Tag Archives: defund Planned Parenthood

Special “Boehner’s Bequests” E-dition



Will Boehner’s Budget Deal Be His Final Betrayal

image005The Counter at the lower-right-hand corner of The Whistleblower Web Page continues to click off the Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds until ousted House Speaker John Boehner’s last moments in Congress. Boehner faced unrelenting pressure from Conservatives in Congress after failing to lead the fight to defund Planned Parenthood, using a government spending bill as leverage. Now perhaps Boehner knows what it feels like to be aborted. And at this morning’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane how glad will Conservatives really be to see Boehner gone.

image009“Let’s talk about the National Debt,” Kane explained. “The federal debt has increased by $3,970,023,503,348.07 since House Speaker John Boehner cut his first spending deal with Obama in 2011. That equals $33,832.64 for every household in the United States. You can always check out the link to our US Debt Clock at the bottom of The Whistleblower Web Page or click HERE.


image009image007Boehner caved in to Obama and the Disingenuous DemocRATS one more time on Monday when he surrendered to a two-year budget deal aimed at averting a debt crisis and shuttering the government. A vote could come as early as Wednesday in the House. Failure to extend the government’s ability to borrow money by early November could spark a destabilizing, first-ever federal default, while a partial government shutdown would begin if lawmakers don’t approve money by December 11 to keep agencies running.

image009Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says the public is divided over whether it’s worth shutting the government or halting its ability to borrow to pay bills unless Obama consents to spending cuts. Predictably, DemocRAT and Republican loyalists have starkly different views.

MyWay’s Alan Fram and Emily Swanson say some specific goals of GOP lawmakers fare poorly when they are in the balance: There’s little taste for forcing a shutdown over halting federal payments to Planned Parenthood, repealing Obama’s health care overhaul or blocking a nuclear deal with Iran.  Republicans fear a headline-grabbing shutdown or lapse of federal borrowing authority this year for fear of branding their party as unable to govern and alienating voters.

But these Surrender Monkeys are the same Wussie Republicans who appear to be fighting a losing battle against the Angry People supporting Establishment Outsiders like Donald Trump and Ben Carson for President.

Maybe we’ll hear more about all of this watching Republican Candidates go at it tomorrow night on CNBC.image002image007