Trump’s 1,093rd Day In Office

JANUARY 18, 2017
All day Political Insiders at the Conservative Agenda have been remembering our reporting on January 18, 2017, when there were only three more days until Trump could begin undoing all the damage Obama had done to the country.
And at the same time, we’re remembering what was happening on January 18, 2009, when there were only two more days until Obama could begin damaging the country.
— Special “Survival Guide for Conservatives” E-dition —
January 18, 2009
The Most Expensive Inauguration in History
Hurley the Historian says despite the current recession, the “historic” Coronation of His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadj, Doctor Barrack Hussein Obama Dada in only two more days will be costing a lot of over-taxed payers’ money. Obama’s Coronation could approach a mere $160 million. That’s nearly four times what George Bush’s inauguration cost four years ago.
Locally, Obama Madness is everywhere. Think of all the places you can go watch Obama’s Coronation: The Cincinnati Museum Center; standing out in the cold on Fountain Square; the Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center; the student union at Northern Kentucky University; the Sheraton Cincinnati North Hotel; Tangeman Center at the University of Cincinnati; the Urban League of Greater Cincinnati; and a couple of locations at Xavier University, too. And, if you can’t get into any of those places, you could just stay home and turn on your TV. We’re pretty sure one of local stations will be covering it.
So for Conservatives, it’s time to turn off your TVs and cancel your newspaper subscriptions for the next four years. In case you haven’t already noticed, Obama Supporters in the Press have been running Obama’s Coronation Countdown for more than a year. No wonder “Power Line” says “There’ll be no media mud balls this time.”
Saturday morning, Obama Worshippers received “personal” e-mails along with a video from Obama, telling his followers their Obama movement had just begun, their journey to change America was just beginning, and how much he really looked forward to working side-by-side with them in the months and years ahead. What a load of crap!
Friday, MoveOn.Org had e-mailed a “special request” from Barack and Michelle for Obama Worshippers to volunteer their services all day Monday on Martin Luther King Day.
When we last left our white guilt-ridden, Volvo-driving, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking liberals Tom and Rose, they were un-boxing all of their Obamamas ornaments to hang on their beautiful plastic tree. “You know Rose, I am so glad we decided to host the MoveOn.Org Inaugural Bash at the Camargo Country Club on Tuesday night. I feel as if we are doing something very important to welcome this man who is bringing us all a new era of hope and change.” “So do I, Tom. I think if we had said ‘no’, we would have been the same as the innkeeper in Bethlehem who turned away Mary and Joseph. I shudder to think what would have happened if we had failed to give thanks to our newly-elected savior.” “I just hope I can hang on for another 48 hours, Rose.”
Whistleblower Colored Correspondent Courtis Gray says if you ever plan to open up a big ol’ can of whup-ass on some punk Republican cracker who accidentally shows up at your Obama Coronation Party, make sure you have your officially licensed “Yes We Can Opener!” Peace out, my brothers.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday Night, the Hamilton County RINO Party plans to hold its own Inaugural Bawl. And with all that Wandering in the Wilderness, do you think somebody will mention all those no-flush port-o-lets in DC and official emcee Bill Cunningham will tell the racist joke that forced Republican Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz to resign in 1976?
Maybe that’s why as the Official Voice of the Conservative Agenda, Charles Foster Kane liked our Quote for Today Committee’s choice of George Washington’s, “We should never despair, our Situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again.”
Put more simply, Our Beloved Publisher explained that while you’re watching Obama Supporters in the Press compare their messiah to Lincoln this weekend, you might want to remember one of Lincoln’s favorite biblical quotes: “This too shall pass.”
Conservative Video of the Day
Reagan Warned Us About Obama
Some vile-and-disgusting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally vile-and-disgusting subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
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