Tag Archives: Sleaze Card

Another “Those Were The Good Old Days” E-dition




image004Edition #50 (published on May 14, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town.

The Really Big Story was about the defense Mickey Esposito planned to use at his upcoming trial.  The Top Ten List was the top ten excuses Mickey planned to use in that defense, an announcement about the Whisteblower Hotline, and an item about the possibility of a visit to the Queen City by Queen Elizabeth.image006

Page Two with a Real Editorial by Publisher Charles Foster Kane about a help wanted ad for Republican Presidential Candidate for the upcoming elections in 1992. Real Facts uncovered the big stink at the old Alms & Doepke Building on Central Parkway, and an ad for the Sleaze Card Show, with proceeds benefiting the Mickey Esposito Defense Fund.image008

Page Three featured Cheap Shots at Ken Blackwell,  Roxanne Qualls, Dwight Tillery, and Tyrone Yates. There was a promo for Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s appearance on a radio program Thursday mornings at 9:05 AM, and, as always, Another Real Guest Editorial by Bunky Tadwell (this one about miracles), and an item about Deputy Duke, the drug sniffing dog who found cocaine in an inmate’s cell at the Hamilton County Injustice Center.image010

Page Four was for our regular weekly Real Letters From Real Readers column, Another Exclusive Whistleblower Report told about another Channel 9 “I-Team” Report, and we saw Sleaze Cards for Dick Weiland and Joe DeCourcy.  image012 Page Five featured a report on negotiations between Ben Bernstein and Nick Clooney for the sale and relocation of the Mike Fink along with nudes at La Madame’s in Covington in Ken Camboo’s Bluegrass Holler column, then Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief J.R. Hatfield told us about the Frankfort Follies at the recent Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce meeting, and the opening of the all new $4.65 Million Campbell County Jail in Newport.image014

And Page Six included Real Business News by Hank Dorfman, and in Real Gossip by Linda Libel, we heard about the Greater Cincinnati Restaurant Association’s annual “Best of Taste” competition and a promo for the Whistleblower’s upcoming Centi-centennial Edition coming up in two weeks.image016 It’s really hard to believe how good The Whistleblower was in those days.

You can download that entire edition HEREimage003image006