Tag Archives: police and fire fighter heroes

Special “What’s Right With America” E-dition



We’re Looking For Local Heroes, Too!

Loraine Burger at PoliceOne.com says it’s sadly the case that most images of cops used by the media have a negative spin — and that the good deeds of officers, day in and day out across the country go unnoticed.

But occasionally, those small acts of kindness and compassion that go hand in hand with being a cop are caught on camera, often without the officer’s knowledge.  

Here are just three examples

An NYC tourist was at the right place at the right time when she spotted Officer Larry DePrimo kneeling down and helping a barefoot, homeless man to put on boots he’d purchased for the man on a cold winter night. (NYPD Image) Full Story


Portland police pull over in their cruiser to help a woman who fell out of her wheelchair. (Photo courtesy of Tom Becker)


And Police Chief Michael Begonis draws with David Maselli, a 3-year-old leukemia patient who spent the day at the police station. He met the K-9 unit, sat in a fire truck, and colored with Chief Begonis. (Courtesy Matt Schooley, Wilmington.patch.com) Full Story


These are the kinds of pictures and positive stories about police and fire fighters people need to see more of during the Devolution of Obama’s America, especially since only 24% think the country is heading in the right direction, tying the lowest level in over a year.


E-mail us your pictures and positive stories today.image003image005