Trump’s 700th Day In Office

Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest
Doubters and Disbelievers
This week, everybody who was not surprised Obama got caught Grubering about ObamaCare, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is our Suspicious Skeptic, who says since Obama and his Dishonest DemocRATS have all been caught lying about everything else during the past ten years, there was no reason to believe he’d be telling the truth that time.
Suspicious wins the same subsidized health care plan as his Member of Congress receives, a free proctology exam from Doctor Stoolpusher, and to be nominated as another “Defender of Liberty” by the little-known 1% for Liberty Organization (whatever the hell that is). His winning entry is:
When Obama said you could keep your old plan
Was he just a flim-flamming con man?
‘Cause the deal that you got
Has made you distraught
So you can throw it in your old garbage can.
Perturbed In Park Hills says:
When Obama said you could keep your old plan
He lied through his teeth because he’s a con man.
Four million cancellation letters later,
The over-taxed payers knew he’s a traitor,
That’s when most of them joined the Trump Caravan!
And from the Unlicensed Anderson Laureate (who says he does not plan to go shopping for a new health insurance plan these days):
When Obama said you could keep your old plan
He was counting on your short attention span.
You trusted the guy
You thought he’d never lie
Just like any slick confidence man.
The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“In 2018 Our New Year’s Resolution”