Daily Archives: February 11, 2012

WB for 11 Feb

Saturday, February 11, 2011

When Will “None of the Above” Be Speaking?

  • Today, with only “268” more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says the media will be focused in Washington, where everybody who’s anybody and even those who aren’t will be speaking to Conservative Activists gathered from across the great nation at a three-day rally to support their favorite candidates and bash all the others. It’s called the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Convention. Their mission is clear— defeating Obama, even if it’s not clear how they’ll get there. Obama Supporters in the Press will be there too, ready to distort and misquote just about whatever those Conservatives have to say. The mainstream media’s mission is clear as well. They’ll be defending Obama, and their ends will justify their means.
  • Meanwhile in Congress, House Republicans accused the White House on Thursday of stonewalling a congressional probe into the failed $535 million loan guarantee to Obama’s cronies at bankrupt solar panel maker Solyndra LLC and threatened to issue subpoenas later this month to secure interviews with “key administration staff.” The Blower says, “Why threaten, you bunch of wussies? Just issue the subpoenas and be done with it!”
  • Hurley the Historian says on this date in 2006, former Vice President Dick Cheney shot 78-year-old Texas attorney Harry Whittington while quail hunting on a ranch in Texas. What are the chances our Bush Bashers in the Press remember to mention that today?

Meanwhile, Back in Ohio

  • In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says, according to GOP Elections attorney Donald Brey, a partner with Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, that State Central Committee vote to revise eligibility requirements to serve on the governing body might not help RINO Party Chairman Kevin DeWhine fend off a leadership challenge by supporters of Governor John Kasich. Gentlemen, file your lawsuits!
  • Also, was Governor John Kasich channeling our own John Boehner in the State of the State address on Tuesday? Kasich bawled when he awarded the Governor’s Courage Awards to three women. He then advised the winners not to sell their awards on Ebay the next day.

From his odd–and potentially offensive–rambling remarks and behavior, some thought Kasich might have been imbibing before his speech which he gave in Steubenville, which would be reason enough for anybody to imbibe. In his rambling speech, Kasich imitated a Parkinson’s patient, talked about his “hot wife,” gave shout-out praise to the same person fourteen times and acted like an awards show host while passing out the Courage awards.

  • Big Labor offered free bus rides to Steubenville to protest Kasich, but only about a hundred people showed up.
  • Revered Former Congressman Bob McEwen was at the Blue Ash Republican Club Meeting Wednesday night to hear the monotonous parade of primary contenders battling for March 6 votes in only 24 more days. That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch Mean Jean Schmidt was still in DC swooning over Obama and the great job she believes he’s doing, so her henpecked house-husband Peter gave just the kind of speech she would’ve given, comparing his wife to the Founding Fathers. No Kidding! But here are a few comparisons he missed:

Thomas Jefferson was famous for establishing the Marines, in part to avoid paying a tribute to Muslims. Jean too has gone to great lengths to avoid paying anything to Muslims. Sam Adams was a lifelong debtor, likewise, Jean owes nearly half a million dollars. And many of the founders inherited their wealth. The Blower says, “Sure you can compare old Wrinkle-Puss to the Founding Fathers. Those guys at the Art of Politics say she looks the same age.”

  • Meanwhile, Reader Beth writes in about OH-02 Republican primary candidate Brad Wenstrup, a podiatrist: “I can’t vote for a candidate who spends his day sniffing smelly feet and loving it. That’s just way too weird.”
  • Also pandering for votes in yet another 28th House District primary were 23-year-old former Connie “the Pillager” groupie, Lonnie Bowling and What-Happened-to-All-My-Tea-Party-Groupies Mike Wilson. Bowling spoke with a clueless enthusiasm and a team of t-shirt wearing supporters by his side. Whining Wilson didn’t wow anyone with his lackluster recant of how he lost in 2010 to Connie the Pillager. His teacup is gone from his campaign logo and so are his teams of t-shirt wearing Tea-Party groupies. Maybe Bowling was indeed planted by Connie the Pillager to sap Wilson’s energy in a primary so she can slaughter Whiny Wilson again in November.
  • The son of Congressman Steve Chabothead has been charged with breaking and entering, according to Oxford police. The Blower says give that Chabot kid a break. He has the same hair follicles as his dad!
  • Down at Hamilton County RINO Headquarters, they sent out an e-mail urging Republicans to vote for Wayne Lippert for Hamilton County Recorder. Hello? The Wayne Man is running unopposed in the primary.
  • In today’s Racial Healing Moment, Buckwheat Blackwell and Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane (finalists for the Ebony and Ivory Racial Healing Awards during Black History Month, agree that February should be called “Half-Black History Month” in honor of Obama.
  • Our Good Friend Jim Triantos at Trian Marblene has become a victim and a statistic.  His cultured marble products factory in Queensgate was robbed before Thanksgiving. Thieves took about $1,000 worth of electrical wiring, copper pipe and tools, Causing over $40,000 damage and his insurance company cancelled him.  The Prosecutor told him the guys might get less than a year or a suspended sentence. The company almost lost three good customers because it could not make deliver for almost three weeks.  Business is bad enough in the residential housing industry and this could have put him under.  In the old country, Jim Triantos’ father would have had the guy’s hand cut off.  Now the scum ball thieves will spend a few months at the Hamilton County Hilton Jail and Spa complete with movies, sports, lively banter, and catered meals. Jim says, “The good news is this didn’t kill me so now I’m stronger.” [SEE THE COURT CASE HERE] 

There are 296,492 stories in the Queen City. This has been one of them. 

More Stories We’re Following

  • In Hamilton County events, our readers have been following the varying accounts of the dirty little Elmwood Place tumultuous feud involving Police Chief William Peskin against Elmwood Place police Sergeant Gary Darty. We will be discussing this in more detail in the days to come.

We do have questions. Sgt. Darty was of course well aware of Peskin’s enmity, and extensive campaign against him. Why, then, would Darty then leave his own weapon outside of his control in a police department office where several people had access, including the chief? Isn’t it a requirement for police officers to keep a weapon with them, even when off-duty?

  • Also in Cincinnati, Whistleblower Alternate Life-Style Columnists Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis were not at all surprised when Girly-Mayor Mark Mallory endorsed the Freedom to Marry campaign, which advances the cause of same-sex marriage?
  • Bellicose Bob has a rant:

“I have been going on line to pay my Cincinnati Bell bills for years and now all of a sudden the goddamn phone company does not want my money. Well they want it, but their way. They will not let me pay on line anymore, unless I give up a paper bill or print it out myself. Now I support the Post Office and I want them to send me the goddamn bill. Sure, I can have my bank take care of paying them, probably electronically, but god damn it, I really do not like them deciding for me that I don’t get a paper bill anymore. And while I am on the subject, let’s talk about Duke. They closed all the local offices, moved out the trains, and won’t allow on line payments w/o giving up a paper bill. Screw them. I want the paper bill. The bank can pay them too.”

  • Over at The Fishwrap, John Quichwarmer says our old friend Jack Atherton was dropped as the anchorman at 11 PM, and Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception wonders if maybe Atherton was looking a little old.
  • Republicans for Higher Taxes is disgusted at Duke Energy for refusing to force all ratepayers to spend $18.7 million subsidizing the Cincinnati Streetcar.  Duke thinks the City should pay for its own streetcar.  Republicans for Higher Taxes is calling on all streetcar supporters to boycott all electric and gas products until Duke relents.

Not only that, the welfare queens are back. The Cincinnati Museum Center sent Hamilton County Commissioners a letter stating their intention to request another tax levy. This one would force COUNTY over-taxed payers to spend at least $140 million (before interest) to repair a building owned by the City of Cincinnati that’s only worth $24 million. County residents already pay one levy to the city’s Museum Center. If Cincinnati wants to repair its buildings and build a streetcar, then Cincinnati should pay these costs itself. Hamilton County has enough on its plate.

  • Meanwhile  the City of Wyoming (not the State), a City is planning to give a developer a defunct restaurant property The Hamilton County Auditor values at $443,000, along with $270,000 for repairs and improvements on the developer’s promise to bring 25 not-particularly-high-paying jobs to the City. Wyoming Clown-cil woman Vivacious Vicki Zwissler says, “Did the Mayor forget to use his calculator the day he signed that deal?”
  • And from the Great White North, a group of concerned citizens from Warren County has written the Ohio Attorney General’s Office claiming abuse and likely fraudulent activity in the Lebanon City Schools. Multiple issues have been identified and brought to the Lebanon City School administration without resolve. Unfortunately, those individuals in position to monitor and control the finances are the ones abusing the system. The Blower’s Warren County Bureau is looking into the complaint at this very moment.

Also in Warren County, Looney Libertarian Jim Berns, running for Congress in Ohio’s First District, told supporters he’s SW Ohio’s version of Ron Paul. Can’t you just feel the excitement?

The Latest from Clermont County

  • Dummy’s restaurants has a new Archie and Amanda Blue Plate Special as a tie-in with their ongoing “Things go better with Coke” promotion.
  • Also in Clermont County, our reader Josh, who is an attorney, writes in to say, “I smell a large rat in the case against Archie Wilson. The prostitute states she first became aware of Archie Wilson being a Clermont County commissioner while she was reading a newspaper in the county jail. I can assure you no inmate in the Clermont County jail spends any time reading newspapers, in particular, what passes for our local newspapers.”

“Second, Amanda the hooker says she wrote down Wilson’s license place number and just happened to have that same slip of paper with her in the pocket of her Clermont County blue inmate two-piece uniform. Inmates can take no personal papers with them into the jail.”

“Third, a clerk at a Kentucky motel writes down license plate numbers of cars parked in the motel parking lot and just happens to keep Wilson’s plate number for months? A high percentage of people are at motels for the purpose of fornication. Clerks don’t go walking around the parking lot writing down all the license numbers of cars. As the clerk supposedly did that, who was watching the motel desk? These supposed “facts” are pure hogwash.”

“Somebody must have orchestrated this “information” who has a major vendetta against Wilson. I think that person, who had to have ample funds, spent a lot of time and trouble, and had available personnel to “form the facts” of this case in advance before the prostitute ever contacted authorities. How much money did the prostitute and other witnesses receive from that person to agree to come up with their stories?”

  • And in Pierce Township, the trustees expectantly grew some balls. Trustees finally let lawyer Fran Kelley, aka “Wobbly Fran” and was “Fran ‘I Wobble When I Walk’ Kelly” go. She was the second half of the paramour action occurring in the police chief’s office on Memorial Day. She was asked to resign but refused, so they just now let her go. It only took them over six months and a newly elected trustee to get it done.

Finally, From Anderson

  • Last week, the Forest Hills Urinal published a front-page puff piece to promote the Forrest Gump School District’s humongous Tax Hike, two pro-levy guest columns on the Readers Views page, along with four pro-levy letters to the editor (and nary a word of opposition). This week, they only published two guest columns by School Board Members and a smaller one from a critic at the bottom of the page. Still, they never explained that township property owners of $200,000 houses would be paying $2,000-a-year to support the greedy teachers and administrators. WLW Hate Radio’s Darryl Parks (an Angry Andersonian to be sure) has a weekend radio show. Maybe he’ll say “If you vote for the Humongous Forrest Gump Tax Levy, you’re stupid.”
  •  Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane  if Anderson’s own Whistleblower Newswire was really developing local public access TV right there in Anderson Township. “We have several projects already in development. People who want to be celebrities on TV are already sending us their creative concepts and YouTube auditions at [email protected],” Kane explained, “and we hope to be able to show you our promos at our next meeting.

Bluegrass Bucks

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the race to replace Goof Doofus in Congress is going to be expensive and Greedy TV Ad Salesmen in all four markets that blanket Kentucky’s Fourth Congressional District (Cincinnati, Louisville, Lexington, and Huntington) can hardly wait till candidates start buying all those negative ads.

The Blower can hardly wait to see who runs the trashiest ads: Republicans have Lewis County Judge-executive Thomas Massie; Boone County Judge-executive Gary Moore; Oldham County resident and math teacher Brian Oerther; Trooper Babe Alecia Webb-Edgington, R-Fort Wright; and Fort Mitchell resident and consultant Tom Wurtz. The Deranged DemocRAT have Greg Frank of Corinth and Grant County DemocRAT Chairman Bill Adkins already lined up. Can’t you just feel the adversity?

  • Ken Cam Boo said it looks like the problems presented by the redistricting in Kentucky after the latest census could spare Kentuckians the cost of all the legislation our state reptiles and senators will not have time to pass this year.

Ken said this could be the end of Judge No Moore’s hopes of bringing gambling and prostitution to Turfway Park and it could put a hold on completion of the new road leading to the casino.

  • Word on Covington’s Court Street says it seems like the Newbie in Kenton County government (Let’s call her Kim) has had a few meltdowns since joining the elite team in Kenton County. Money apparently is tighter than anyone imagined. She’s yanked all credit cards and are now on a “pay as you go option.” Translation: pay with your own cash and we will get around to paying you back in a month or two, if you’re lucky. She is rather proud of her newly purchased “Twin Peaks” (if you know what we mean). Recently, she was spotted at a popular lunch stand with a T-shirt she must have worn to work that says “Nice Rack?” I guess that is called business casual attire. Folks in her office say these days she’s MIA (Missing In Action). Right now, you can’t find her with a search warrant. They’re printing new milk cartons with her picture on it, at the jail, as we speak. Stay Tuned!
  • Ken Cam Boo wonders if was  the Boondoggle County Sheriff or a Florence police officer spilled the beans to The Fishwrap that the bank teller put a tracking device in the bag with the money that allowed cops to follow the robber at a nice leisurely pace through Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio.

In a related story, Judge Once Moore said it doesn’t matter if it’s a business or a bank robbery, once you leave Kentucky for a state like Ohio or Indiana, you always return to the Bluegrass because of the incentives we offer.

  • Finally, State Senator Demon Nay Thayer wants to know how Kentucky can ever get a gambling and prostitution bill on the ballot as long as these Commissioners from Clermont County meet their skanky Ohio whores at our lovely Northern Kentucky motels and give our Bluegrass prostitutes a bad name. Phyllis on Madison, says members of the Bluegrass Streetwalkers Association would never go on TV 12 and call their clients “dirty and disgusting,” like that trashy Amanda Lay did. Meanwhile, WLW Hate Radio Trash Talker Bill Cunningham says you should hear some of the stuff then Cincinnati DemocRAT Mayor Jerry Springer used to have those Kentucky prostitutes do to him at the President’s Motor Inn. His favorite request was to ask one of the Bluegrass Belles to strap on a dildo and stick it where the sun don’t shine.


e-mail your piece offerings today.

Some prostituted items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally prostituted subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.

CPAC Link of the Day

Rand Paul To Obama: “Do You Hate Rich People Or Just Rich People Who Don’t Contribute To Your Campaign?”

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.