Tag Archives: Ohio’s Delusional Republican Governor

Special “Tuesday’s Triumphs” E-dition

Tuesday’s Top Ten List

Tonight it’s the Top Ten Reasons President Trump chose this particular Cincinnati location for tomorrow’s big speech:
10. Announce his plan for fixing the nation’s aging locks and dams systems
9. Equate gang violence at the former Cameo nightclub nearby (site of the worst mass shooting in Cincinnati history) with terrorist activity
8. Congratulate Metropolitan Sewer District for its most recent overflow into the Ohio River
7. Find out why all that federal money was wasted on the Stupid Streetcar
6. Check if any of those signs for Illegal Immigrants at the Sanctuary City Soccer Fields near Rivertowne Marina are in Spanish
5. Recruit more good people to Make America Great Again doing big jobs in Washington
4. Tell Federal Judge Mike Barrett to make sure IRS Criminal Lois Lerner gets her day in court so she provide all that information on how the Obama Administration targeted TEA Party Groups before the 2012 Elections
3. Piss off Ohio’s Delusional Republican Governor
2. Be early for The Blower’s Annual “Bluing of Hamilton County” Celebration on June 8
And the Number One Reason President Trump chose that particular Cincinnati location for tomorrow’s big speech is… To announce his choice to replace Alex T., Mall Cop GOP, that is if the current head of the Hamilton County RINO Party is ever confirmed as a Judge by the Senate.

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Second 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Monday Is Day Number 139. There Are Now Only 1,244 More Days Until Trump’s Re-election Day on November 3, 2020.