Imagine What We Could All Be Watching Tonight If The Trumpster Was Taking Our Advice
Instead of scheduling rallies for Purely Political Reasons, our New And Improved Trumpster should now be reminding everybody why America Was Great with the kind of Patriotic American history lessons The Forest Hills School District should’ve been teaching. No cheap shots at Illegitimate Resident Joke Biden*, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, or Mitch McConnell. As dumbed-down All of America has become these days, voters might find the New and Improved Trumpster’s Purely Patriotic Approach most refreshing.
The Blower remembers when President Trump tweeted that he was choosing between two locations, Gettysburg, Pa., and the White House, for his speech accepting the 2020 Republican nomination. He didn’t choose Gettysburg then. Maybe he should’ve chosen Gettysburg for tonight.
“Lincoln was a Republican President trying to save his nation at Gettysburg,” Kane explained. “By just showing up at Gettysburg tonight, Trump would’ve been making that comparison.”
Trump Supporters liked Candidate Trump’s Gettysburg Speech in October 2016 which included his plans for his first 100 days.
And maybe just for fun tonight, we should compare Trump’s Gettysburg Speech with Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. That might give people something scholarly to argue about this year at their Dysfunctional Family Thanksgiving Dinners.
It’s too bad that the Trumpster didn’t accept our “Little Idea” and introduce the new and improved version of himself to America tonight.
But maybe it’s no big deal.
We have a lot more “Little Ideas” where that one came from.
The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop crusade for Election Integrity and against Coordinated Leftist Insurrection and the Devolution of Our American Culture while Congress, the Deep State, and the Radical Media Establishment continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity in their effort to advance their Coordinated Leftist Agenda.
But first, we must see our Corleone Political Reckoning on Election Integrity and Total Accountability For Laws Broken During The Illegal 2020 Presidential Election and the 2022 Midterm Election Debacle, without which nothing else really matters. As it turned out, that’s exactly what happened.
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda is watching to see if any progress is made during the next 352 days before the 2024 elections.