Tag Archives: Anderson Township Trustee Andy Pappas

Special “Honoring Old Glory” E-dition

TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019
Trump’s 872nd Day In Office

Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers

image006image005Yesterday’s early Flag Day greetings came out a day early because we wanted to be first to wish everybody “Happy Flag Day.” —Hurley the Historian

image006Do you think anybody will remember thirteeen years ago, when Flag Day was the “second biggest day” in the decline and fall of the fortunes of Conservatives in Southwest Ohio? —The American Conservative Accountability Project

image006That was the date of the Infamous Flag Day Primary, made necessary by my uncontrollable greed and ambition. —Rob “Fighting For Fame And Fortune” Portman

image006We remember it well. —Judge P-P-P-Patrick DeWhine, Revered Former Congressman Bob McEwen, and “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman

image006The biggest day is still June 8, 2008 when we proceeded past the point of no return in our masochistic “Long March” towards the “Bluing of Hamilton County.” —RINOs at 700 Walnut Street

image006The Blower will never let me forget, because that was the day you started calling me “Old Blueface.” — RINO Party Boss Alex T, Mall Cop GOP

image006Don’t I at least get a dishonorable mention for that time in 2008 when I embarrassed the Hamilton County Republican Party nationally at the McCain Rally? —WLW Hate Radio Trash Talker Bill Cunningham


image006Thanks for letting your readers know how to sign my husband’s 73rd Birthday card tomorrow. —Melania


image006And Friday in Anderson Township, we’ll be celebrating with our combined “Annual Largest Flag Day Parade In The Area and President Donald J. Trump 73rd Birthday Celebration” (Five-Miles Long, 542-Units). —Anderson Township Trustee Andy Pappas


image006We’ll be protesting both Flag Day and Trump’s Birthday. —Disgruntled DemocRATS

image006Flag Day parades would be a lot shorter if they kept publicity-seeking politicians away and the only people marching were there to honor those who fought and died to protect it.  — Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo

image006image009Maybe that’s why we chose “A patriot wraps himself around the flag to defend it; a scoundrel wraps it around himself to defend himself.” —Your Quote for Today Committee

image006Whenever I wear my red-white-and-blue bikini on Flag Day, guys at the Fort Mitchell Country Club always salute, if you know what I mean. —Miss Vicki

image006We’ll drink to that. —Michael Liquid Plummer and Nathan “Cornbread” Smith

image006When did you say Confederate Flag Day was? —Rufus Redneck

image006You can’t fool us. There is no Confederate Flag Day, because they lost. —Trish the Dish at Channel 19 News

image006Curiously, Sheree Paolello used to tell me the same thing. —Jack Atherton (Retired From TV, But Back With A New Book) 

  Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer         image011 

Sometimes The Blower reviles flag burners to show that unpatriotic behavior is not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t a Disgraced Devious DemocRAT EX-Hamilton County Commissioner now ruining the Ohio DemocRAT Party into the ground.

          This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially David A. Pepper.


 Whistleblower Video of the Day
Hilarious Celebration of Donald Trump’s Birthday In India

Published on Jun 14, 2016: Little-known right wing group Hindu Sena celebrated US Republican party candidate Donald Trump’s birthday at Jantar Mantar in the national capital. With a birthday cake, balloons and posters — including one showing Trump brandishing a gun, the group celebrated Trump’s birthday. The Hindu Sena called Trump the ‘saviour of humanity’ and the ‘messiah against Islamic terror’. Speaking to IndianExpress.com, national president of Hindu Sena Vishnu Gupta said they were organising the event because they consider Trump to be their ‘hero’. “Donald Trump is speaking the entire world’s ‘mann ki baat’ against Islamic terror and we support it,” he said, referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio show Mann ki Baat.

Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image003 image007