Daily Archives: February 16, 2012

WB for 16 Feb

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Thursday, February 16, 2011

Obama’s Political Promises Update

  • Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says with only “263” days more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, Obama has finally explained why he failed to cut the deficit in half, after being lobbed a softball question by an Obama Supporter in the Press, who said he is getting “pelted in the media” for making a campaign promise he did not keep. Obama said it turned out to be a lot deeper than he thought.

 According to Obama’s Lame-Duck DOA 2013 Budget, Obama’s additional deficit spending would be $17K per person, $70K per family.

Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Dick Gregory’s “Political promises are much like marriage vows. They are made at the beginning of the relationship between candidate and voter, but are quickly forgotten.”

  • Meanwhile, Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose says the Obama re-election Campaign at the White House is spam-gramming their e-mail list with offers of FREE Obama bumper stickers, that turns into another request for a donation before you’re done. Their free FREE Obama bumpers stickers wound up costing them $68 on Wednesday.
  • In Washington, DC Newsbreaker says a “tentative deal” has been reached to extend that Payroll Tax Cut and Unemployment Benefits, and another $100 Billion would be borrowed from China for your grandchildren to repay. The Blower predicted GOP House Speaker John Boehner and those RINOs would cave in, and they did.

Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1959, Fidel Castro was sworn in as prime minister of Cuba— no term limits problem there!

  • Obama personally paid for that $300 five-course dinner-for-two he and Michelle enjoyed at the upscale Vermilion restaurant outside of Washington on Valentine’s Day, but over-taxed payers got stuck with the carfare, as the Obamas warmed the earth with their 25-car, fossil-fuel-burning motorcade roaring out of Washington for a 25-minute trip to the Alexandria, Virginia Restaurant and return.

 Meanwhile, in Columbus

  • Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Rick Santorum leads Mitt Romney, 36% to 29%, among likely GOP primary voters in the Ohio poll released Tuesday by Quinnipiac University. No wonder GOP Groups in Warren and Adams County are selling lots of tickets to their Lincoln Day Dinners tomorrow night. So who’ll be the featured speaker at the Hamilton County RINO Party event? What, you mean Alex T., Mall Cop GOP doesn’t even have a damn dinner scheduled? Perhaps former DemocRAT operative Ashwin Corratiyil could work on getting this set up, as soon as he gets done sending out e-mails promoting Republican candidates who are running unopposed in the March 6 primaries in only 19 more days. 
  • Also, all over Ohio, Republicans are receiving all those mailers promoting competing candidates like Jean Raga and Rebecca Heimlich for the “Republican State Central Committee,” whatever the hell that is. So where’s all that money coming from? Those expensive ads don’t really say. 

Down at the City Hall Circus

  • Folks are wondering about PG Sittenfeld’s full name. It’s “Alexander Paul George Sittenfeld.” How pompous is that?  Did his parents think they were naming a prince? There are 296,482 stories in the Queen City. This has only been one of them. 
  • Our Compassionate Conservative wonders if it’s already April Fool’s Day or a is it just a Black History Month Joke? The Museum Center is going to merge with Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center! In other words, white guys, who run the Museum Center, are better managers than the blacks, who have run the Freedom Center, into the ground. The only legitimate thing to do is close the Freedom Center and move their stinkin’ exhibits to the basement of Union terminal or better yet put them out on the train tracks. More people would show up to watch a train slam into a bunch of boxes than have visited the Museum Center this year.

Tino Delgato says merging the two Museums makes sense. Now the second step needs to happen. Sell the Freedom Museum and move those displays to the Museum Center. Use the monies from the Freedom Museum sale to fix up the Museum center. The Freedom Museum is a beautiful building at a great location. It was built for over $100 million. The reality is those displays should have been located at the Museum Center to BEGIN with, as was suggested by this author among many others. In five years, we will be asking why some trolley busses using rubber tires (like in Covington) were not tried FIRST for the Mallory Folly Trolley (MFT). Go Figure!!!

  • Speaking of “Bad Planning,” according to a study released by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, the Purple People Bridge Climb in its first year was supposed to generate an economic impact of $32.1 million, based on the projection of 80,000 bridge climbers a year. The study estimated bridge climbers would spend nearly $6.6 million a year on admissions and souvenirs, and an additional $5.5 million at local restaurants, hotels, and retailers, generating 350 new jobs for local workers and annual earnings entering households of $8.1 million.

 Now the same people are saying our Girly Mayor’s Trolley Folly will increase mobility, decrease gasoline consumption, and create economic development and jobs in the City of Cincinnati. Economic analyses estimate a positive impact to the city of $1.4 billion. The project has an estimated benefit to cost ratio of 3:1 The development in the city will create an initial 1,800 jobs, with up to 9,000 over the long term. Over 3,700 trips a day will be taken on the streetcars. Studies have indicated the local streetcar system would spark nearly $1.4 billion in new development along its route. That means it would produce — when adjusted in today’s value — up to $2.70 in economic activity for every $1 invested.

 Now, just for the record, The Blower’s prediction is… “It ain’t gonna happen.”

Soreheads in the Suburbs

  • Speaking of April Fool’s, Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception wonders if Hamilton County Sheriff Si Leis really has a gun to Russ Jackson’s head so the Anderson Trustee will come up with money for more patrol officers from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office by April 1.

This illustration is also available at Page Two of his Gallery on The Whistleblower Web Page.

  •  Also in Anderson, everybody’s waiting to see how much free publicity the Forest Hills Urinal will be lavishing on their friends at the Forrest Gump School District this week, so township property owners of $200,000 houses can pay $2,000-a-year to support the greedy teachers and administrators.

At least the Anderson Tea Party’s web page still says “The fiscal problems within our school district mimic that of every other public school district; labor and benefit costs are out of control!  No levy or non-salary cuts are going to solve our problem. The Forest Hills School District (FHSD) needs to live in the same economic times in which we all live.” [READ MORE HERE]

  • And in today’s “Who Says There’s No Free Lunch” column, during the last week, our Freebie Gourmet has enjoyed special all-you-can-eat soup and salad special lunches at Uno’s, Applebee’s, and Olive Garden. Guess, which one did he liked best?
  • Speaking of Applebee’s, in that letter to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office claiming abuse and likely fraudulent activity in the Lebanon City Schools, there was a US Bank credit card purchase at Applebee’s on Saturday, 11/20/2010 for $45.10. The budget ledger entry shows deliberate deception by documenting the expenditure as “Diesel fuel for bus #22 and bus…” and is found under “Transportation bus Fuel.” The Blower has confirmed that Applebee’s does not sell diesel fuel.
  • Our Clermont Crusader says these days Enemies of Archie Wilson are e-mailing each other copies of that October 23, 2011 item in The Fishwrap congratulating Archie Wilson and his missus on their 40th Wedding Anniversary on September 25. Naming all the family members (including the grandchildren) was tasteless too.
  • A special talk on “Congressional Ethics” will be presented at the Blue Chip Young Republicans meeting later this month. Do you think anyone will be mentioning That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch?
  • Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about that pilot program being developed on CFK-TV at Anderson Community Television these days. “Our political analysis show is progressing nicely,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained. According to our latest CFK-TV Production Crew update, the idea for our new program came from one of the YouTube auditions received at [email protected].

Bluegrass Basics

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says with only 96 more days until the Bluegrass Primaries on May 22, Thomas Massie’s Campaign for Goof Doofus’ Fourth District Congressional Seat will open an office at 267 Main Street in Florence at 10AM Saturday morning. Of course, the candidate will be on hand to meet voters and answer questions and there will no doubt be loads of free refreshments for those who show up. But The Blower would like to know how long a lease Thomas signed. That might indicate what the candidate thought his chances were.
  •  After last year’s traffic and parking fiasco at the Kentucky Speedway, the Commonwealth is spending $3.7 million of over-taxed payers’ money to widen the shoulders along Kentucky 35, as well as increasing it to five lanes, but Speedway representatives declined to say how much the Speedway is investing for their improved parking.
  • The Blower received another complaint from a frequent flyer at CVG who received a speeding ticket from an airport patrolman on I-275 near the airport. The frequent flyer said if those officers would stay on the airport property, maybe the thieves would not get away with all that copper wiring like they did from the vacated DHL building last year.

In a related story, a 74-year old Boondoggle Overtaxed Payer wants to know how much of a tax incentive will Judge Once Moore have to give DHL to replace all that copper wire, now that they’ve returned from Wilmington Ohio.

  • Finally, Ken CamBoo says The Fishwrap is reporting that another deer count will occur in Ft. Thomas. That means we will once again see the men of Ft. Thomas out with their bows and arrows sneaking up on those poor Bambis while wearing their flip flops.

Meanwhile, Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders shows pictures of deer in his back yard in Fort Mitchell on his Facebook page, before he shoots them. The Robster’s reputation as a big game hunter is well known in Northern Kentucky.

More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans

Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our February fund-raising drive by the No-Tell Motel in Erlanger, where there is never any extra charge for bedbugs. 


e-mail your personal pledges today

Some political promising items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political promising subscribers. 

Link of the Day

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.