Daily Archives: February 12, 2012

WB for 12 Feb

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Blower’s Week in Review

  • OUR NUMBER ONE LOCAL STORY THIS WEEK was all that backlash from The Blower’s coverage of Clint Eastwood’s “Halftime in America” Ad for bailed-out Chrysler (on which U.S. over-taxed payers only lost 1.3 Billion) that Obama is already using in his re-election campaign.

Now Clint says, “I’m certainly not affiliated with Mr. Obama,” and a Chrysler spokesman says Eastwood was critic of the auto bailout. Chrysler also claims the ad had “zero political content.”

 “I was, frankly, offended by it,” said Karl Rove on Fox News Monday. “I’m a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, I thought it was an extremely well-done ad, but it is a sign of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the president of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising.”

The advertising agency that created the commercial — Wieden + Kennedy — has members who have designed Obama campaign items or who have worked on behalf of DemocRAT causes. Is that a coincidence or what!

No wonder Obama’s campaign manager David Axelrod and White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer tweeted praise for the spot.

And The Blower says this online comment was spot on: I don’t understand how anyone could possibly watch that ad, or read the script for it in the case of Mr. Eastwood, and NOT see that it was a clear commercial for 4 more years of Obama. “Half-time” in an Obama eight-year reign. When I saw it I wondered if the Obama campaign fund had paid for it. Only two choices here: either Mr. Eastwood is lying, or he has gone around the bend and completely lost it, a clueless old man.

  • OUR NUMBER TWO LOCAL STORY THIS WEEK was when Dummy’s restaurants announced a new “Archie and Amanda” Blue Plate Special as a tie-in with their ongoing “Things go better with Coke” promotion.

Also in Clermont County, our reader Josh, who is an attorney, wrote in to say, “I smell a large rat in the case against Archie Wilson. The prostitute stated she first became aware of Archie Wilson being a Clermont County commissioner while she was reading a newspaper in the county jail.  I can seriously tell you no inmate in the Clermont County jail spends time reading newspapers, in particular, what passes for our local newspapers.”

“Second, Amanda the hooker says she wrote down Wilson’s license place number and just happened to have that same slip of paper with her in the pocket of her Clermont County blue inmate two-piece uniform?  Inmates can take no personal papers with them into the jail.” 

“Third, a clerk at a Kentucky motel writes down license plate numbers of cars parked in the motel parking lot and just happens to keep Wilson’s plate number for months?  A high percentage of people are at motels for the purpose of fornication.  Clerks don’t go walking around the parking lot writing down all the license numbers of cars.  As the clerk supposedly did that, who was watching the motel desk?  These supposed “facts” are pure hogwash.”

“Somebody must have orchestrated this “information” who has a major vendetta against Wilson.  I think that person, who had to have ample funds, spent a lot of time and trouble, spent money and had available personnel to “form the facts” of this case in advance before the prostitute ever contacted authorities.  How much money did the prostitute and other witnesses receive from that person to agree to come up with their stories?”

  •  AND OUR NUMBER THREE LOCAL STORY THIS WEEK was at Friday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, when Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if Anderson’s own Whistleblower Newswire was really developing local public access TV right there in Anderson Township. “We have several projects already in development. People who want to be celebrities on TV are already sending us their creative concepts and YouTube auditions at [email protected],” Kane explained, “and we hope to be able to show you our promos at our next meeting

  • MONDAY in our Special “Reagan’s 101st  Birthday” E-dition, The Blower reported the Reagan family had told our local GOP to take his name off this year’s RINO event, as we remembered the Gipper:

Hurley the Historian said Ronald Reagan was born on this date in 1911. Reagan’s birthday is a High Holy Day for Conservatives, especially during these trying times, and Real Republicans are asking, “What would He do today?

If The Gipper were alive today, here’s what he might say about the Obama Administration:

“Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.”

Instead of “Morning in America, it would be “Mourning in America.”

About today’s economy, Reagan might say: “Recession is when a neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.”

About RINOs and DemocRATS in Congress, Reagan might say:

“Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.”


  • TUESDAY in our Special “Super Bowl Post Game” E-dition The Blower asked if all that hype was over yet, and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

When a Republican like me appeared in that “Halftime in America” Super Bowl ad for bailed-out Chrysler (on which U.S. over-taxed payers only lost 1.3 Billion), do you think Obama will use it when he campaigns this year? —Clint Eastwood

Don’t forget our spots which portrayed enthusiastic American workers back on domestic assembly lines actually turning out refrigerators in Louisville, while speaking glowingly of the future. —General Electric

Madonna’s Super-Bowl Half Time Show was only slightly less gaudy than what we have planned for victory celebration in then only “272 more days. —The Obama Re-election Campaign


  • WEDNESDAY in our Special “Advertising Analysis” E-dition The Blower reported DemocRATS had adopted Chrysler’s Super Bowl Ad and The Blower said it looked like The Good, the Ad, and the Ugly.”

Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says you wouldn’t believe all the reaction to the first “Real E-Mail from Real Subscribers” in Tuesday’s “Super Bowl Post Game” E-dition. All it said was:

When a Republican like me appeared in that “Halftime in America” Super Bowl ad for bailed-out Chrysler (on which U.S. over-taxed payers only lost 1.3 Billion), do you think Obama will use it when he campaigns this year? —Clint Eastwood  


  • THURSDAY, in our Special “Eastwood Commercial Backlash” E-dition, The Blower was said that “Halftime in America” Spot was an Obama infomercial!:

Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus said everybody’s still talking about Clint Eastwood’s “Halftime in America” Chrysler ad that turned out to be a love letter to Obama. Even Rush Limbaugh did a bit on it. [WATCH THAT HERE]

The parody ad states, “It’s halftime. Both teams are in their locker rooms, getting ready to win the first four years or a second term. It’s halftime in America, too. People are out of work and they’re hurting. And they’re all wondering what Obama’s gonna do to them next and they’re scared because he thinks this is a game.” The parody goes on to say, “…all’s that matters now is that we come together as one great nation and kick his skinny butt back to Chicago. This country can’t be knocked out by one punk. We’ll get right back up again and, when we do, Obama’s gonna hear the roar of our engines. Yeah, it’s half-time America, are you ready to win?”


  • FRIDAY in our Special “Archie Wilson Sex Scandal” E-dition, The Blower said “We told you so!” and our weekly Top Ten List looked something like this:

Today it’s the top ten reasons the Resigned in Disgrace Former Clermont County Commissioner Archie Wilson traded drugs for sex with hooker who called herself “Amanda Lay” at a sleazy motel in Northern Kentucky:

10. I forgot
9. The dog ate it
8. She told me she loved me
7. I did it to help the homeless
6. The Devil made me do it
5. I just wanted to be loved–is there anything wrong with that?
4. I’m a Tea Party Republican
3. I was framed
2. This whole thing is just one big terrible mistake

…and the Number One Reason Resigned in Disgrace Former Clermont County Commissioner Archie traded drugs for sex with hooker who called herself Amanda Lay at a sleazy motel in Northern Kentucky is… the guys at GOP Headquarters and the campaign manager of my first political campaign for Batavia Township Trustee (none other than That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch Mean Jean Schmidt) said nobody would ever find out. 

Editor’s Note: We’ve successfully used the format for this Whistleblower Top Ten List for every sex scandal for more than twenty years, ever since 1991 when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over all over town. Items 4. (in this case “I’m a Tea Party Republican”) and the people who said “nobody would ever find out” were changed according to who the person was. Amazingly, it’s just as good today as ever. 


  • SATURDAY in our Annual “CPAC”  E-dition, The Blower said only Conservative Activists need apply, and The Blower asked when “None of the Above” would be speaking.

With then only “268” more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says the media will be focused in Washington, where everybody who’s anybody and even those who aren’t will be speaking to Conservative Activists gathered from across the great nation at a three-day rally to support their favorite candidates and bash all the others. It’s called the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Convention. Their mission is clear— defeating Obama. Even if it’s not clear how they’ll get there. Obama Supporters in the Press will be there too, ready to distort and misquote just about whatever those Conservatives have to say. The mainstream media’s mission is clear as well. They’ll be defending Obama, and their ends will justify their means.



Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.



e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.

  • REPUBLICANS IN 2012: Last week, Charles Foster Kane was discussing the 2012 GOP Presidential Campaign with Revered Former Congressman Bob McEwen (now advising Newt Gingrich), and our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher casually suggested The Newtster announce the kind of people he would surround himself in the White House as soon as possible.

And look what happened!

 Newt Vows Bold Change for Washington

Says “Conservative Dream Team” Will Deploy for Battle

As the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) continues in Washington, DC, Speaker Newt Gingrich unveiled his battle plan for 2012 – rallying fearless conservatives around his candidacy like Governor Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Senator Fred Thompson, Michael Reagan, Linda Upmeyer, J.C. Watts, Kellyanne Conway, Chuck Norris and others as he takes on the Saul Alinsky radicalism of the Obama Administration. View the dream team here. 

  • OBAMA 2012: This weekend in Washington, Obama Re-election Campaign has been busy sending e-mails to Obsessed Obama Supporters like Tom and Rose with a video showing them how Obama’s campaign was launched from Springfield, Illinois five years ago, and…would you believe…asking for another donation? 
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “Mitt Romney said today that he learned something. There are things that money can’t buy — like Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri. Romney’s campaign is in such bad shape, today he moved the part in his hair even further to the right. But he is not quitting. Romney says he will keep fighting. And you can take that all the way to the Swiss bank.”
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says, “Here we go again. Another Republican surges up out of the pack to challenge Mitt Romney’s grip on the party’s presidential nomination. Meanwhile, President Obama appears to have helped his rivals with a bad political call forcing Catholic institutions to go against their basic beliefs and pay for contraception.”
  • MEDIA MENDACITY: On Newsbusters, Brad Wilmouth reported that during the opening monologue on Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” host Maher derided Rick Santorum as “the little creep that could” because of the GOP presidential candidate’s recent electoral victories. He also mocked the concern conservatives have about abortion by cracking that Mitt Romney had come to CPAC with a “fetus in a jar” to try to outdo Santorum with the audience. [READ MORE HERE]
  • READING THE TEA LEAVES: Monday Night’s big Tea Party event in Newtown was sponsored by a trio of local Tea Party groups, but unfortunately for our friends at the Anderson Tea Party, the duo of heavily scripted un-debates presented was being run by one of the other groups, which featured predictable questions by an eight-foot tall moderator, no confrontation whatsoever, and some really boring unchallenged self-serving statements by the candidates.

Who won? The winner of the Ohio Second Congressional District un-debate was the incumbent, “Mean Jean” Schmidt. Of course, she didn’t even show up at this event, just like she blew off the Anderson Township Republican Club Candidate Forum last month. Let’s face it. Any time an incumbent can encourage more than one candidate to get into the race to split the opposition vote, the incumbent wins. And the next day, our Quote for Today Committee chose Ross Perot’s favorite saying: “It’s just that simple.”

  • OHIO RINO PARTY: In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says GOP according to Elections attorney Donald Brey, a partner with Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, that State Central Committee vote to revise eligibility requirements to serve on the governing body might not help RINO Party Chairman Kevin DeWhine fend off a leadership challenge by supporters of Governor John Kasich. Gentlemen, file your lawsuits!

And was this Don Brey the same Don Brey who the House Ethics Committee says “misled” That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch Mean Jean Schmidt about her illegal payment arrangement with the Turkish Coalition! Is he still working for her?

  • BLACK HISTORY MONTH: in today’s Racial Healing Moment, Buckwheat Blackwell and Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane (finalists for the Ebony and Ivory Racial Healing Awards during Black History Month, agree that February should be called “Half-Black History Month” in honor Obama.
  • VOTER FRAUD: In Federal Court, Clintonista Judge Mr$. $tan Che$ley celebrated Black History Month by ordering all those “provisional ballots” favoring Disgruntled DemocRAT Tracie Hunter in her attempts to steal that 2010 Hamilton County Juvenile Court Election that Judge John  Williams won fair and square.
  • LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” No. 137 says, “Tell a joke”: Q: How do you starve an Obama supporter? A: Hide his food stamps under his work boots.
  • MORE FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERY:  When Newt Gingrich was campaigning in Ohio on Tuesday and the Newtster’s campaign e-mailed copies of Jane Prendergast’s rave review in The Fishwrap. Of course, what Jane forgot to mention was that at the same time Newt was wowing 200 people at Price Hill Chili at 9:30 in the morning, Rick Santorum was busy winning all three primaries and caucuses in Minnesota, Colorado, and Missouri.
  • HAMILTON COUNTY RINO PARTY: This week, Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP sent out an e-mail urging Republicans to vote for Wayne Lippert for Hamilton County Recorder. Hello? The Wayne Man is running unopposed in the primary.
  • MORE POLITICS UNUSUAL: Another story that caught the eye of Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception this week was the announcement that Cincinnati Girly Mayor Mark Mallory would be back in town on next Friday to break ground on the $110 million Trolley Folly, without a clue about where all that over-taxed payers money would be coming from.
  • MEANWHILE AT THE CITY OF WYOMING (NOT THE STATE): The City is planning to give a developer a defunct restaurant property The Hamilton County Auditor values at $443,000, along with $270,000 for repairs and improvements on the developer’s “promise” to bring 25 jobs to the City. Wyoming Clown-cil woman Vivacious Vicki Zwissler says, “Did the Mayor forget to use his calculator the day he signed that deal?”
  • AND FROM THE GREAT WHITE NORTH: a group of concerned citizens from Warren County has written the Ohio Attorney General’s Office claiming abuse and likely fraudulent activity in the Lebanon City Schools. Multiple issues have been identified and brought to the Lebanon City School administration without resolve. Unfortunately, those individuals in positions to monitor and control the finances are the ones abusing the system. The Blower’s Warren County Bureau is looking into the complaint at this very moment.
  • MORE FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: Recently, Superintendent of the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools, Mary Ronan, e-mailed the entire school system her annual, “we is broker den a broke dick dog” letter implying that severe employee reductions are forthcoming.  Failed CP$ employees anticipate the same annual letter, however, this year’s letter was also co-signed by the failed CFT “president” Julie Mubarak SellYourSoul completely invalidating the letter.  Any type of documentation with SellYourSoul’s signature is a farce, a fallacy, a fantasy, or a downright lie.  After three years of SellYourSoul at the helm, more non-white teachers have lost their jobs than any other real president serving CFT.  Perhaps Bored of Edjumacashun president Evil Bolton should schedule another meeting with SellYourSoul at the Central Parkway Frisch’s to personally select who gets axed.
  • REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: Their biggest news this week was their big endorsement of Peter Stautberg for State Rep-tile, citing his advocacy of higher taxes and support from Bungles Owner Mike Brown.  The next day they also added Stautberg’s prior assistance for the Cincinnati Streetcar as another reason to vote for him.  And speaking of the streetcar, they criticized Duke Energy for refusing to pass along to all ratepayers the costs of moving utilities for Stautberg’s Streetcar.  They are calling for a boycott of all gas and electric products until Duke decides to subsidize the streetcar with our money.  

Next week Republicans for Higher Taxes will release their endorsement in the 28th House District primary between Mike Wilson and Hillary Clinton supporter Lonnie Bowling. They tell The Blower they will be delivering fast and furious coverage of the primary election campaign through March’s primary election day.

  • NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL (OUR ODIOUS OCTEGENARIAN), THE BARD OF CLEVES: This poem appears in his “Sentimental Poems of Presidential Birthdays,” found in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves. 

     They called him “Honest Abe”
He meant just what he said.
But Washington couldn’t handle that
So they shot him in the head.

  • IN ANDERSON: Last week, the Forest Hills Urinal published a front-page puff piece to promote the Forrest Gump School District’s humongous Tax Hike, two pro-levy guest columns on the Readers Views page, along with four pro-levy letters to the editor (and nary a word of opposition). This week, they only published two guest columns by School Board Members and a smaller one from a critic at the bottom of the page. Still, they never explained that township property owners of $200,000 houses would be paying $2,000-a-year to support the greedy teachers and administrators. WLW Hate Radio’s Darryl Parks (an Angry Andersonian to be sure) had a weekend radio show. Did he say, “If you vote for the Humongous Forrest Gump Tax Levy, you’re stupid?”
  • IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Our Clermont Crusader says, “In Pierce Township, the trustees finally got some balls.” Trustees finally let lawyer Fran Kelley, aka “Wobbly Fran” and “Fran ‘I Wobble When I Walk’ Kelly” go. She was the bottom half of the paramour action occurring in the police chief’s office on Memorial Day. She was asked to resign but refused, so they just now let her go. It only took them over six months and a newly elected trustee to get it done.
  • IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says State Senator Demon Nay Thayer wants to know how Kentucky can ever get a gambling and prostitution bill on the ballot as long as these Commissioners from Clermont County meet their skanky Ohio whores at sleazy Northern Kentucky motels and give our Bluegrass prostitutes a bad name. Phyllis on Madison, says members of the Bluegrass Streetwalkers Association would never go on TV 12 and call their clients “dirty and disgusting,” like that trashy Amanda Lay did. Meanwhile, WLW Hate Radio Trash Talker Bill Cunningham says you should hear some of the stuff then Cincinnati DemocRAT Mayor Jerry Springer used to have those Kentucky prostitutes do to him at the President’s Motor Inn. His special selection was to ask one of the Bluegrass Belles to strap on a dildo and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
  • THIS WEEK IN KENTON CIRCUIT COURT: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders love-filled e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now!  This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court is billed as a Valentine’s Day E-dition but there’s certainly no love for all the felons filing off to prison!  Maybe they can find some romance behind bars!

In a related note, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken Camboo wanted to remind his fellow journalists that there’s no need to keep calling the Robster to ask about an Indictment on NoKY’s (second) most infamous sex-ed teacher who’s possibly still a Ben-gal because the case was assigned to the Jefferson County Commonwealth’s Attorney due to a conflict of interest. The Robster exclusively tells Ken he has no idea when the case will go to the Grand Jury.

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN: today is Abraham Lincoln’s real birthday. And to celebrate the occasion on this date in 1999, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit Pants-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton on his impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.
  • OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: Not necessarily agreeing in the case of Bill Clinton, today’s choice was “It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.”
  • THIS WEEK AT A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about The Blower’s rather adolescent coverage of the Archie Wilson Sex for Drugs Scandal so far. “I know,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher admitted. “The Archie Wilson Sex for Drugs Scandal makes Judge Pat DeWhine look like ‘Husband of the Year.’ I haven’t had quite this much fun since high school.”
  • AND COMING UP IN “THE WEEK THAT WILL BE”: The Blower’s Campaign Countdowns to will continue. Speaking of which, the 2012 Elections are only “267” days away, the March Primary in Ohio is 23 days away, and the Bluegrass primary in May 22 is 100 days away.

Monday is Valentine’s Day Eve, so if you’re planning to take your wife out to dinner for Valentine’s Day, do it on Monday. Restaurants won’t be as crowded, and they won’t have jacked up their prices yet,

Tuesday, don’t be surprised if all those “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” have a  Valentine’s Day air about them.

Wednesday, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo will be checking with Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl to see if Clermont County Commissioner turned himself in yet.

Thursday, we’ll see what programs those guys at CFK-TV are developing.

The first line of Friday’s limerick will be: “A woman we’ll call Amanda Lay.”

And Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes will explain how the City of Wyoming (not the State) plans to make money for the over-taxed payers by giving property and cash totaling $713,000 to a developer on that developer’s “promise” to bring 25 not-particularly-high-paying jobs to the City


e-mail your revolutionary recaps today

Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.  

Link of the Day

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.