MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020
On Trump’s 1165th Day In Office, With Still None Of Obama’s Political Perps In The Slammer
Now Let’s Take A Look At The Blower’s Commemorative Coverage Of The Trumpster’s First 100 Days. On Day 68*, We Were Reviewing That Day’s “Thursday’s Tactics” To Read All About Trump’s War Against The House Freedom Caucus, Which Was Ironically Headed By His New Chief Of Staff.
That Date Was March 30, 2017
Tonight’s Number One Conservative Story
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump has gone public with his war against the House Freedom Caucus, pushing into full view growing frustration shared by House Speaker Paul Ryan less than a week after the GOP health care bill crashed amid feuding between rival Republican factions.
Trump targeted conservative House members within his own party in a tweet Thursday morning that told his supporters “we must fight” the House Freedom Caucus as well as Democrats next year.
But Some Ohio Conservative Leaders Appear To Disagree
Signing a letter respectfully requesting Trump to work with members of the Freedom Caucus members of the Freedom Caucus were Ann Becker (Butler County for Trump co-chair; Cincinnati TEA Party president; GOP State Central Committee member), Tom Zawistowski (“We the People” Convention president; Portage County TEA Party), Janet Folger Porter (Faith2Action president; Trump general election volunteer), State Rep. Candice Keller (Butler County Trump volunteer; Ohio House Dist. 53), State Rep. Nino Vitale (Ohio House Dist. 85 (Champaign, Shelby & Logan Co.) Kirsten Hill (Ohio Liberty Coalition president) Mike Lyons (Ohio Liberty Coalition board member) State Rep. Paul Zeltwanger (Ohio House District 54 Warren, Hamilton & Butler Co.), John McAvoy (Toledo TEA Party president) State Rep. John Becker (Ohio House District 65 Clermont Co.), Terri Iannetta (Summit County TEA Party president) Jim Green (North Central Ohio Conservatives, Inc. president), Mary Ellen Buechter (Miami County Liberty vice-president), Jim & Jennifer Hiles (Hocking Hill TEA Party Patriots co-founders), Jeff Malek (Medina TEA Party Patriots president), Anne Kaczmarek (Liberty Camp for Kids president), Barbara Burkard (Miami Valley Citizens Informed), Lisa Cooper (Republican State Central Committee, District 26), T.J. Honerlaw (Warren Co. Republican Party Central Committee vice-chairman; Trump general election volunteer), and Lovely Lori Viars (Conservative Republican Leadership Committee board member; Trump Campaign general election volunteer; Warren Co. Right To Life vice-president)
(Note: Persons Of Consequence On The Blower’s Exclusive E-Mail List Are Not Specifically Identified Above)
“More importantly were the names of Ohio Conservatives who did not sign that letter,” said Charles Foster Kane, Beloved Publisher of the Whistleblower Newswire, the Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda.
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The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s First 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Is Day Number 68. There Are 32 More To Go.