Trump’s 936th Day In Office

Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
Edition #63 (published on August 13, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. It was our “Grieving over the loss of Schottzie —our national treasure” Issue, and our Really Big Story was all how baseball writers really felt about Schottzie’s demise; Our Top Ten List listed the top ten reasons Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane was chosen to present the annual Whistleblower Professional Journalism Awards to the Society of Professional Journalists. Plus there was a story about the Blue Chip Republicans’ party to make fun of the homeless.
Page Two with Real Editorials by Publisher Charles Foster Kane about a crisis of confidence at the Cincinnati Public Schools. Real Facts told how Mayor David Mann avoided some obnoxious homos. Would there be a boycott when Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane presented awards at the Society of Professional Journalists? Cincinnati Councilman Nick Vehr was vetoed in the Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest, plus there would a tax levy on the November ballot to raise money to pay for Cincinnati Public Schools superintendent Michael Brandt’s one-year contract.
Page Three featured Cheap Shots at Norma Rashid, Butler County Sheriff “Clean Dick” Holtzberger, Starvin Marvin Warner, Judge Fred Cartalano, and Robert Ruehlman. There was a promo for Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s appearance on a 55 WKRC Radio program, as well as also another Real Guest Editorial by Bunky Tadwell (this one was about police brutality, but we couldn’t tell whether he was for it or against it).
Page Four was for our regular weekly Real Letters From Real Readers column, and Another Exclusive Whistleblower Report featured the efforts of those Platform Republicans to scuttle the appointment of Hamilton County Commissioner Sandra Beckwith to the Federal Bench. There was also an ad for people who wanted to play Family Feud on the phone.
Page Five featured Ken Camboo’s Bluegrass Holler reporting about Pee Wee Herman’s upcoming benefit for “Hand Aid” at the Covington Landing, a vote in Newport on the proposed new City Hall, and Frankfort Follies featured fisticuffs between DemocRAT Brereton Jones and Republican Larry Hopkins in the Bluegrass Governor’s race. Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief J.R. Hatfield taught us all how to speak Northern Kentuckian, and everybody was getting ready for Warm 98’s Great Inland Seafood Fest.
And Page Six included Hotline Hang-ups (some of the anonymous calls received on the Whistleblower Hotline, and in Real Gossip by Linda Libel, we heard more about poor dead Schottzie, Sweet Lou Pinella, Mickey Esposito, Paul Brown, Large Marge, Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, Lee Etta Powell, Judge Matthews, Hamilton County Treasurer Robert Goering, Mark Neeley, Powell McHenry, John Glenn, Simon Leis, Chamber of Commerce President John Williams, Roxanne Qualls, Gerald Newfarmer, Judge Jack Rosen, Quentin Davis, and our “Hunk of the Month,” 55 WKRC Helicopter Traffic Reporter Bobby Leach. There were also some bogus classified ads.
It’s really hard to believe how good The Whistleblower was in those days.
You can download that entire edition HERE.