” on her visit to Cincinnati. Ken asked if it would be racist if you suggested the zoo. Ken said, “Come to think of it, the zoo is the only place of interest opened right now.”
- VOTER FRAUD: Indiana Bureau Chief Hoosier Daddy says Indiana’s ousted top elections official was sentenced Thursday to a year of home detention for six felony convictions on charges including voter fraud, perjury and theft after a judge refused to reduce the convictions to lesser crimes. Hamilton Superior Court Judge Steven Nation said the intentional disregard that Secretary of State Charlie White showed for the law outweighed portrayals of him as a loving father and husband. The judge refused to reduce the six felony convictions to misdemeanors that would have given the 42-year-old Republican a chance to hold onto his office.
- LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #56 is you should tell them another reason Obama’s got to go is…his speeches are really boring.
- MORE FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERY: After the Washington Post reported that during the Summit County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, Ohio House Speaker William Batchelder’s stole a joke from Jay Leno, to say: “The liberals are asking us to give Obama more time. And I think 25-to-life would be a great start,” and the Idiotorial Board at The Fishwrap couldn’t stop whining about Batchelder’s refusal to apologize. Now you know where Award Winning Photo Journalist Artis Conception gets his inspiration.
- HAMILTON COUNTY RINO PARTY: This week, Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP had his Disguised DemocRAT Political Director e-mail everybody an inspiring tribute to the Father of our County yesterday on Washington’s Birthday. It was really patriotic until the end, when it said “Help us kickoff our 2012 fundraising campaign by making a donation today.”
REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: remind us of Mean Jean Schmidt’s vote to raise Gas Taxes by 27%. When you think of higher gas prices, think of Mean Jean. And speaking of That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch, the Campaign for Primary Accountability is now paying for robo-calls informing Republicans about how many thousands of times our supposedly Conservative Congresswoman voted with the Disingenuous DemocRATS.
Yesterday we reported the news broken by The Daily Bellwether that Ghizzy Lizzy was posting false information on her website. Last night Ghizzy finally got around to removing this inaccurate information. Republicans for Higher Taxes issued their statement shortly afterwards, calling on everyone to lay off their Ghizzy. They say this incident does not mean Ghizzy is either dishonest or lacks the attention to detail that we want in our judges.
And in just the past seven days, the City of Cincinnati has broken ground on a $110 million (and counting) streetcar, gave one company $1 million in grants and loans to move to The Banks, and approved spending $4.4 million to convert City Hall’s courtyard into a wedding atrium. If the city can afford all these projects, does it mean they have found the money to fix the Union Terminal building that THEY own, and won’t be asking Hamilton County over-taxed payers to bail them out?
IN ANDERSON: When Whacky Jacky O’Brien’s Illegitimate Son Kevin finally shows up in court at 9:30 AM on March 5, will Judge Nadel take it easy on our Disgraced Unapologetic Township Trustee, just because his wife is divorcing him, his bank foreclosed on his house at 7964 Hopper Road (for a mere $373,137.80) in “the third most affluent neighborhood in America,” and he forgot to pay his property taxes when it comes time to hear Kevin’s previous employer Baird & Company’s lawsuit against him for a paltry $378,000?
Also in Anderson, Angry Andersonian Steve Duffy (he owns Salem Hardware) has the signs saying to “Vote No” on the Forrest Gump School District’s humongous tax hike so township property owners of $200,000 houses can pay $2,000-a-year to support the greedy teachers and administrators.
Word now is the desperate pro-levy groups are stealing these signs.
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL (OUR ODIOUS OCTEGENARIAN), THE BARD OF CLEVES: Just in time for to vote against the Forrest Gump School District’s humongous tax hike, we found in his “Political Poems of the Day,” found in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves.
Limerick for a Levy
A levy here, a levy there
You’ll see a levy everywhere
And you can bet, honey
They’ll take all your money
And leave your pockets bare.
- IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Our Clermont Crusader says Portly Prosecutor Don White was bringing cookies to the grand jury on Wednesday. Could that be construed as jury tampering or was it simply plain old vote buying? Of course, if a voter would sell his vote for a few lousy cookies, that doesn’t say much about the voter.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says all those Republicans now in the race for Goof Doofus’ Congressional Seat in the May 22 Primary in only 93 more days, the first Massie signs are up in Boondoggle County at the corner of Camp Ernst and KY. 18.
THIS WEEK IN KENTON CIRCUIT COURT: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders bombastic e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now! This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court was expected by many to be a Mardi-Gras sized celebration of Eric “Eric “Call Me Crazy,” Big Mouth, Most Sanctioned, Ambulance Chaser, No Count of a Radio Host, Shameless Self Promoter, Willie Wannabe, Why Haven’t I Been Disbarred, Who Likes Bulldogs and Failed Roadhouse Operator Deters’ long awaited suspension from the practice of law but Ken Camboo says Our Good Friend and his cadre of pit bull prosecutors just went about their business of locking up bad guys as usual! Too bad, because Blower followers are all too willing to kick a dog while he’s down!
- ANOTHER FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT UPDATE: “Crazy Eric” says not to worry. Although he’s been suspended in Kentucky, he can still file frivolous lawsuits in Ohio, and wasn’t it funny when the Dissociated Press did its suspension story, they said he was still a radio talk-show host on WLW Hate Radio in Cincinnati?
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1929, President Coolidge established Grand Teton National Park. Bobby Leach says it’s always been his favorite National Park because “Grand Teton” means “really big tits” in French.
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: With the Academy Awards on TV tonight, our Quote for Today Committee chose Humphrey Bogart’s, observation at the 1951 Academy Awards: “The only way to find the best actor would be to let everybody play Hamlet and let the best man win.”
- THIS WEEK AT A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about that CFK-TV pilot program being developed at Anderson Community Television, and our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher showed them the promo.
“It was pretty good presentation of our ‘Political Science Theater 2012’ concept,” Kane explained. “The Mystery Science Theater 3000″ parody works, but we’re going to have to use real voices instead of a synthesizer, more comments by the silhouette characters, and some technical tweaks before a real program is ready to go on the air. Any constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.”
AND COMING UP IN “THE WEEK THAT WILL BE”: The Blower’s Campaign Countdowns to will continue. Speaking of which, the 2012 Elections are only “253” days away, the March Primary in Ohio is nine days away, and the Bluegrass primary in May 22 is 86 days away.
Monday it’ll be time for our “It’s Hard to Believe Black History Month Is Almost Over” E-dition.
Tuesday you’ll be reading “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers,” which Persons of Consequence have always found interesting.
Wednesday we’ll be adding up the new Delegate Count after Tuesday’s Republican Primary Elections in Arizona and Michigan.
Thursday, our Good Friend Bobby Leach says he’ll be counting the days until BB&BJ Day next month. That’s really something to celebrate.
The first line of Friday’s limerick will be: “Don’t worry about ‘Crazy Eric’s’ Suspension.”
And Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says Stocks ended narrowly mixed in another lackluster session Friday as investors hesitated to remain long ahead of the weekend, but the major indexes still posted gains for the week with the S&P logging its best finish since June 2008. Now you can afford to buy gasoline for your automobiles.
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Nancy Pelosi explains The Benefits of Unemployment
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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