Tag Archives: federal debt

Special “Trump’s To Do List” E-dition

Another Day, Another List     

This afternoon at the Conservative Agenda, our Conservative Curmudgeon said he knows why Trump is now our President-elect: Because during the campaign he was at least talking about issues that most Americans were concerned about. Conservatives are usually in agreement with most of the substance of what Trump says, and can’t wait for the next 23 days so The Trumpster can begin to undo all the damage Obama has done during the past eight years. Maybe we need to start Our Special Trump To Do List for 2017… and what’s left of 2016 for the list of things that need to be done.

2. Obama and Hillary: in prison!
3. Put “GOD” back in America!
4. Borders: Closed!
5. Congress: Term Limits, Obey its own laws, and on the same retirement and healthcare plans as everybody else.
6. Language: English only!
7. Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
8. Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before and during Welfare!
9. NO freebies to Non-Citizens!
10. Balance the budget.
11. Stop giving away our money to foreign countries! Charge them for our help! We need it here.
12. Fix the TAX CODE!
And most of all, 13. “NO MORE MASS IMMIGRATION!”

Meanwhile, over at Town Hall, Terry Jeffrey has nine commitments Trump made that the incoming Congress should make happen:

1. Completely repeal ObamaCare.
2. Confirm pro-life constitutionalists to the Supreme Court.
3. Build the wall and enforce the immigration laws.
4) Pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
5) Defund Planned Parenthood.
6) Cut income tax rates and end the “death tax.”
7) Make better trade deals.
8) End our nation-building foreign policy.
9) Enact a balanced budget.

When Obama took office, the federal debt was about $10.6 trillion. Now it is about $19.9 trillion. Obama and the last Republican Congress kept America on the road to bankruptcy. President Trump and the new Republican Congress must lead us back the other way — and they cannot do it too soon.

And here’s another suggestion, DEFUND THE LEFT: Root out any Federal program, any grant, any subsidy that helps to sustain The Liberal Agenda and KILL IT! And BTW, that would also include DEFUNDING THE UN.