Tag Archives: Talking Points

Special “Keeping Christmas Merry” E-dition



Just Say No To Talking Points

The Blower remembers last year when Harvard University distributed these place mats in the dining halls to provide a framework for indoctrinated students to engage in conversations with peers and family members as they returned home for the winter break.

They eventually had to apologize for them, but this notion of Progressives offering “talking points” to fellow travelers to use at family get-togethers has apparently become A Thing.


Debra from Anderson also remembers one time during the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, there was a whole gaggle of tips about how to disarm your relative who liked Donald Trump or who generally took a view on the world somewhere to the right of yours. Dumbed-down Dems were urged to take cheat sheets to the dinner table, or write the information on their sweaty little palms, or whatever. Talking heads cheerfully joined the party, behaving as though sharing Disingenuous DemocRAT talking points was a long-held holiday tradition, like calling the Butterball hot line.

Even up until last year, most libs portrayed the typical American Thanksgiving as a dicey occasion, universally (except in their homes) marked with at least one drunk relative and a brawl, giving us rubes helpful hints on how to get through Thanksgiving alive or at least not incarcerated.  But just as Obama used to urge engaged couples to ask for donations to his campaign in lieu of gifts, we are now urged to spend holidays gushing over liberal policy. “Never let a good celebration go to waste” was the new directive.

So now, with Christmas Eve only nine days away, and with Trump Derangement Syndrome still afflicting all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, And Planned To Give Obama a Third Term By Voting For Crooked Hillary, and get all of their local “fake news” from our Obama Supporters in the Press, like the ones at The Fishwrap, and on Channel 5, 9, 12, and 19.

image008Somebody needs to come up with a new Holiday Talking Points Placemat to help Liberals turn Christmas dinner into a political debate about the Electoral College and attempting to justify disrupting Donald Trump’s Inauguration in then-only 33 more days, when the Trumpster can finally begin to undo all the damage Obama has done to America during the past eight years. 

Last year the Left needed to come up with a new Holiday Talking Points Placemat to help Liberals turn Christmas dinner into a political debate about the Electoral College and attempt to justify disrupting Donald Trump’s Inauguration in only 33 more days, when the Trumpster could finally begin to undo all the damage Obama has done to America during the past eight years. 

Merry CHRISTmas From Our Family To Yours!image003image006