Saturday, February 18, 2011

Getting All That Stuff From All Those People

  • Thursday night at a speaking engagement, members of the audience were asking Charles Foster Kane why The Whistleblower-Newswire seems to be coming out later these days. “It depends on how much people have submitted that day,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained. “Our Snitches and Bitches spend a lot of time and energy working on the items they send us on a wide variety of subjects, and we always try to give their material the time it deserves.”
  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus has a ton of national news stories to wade through every day, counting down the remaining “261” more days of the Obama Administration. Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen reports on the latest polls. And in Washington, our DC Newbreaker is counting the number of times GOP House Speaker John Boehner caves in to those Despicable DemocRATS.
  • Whistleblower reporters in all those primary states are sending us updates on the four remaining 2012 Republican Presidential Campaign Candidates. With gas prices up 83% under Obama (so far), Newt Gingrich is committed to making $2.50 a gallon gasoline a reality, while Romney, Santorum, and Paul are all afraid to debate The Newtster on CNN right before the March 6 Super Duper Tuesday Primary in only 17 more days. Meanwhile, Romney’s Super PAC continues to bombard Santorum mercilessly just to make things interesting.
  • In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders checks out news clips from all over the state, and is constantly amazed at how poorly The Fishwrap compares. Gerry keeps busy reading reports of timely Lincoln Day Dinners with famous featured speakers in every county in Ohio, except here in Hamilton County, and Trying to see how much it’s costing to see if GOP Governor Kasich or RINO Party Boss Kevin DeWhine will control the State Central Committee. That story is not getting nearly enough coverage.
  • The highlight of the day is always when the latest e-mail from Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception arrives, like this one of Disingenuous DemocRAT Sherrod Brown giving over-taxed payers the finger. Do you think Artis heard the U.S. Senate’s leading proponent of tax increases on the American people was delinquent on his own property taxes on his condo in DC until a reporter called him to ask him about it? (Maybe that’s why Artis used somebody else’s name on it instead of his own.)
  • Bobby Blogwatcher compiles the latest from the Blogosphere, like today when Republicans for Higher Taxes endorsed Little Dweeb Lonnie Bowling for State Rep-tile over the conservative candidate Mike Wilson. Bellwether Blogger Bill Sloat reported Obama’s Cincinnati Reelection Headquarters would be opening on February 21, as Birthers begin bombing the City with slanderous citizenship e-mail. And Our Conservative Political Potentate is asking “Isn’t it a little bit too early to be talking about Vice Presidential running mates? That way, Potentate gives himself something to talk about.
  • At the City Hall Circus, our City Hall Snitch is watching our new Extreme Liberal City Clown-cil, wondering wherever our Nine Fine Clowns will be coming up with $18.7 Million to relocate utilities lines along our Girly Mayor’s Trolley Folly route. The City and Duke Energy officials recently reached an impasse in negotiations to relocate utilities lines along the streetcar route. Duke says it will not move the lines unless the city pays for the $18.7 million effort. There are 296,482 stories in the Queen City. That would surely be one of them.
  • And how’s this for some “Breaking News? Within 30 minutes after Friday’s Trolley Folly ground breaking, the holes were filled in by City workers, and the boondoggle remains a streetcar to nowhere.
  • During Black History Month, we’re really busy promoting Racial Healing, wherever we can.
  • Over at the Courthouse, CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street is watching the Commissioners’ Daily Drama, and long-time Whistleblower readers are amazed at the similarities with Patronage County, where Commissioner Filch, Commissioner Pilfer, and Commissioner Swindle are lining their pockets.
  • Our Clermont Crusader says there’s no place like Clermont County, where these days they need to build their own sleazy motel in Batavia so their County Commissioners don’t have so far to drive to Northern Kentucky and whore it up with one of the local skanks and former Pierce Township police chiefs and law directors don’t have to bump their uglies in the office.
  • Our reader Big Bill contacted us about the Archie Wilson article, saying, “Anyone who holds a grudge strong enough to hire a team of private investigators over a period of eight months in order to set up this sham criminal case against Archie Wilson and who is willing to destroy a person’s life over a grudge is a dangerous criminally disturbed person indeed, and I think I know who that person is.”
  • Our Freebie Gourmet Martin UpChuck is busy writing a column on a great place for our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher to get taken on his Bribe Lunch today, so he can listen to that Political Consultant from Pearls Before Swine Consulting complain how none of his clients will follow up on his great ideas.
  • Hurley the Historian always comes up with what happened on this date, like in 1861, when Bluegrass native Jefferson Davis became the provisional head of the Confederacy, and today Goof Doofus claims to be related, since Goof called Obama “boy” and he’s sure double-great uncle Jefferson would’ve too.
  • Then there’s all that meaningless coverage about Ohio’s Second Congressional District Primary, where the only way voters would ever be able to get rid of That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch would be if somebody drove a wooden stake through her heart. Still, there are amusing moments, like yesterday when the Wenstrup campaign’s radio spot really slammed our Bitch-in-a-Ditch. If only those So-Called Political Experts in Columbus running his campaign had allowed our Doctor/ War Hero Lieutenant Colonel to say those kinds of things during his campaign appearances, it might’ve made a difference.
  • Local Contested State Rep-tile Campaigns are only slightly more interesting, except where $tate Rep-tile for $ale Peter $tautberg released a list of 56 supporters. Bad news is, 55 of them don’t live in the district, and we can’t understand why he neglected to mention the $upport he’s received from Bungals Owner Mike Brown.  Perhaps if $tauberg worked as hard for the people he represents as he does for the millionaire sports owners and Columbus lobbyists, he might have more than one supporter in his district. At least “Taxkiller Tom” Brinkman maintained support from his constituents because he drove home each night to represent them, instead of sipping wine with the Columbus insiders.
  • Soreheads in the Suburbs are always sending us lots of stuff. There’s always so much going on in Greed Township on the West Side, Colerain Township in the Middle, and Anderson Township on the East Side. Down at Lunken Airport, we’re waiting to see if the UFOs have landed. This month, WLW Hate Radio’s Darryl Parks has been criticizing the Forrest Gump Schools for trying to pass a humongous tax hike so township property owners of $200,000 houses can pay $2,000-a-year to support the greedy teachers and administrators. That campaign is being promoted by the supposedly non-political Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce and always fair and balanced Forest Hills Urinal. At least the guys at the Anderson Tea Party are keeping all their members informed every day.
  • And did you know, Forbes magazine just designated the Coldstream area in Anderson as “the third most affluent neighborhood in America?” But, curiously, that didn’t include 7964 Hopper Road, which is in foreclosure for a mere $373,137.80. Check it out on Traci Wrinkles’ Web Page. It’s Case No A1201192.
  • Our Seediest Kids of All Campaign is always reading letters about worthy waifs, and every day we have to check our Faux Facebook Page to see how many famous people still consider Charles Foster Kane their BFF.
  • But the most time-wasting part of our daily information processing is wading the megabytes of e-mails from people who think being a political activist is re-sending all those e-mails you’ve seen 100 times. The Blower thinks they’d do more for their country (or their community) if they just told us what they thought about something that was on their mind.
  • And you can’t believe how many videos there are out there to watch and sometimes selecting our “Link of the Day” can take a really long time. And our Quote for Today Committee spends more than a few moments looking for “notable quotables” from famous people about subjects we’re discussing. Maybe that explains today’s choice from “Willy Wonka”: “So much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.” 

Charles Foster Kane wonders when the Quote for Today Committee will select something he’s had to say, since “there’s no public issue on which Kane has not taken a stand during the past forty years.”

  • Now we have all those videos to CFK-TV videos to watch, since that the pilot program being developed at Anderson Community Television is already scheduled for production and editing next week.  Somebody on the CFK-TV Production Crew even came up with this idea for a promo. Other ideas for programs come from YouTube auditions received at [email protected] 

Bluegrass Backlogs

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says it takes him a lot of time each morning to process all those snitches and bitches from Kenton, Campbell, and Boondoggle Counties too, where there are now only 94 more days until the Primary Elections on May 22. Who would’ve though Kentucky Republicans might even have something to say about choosing the nominee?
  •  Ken CamBoo says when the Northern Kentucky Chamber heard that Obama would pay groups $75,000 if they found people who needed to be placed on food stamps, they immediately went to Frankfort asked for welfare and food stamps, and then asked for the $75,000.
  • Ken CamBoo said when Judge Once Moore from Boondoggle County went to Frankfort with the Chamber on Thursday to try to collect some of that welfare, he was told by Senate President David Williams that tolls may be needed to pay for a new Brent Spence Bridge. The Judge explained to Chamber members that tolls may not be so bad, since members could write the toll fee off their taxes and the politicians could have the Overtaxed Payers foot their toll.
  • Ken Cam Boo said as reported by The Blower earlier this week there still is not a politician in Northern Kentucky taking credit for raiding the Federal Highway Lock Box and passing out $1.8 million for trails in Kentucky, including three local cities and counties. Ken said that $1.8 million is a lot of tolls the people in Northern Kentucky will now have to shell out to get a bridge. Goof Doofus and Bitch McConnell said “We did it for the Native Americans.”
  • Finally, no one in NoKY is really excited about yet another humiliating defeat for Eric “Call Me Crazy,” Big Mouth, Most Sanctioned, Ambulance Chaser, No Count of a Radio Host, Shameless Self Promoter, Willie Wannabe, Why Haven’t I Been Disbarred, Who Likes Bulldogs and Failed Roadhouse Operator Deters, when esteemed US Senior District Court Judge William Bertlesman tossed yet another one of his frivolous lawsuits out of court, this time against two of Covington’s finest. 

Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken Camboo is filing the story under “News that’s nothing New,” because this is actually the same lawsuit that the Crazy One filed against Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders and one of his pit bull prosecutors that got laughed out of court a long time ago. And, as usual, the only attorney with the same winning record as the Washington Generals is squawking about an appeal to the US 6th Circuit, where just a couple weeks ago, his last frivolous appeal on behalf of NoKY’s (first) notorious sex-ed teacher Nicole Howell, got laughed out of court again. The Cabal out to Destroy “Crazy Eric” says the only difference between the Crazy One’s results in trial courts and appellate courts is the number of judges laughing at him as he leaves! 


e-mail your snitch or bitch today.

 Some vengeful items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally vengeful subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.

Link of the Day

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