Tag Archives: Praying For Primaries

Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition (Praying For More “P-Words”)


This Sunday in America…at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, once again the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking God’s help “Praying for More P-Words” in 2018, since it looks like we used a whole lot of them for our Sunday Sermons in 2017, and a timeline of our 2017 Sermons looks like a pretty good review of what was happening in American Politics last year.

We started off the new year by Praying to Keep Our New Year’s Resolutions, Praying For Primaries, Praying For Our First Step (to undo all the damage Obama had done), and Praying For Obama To Be Un-Mosqued.

Then we were Praying for Civility, Praying For Republicans With Resolve, Praying For Healing America, and Praying For Restoring Decorum.

We were Praying For Intelligent Voters, Praying For Political Parables, Praying For Vengeance Against ISIS, and Praying For Priebus.

We were Praying For Patience, Praying For Our Police Officers, Praying For Members Of Our Military, and Praying Peaceful Protesters.

We were Praying For Perceptivity, Praying For Profiling, Praying For Proper Polling, and Praying For Preachers.

We were Praying For Pence, Praying For Political Plagiarists, Praying For Political Passion, and Praying For Proper Polling.

We were Political Poll Watchers, Praying For Just Another Chance to Preach to the Choir, Praying For Patriotism, and Praying For More Preaching to the Choir!

We were Praying For The U.S. Constitution, Praying For Profound Political Persuasion, Praying For Purloined P&Ls, and Praying For The FREE-Loaders.

We were Praying For A Miracle, Praying For Punishing Politically Correct People, Praying For Political Passion, and Thanking God For Our Political Passion.

We were Praying For Politeness, Praying For Peacemakers, Praying To Be Generous, and Praying For Remembrance.

And last year on Christmas, we were Praying For Politics-Free Bible Stories.

And looking at the world today, it looks like we’ll have Plenty To Pray For in 2018.        
