Monday, January 30 E-ditions
“Monday Message” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom)
“Extreme Vetting” (Making America Safe Again)
“Same Time Last Year” (We Were Getting Raucous At The Caucus)
“Property Tax Day” E-dition (We Hope You Didn’t Forget)
Tuesday, January 31 E-ditions
“Tuesday’s Triumphs” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom)
“Sanctuary in Cincinnati Update” (Some People Say City Hall Is A Sanctuary For Stupidity!)
“Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” (Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin) 
“Conservative Cartoonery” (More Of The Best Damn Collection Of Political Cartoons On The Internet)

President Trump’s first week in office saw a flurry of actions that are much faster than the way that Washington usually operates. Meanwhile the minority party does its best to slow the process.
Wednesday, February 1 E-ditions
“Wednesday’s Wild Cards” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom) 
“Political Posters” (Adding To Our Ever-Expanding Collection) 
“Those Were The Good Old Days” (From The Whistleblower Archives)
“Fake News Foolery” (Debunking That “Nancy Pelosi-Miss Lube Rack 1955” Hoax)
“Liberals Favorite Month” (Are You Feeling Guilty Yet?)
Thursday, February 2 E-ditions
“Thursday’s Tactics” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom)
Annual “Groundhog Day” E-dition (Predicting All Of Trump’s Nominees Will Be Confirmed)
“Seediest Kid Of All” E-dition (The Tom Brinkman Story) 
“Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” (Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin) 
“Conservative Cartoonery” (More Of The Best Damn Collection Of Political Cartoons On The Internet) 
Friday, February 3 E-ditions
“Friday’s Features” (Official Whistleblower Super Bowl 51 Commercials –Part I) 
“Obama Final Crappy Jobs Report” (More Sad News For Obama’s Legacy)
“Political Punch Lines” (Hoping To Hear A Lot More Of Them Tonight!)
“Innovations In America” E-dition (Making America Great) 
“Liberal Terrorism Update” (Violence Has Always Been Included) 
Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” (At Our Groundhog’s Day Party This Year) 
Saturday, February 4 E-ditions
“Patronage County Today” (Reagan’s Birthday Special!) 
“RETARDS And TURDS” (Know The Signs, Spot The Symptoms, Save A Life) 
“Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” (Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin)
“Saturday Morning Cartoons” (More Of The Best Damn Collection Of Political Cartoons On The Internet) 

If you missed any of these e-ditions, you now have a lot of catching up to do!
And to see where Beloved Whistleblower Charles Foster Kane came up with the idea for the weekly format the Whistleblower Newswire has been using for our “The Week That Was” E-dition every Sunday since the October 18, 2009 E-dition, CLICK HERE!