Tag Archives: Anderson Township Trustee Andy Pappas

Special “Andersonian Angst” E-dition

It’s Not Like We Didn’t Warn You

Angry Andersonian Corbly Clough says wouldn’t it be funny if talk of the so-called “building projects” had been totally curtailed in the Forest Hills public school board meetings? Witness if you will the meeting at 1:43: 

Detailed project updates as focused on in the last WB email have been a regular item in board meetings since the board began wasting tax levy dollars on the projects to nowhere. Not on 7/10. Not a mention of the building progress except for a hasty approval of the change order to add removing the possibly toxic waste dump discovered on the Anderson campus in late June. The business manager, normally at the speaking podium on microphone, read the change order from his seat, back to the camera, so is barely heard. The board rushed through approval with absolutely no discussion of this item.

The cover-up deepens. It looks like they’re going to bury everything at the bottom of that 30’ hole at AHS they had to clean out.

Corbly had hoped to hear that their legal team was working on pinning on Forest Heis the Great the “intentional misconduct” discovered at the Anderson property. Nope. Instead, they comped that for their former partner in crime. Nepotism is a wonderful thing made possible by having your son inherit your ruling position. So entrenched is the in-breeding that no one would run against a Heis reelection this November.

Don’t you love the new Anderson High School entrance? Safety? Anybody consider the new exposure to drive-by shootings from Forest Road to students and visitors exiting buses and cars? They were formerly in a much safer area in the circle behind buildings and much farther away from the street. Couple that with dozens of lost parking spaces requiring students to park near Beechmont and walk hundreds of exposed yards to the school.

And don’t forget that school now starts late this year due to construction delays. Previously unplanned, of course. You won’t find the discussion that led to that decision in a public video, either.

Meanwhile, WKRC TV’s Angenette Levy is reported the race for Anderson Township trustee had taken an ugly turn with allegations of lies, ulterior motives and a fake Facebook page.

It all began when Anderson Township Trustee Andy Pappas’ opponent posted a tweet on his Facebook page that he claimed came from the account of an Andrew Pappas demanding that Disingenuous DemocRATS and Lying Liberals publicly apologize for Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville.” Pappas said the retweet did not come from his twitter account, but although he acknowledged Pappas may not be behind the tweet, the Doofus D-RAT refused to take it down. Hilarity ensued.