Tag Archives: Totally Discredited DemocRAT Colluding Sunday TV Talk Shows.

Special “Sunday Talk Show Analysis” E-dition

Here’s What Today’s Talking Heads Had To Say

While everybody hereabouts Is Watching How Much Fun President-Elect Donald Trump Is Having During His Amazing Transition, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus Checked Out What The Talking Heads Had To Say On This Morning’s Unfairly Balanced, Totally Discredited DemocRAT Colluding Sunday TV Talk Shows.

FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Reince Preibus, incoming chief of staff to Trump; Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Defense Secretary Ash Carter; Kellyanne Conway, adviser to President-elect Donald Trump; Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Preibus; Sens. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Cory Booker, D-N.J.
THIS WEEK (ABC): (Soon to be Former!) President Barack Obama.
  Today’s Biggest Bullshit InterviewABC’s Clinton Lackey Gushes with Obama About Life in the White House


Priebus: Trump doesn’t want to ‘meddle with Medicare or Social Security’
Priebus: We intend to repeal and replace ObamaCare ‘as fast as we can’

McConnell: Trump’s hopes to get along with Russia ‘will be dashed pretty quickly’

Conway refuses to commit to ObamaCare repeal and replacement on same day

Nunes: Russia report ‘looks like a political rollout’ weeks before inauguration

Intel chairman: We would like to be friends with Russia

Dem rep: No one undermining Trump presidency more than Trump


Priebus says he thinks Trump ‘accepts’ intelligence community’s findings


Conway: We didn’t need WikiLeaks to convince Americans that Clinton was unlikable

Obama takes ‘some responsibility’ for loss of Dem seats

Obama dodges question on whether he likes Trump

Graham: Trump worried blaming Russia will undermine his legitimacy
Graham: Republicans happy about Russian meddling are political hacks

Obama: I don’t think I ‘underestimated’ Putin

Dem rep unsure why Trump has ‘taken a shine’ to Assange

Gingrich: Trump, Schumer in ‘the name-calling phase’Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening