Tag Archives: and Alexander Paul George “PG” Sittenfeld

Another “Muckraker Memo” E-dition


SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2018      

At last night’s Pentagon Press Conference, when General “Mad Dog” Mattis said the US expects a disinformation campaign by those who align themselves with the Assad regime, was he warning us about the Russians, or should we expect politics as usual from the Destroy Trump Media?

Meanwhile, PHOTO-SHOP EDITORIAL SPOOFS ON CURRENT EVENTS EDWARD CROPPER is having a lot of fun with Disgraced DemocRAT Ex-FBI Director these days, especially after Comey called Trump a “mobster.” (SEE MORE HERE)

And just days before James Comey’s new tell-all book hits shelves, Steve Hilton is putting the former FBI director on trial. In a can’t-miss “Next Revolution” special, Hilton welcomes an expert legal panel, including Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Jarrett and more, to discuss Comey’s actions as director of the bureau. “The Trial of James Comey” airs Sunday at 9:00 pm ET on Fox News Channel, with a re-airing at midnight ET.

Whistleblower Book Reviewer Sarah Huckabee Sanders says “American people see right through the blatant lies of a self-admitted leaker this is nothing more than a poorly executed PR stunt by coming to desperately rehabilitate his tattered reputation and enrich his own bank account by peddling a book that belongs in the bargain bin of the fixon section instead of being remembered as a dedicated servant in the pursuit of justice like so many of his other colleagues at the FBI Comey will forever known as a disgraced partisan hack that broke his sacred trust with the President of the United States the dedicated agents of the FBI and the American people he vowed to faithfully serve one of the president’s greatest achievements will go down as firing director James Comey.”

The Blower’s Ohio Primary Election Countdown Clock says there are still 24 Mudslinging Days till the Ohio Primary Elections on May 8, but watching all those Ohio Republican Gubernatorial Primary commercials, you have to wonder if Mike DeWhine and Mary Taylor will run out of mud.

And every day Ohio Republicans have been counting down until Disingenuous DemocRAT Senator Sherrod Brown’s favorite day of the year, “Tax Day.” And to help him celebrate, they’ve been highlight his abysmal record on taxes every day until April 17. Thursday, they reminded voters of Brown’s votes for policies that leave over-taxed payers holding the bag, like Obama’s failed $830 Billion stimulus program.

Finney Law Firm’s Litigious Lawyers Brian Shrive and Chris Finney filed suit on Monday, seeking to enjoin a cabal of five rogue Cincinnati Council members: Chris Seelbach, Tamaya Dennard, Wendell Young, Greg Landsman, and Alexander Paul George “PG” Sittenfeld from conducting secret, illegal meetings in violation of the Cincinnati City Charter and Ohio’s Sunshine Law. Word is they got together via email and text messages to put together a plan to undermine Cranley’s deal with Harry Black. They issued two press releases that made clear that they’d been meeting secretly. So COAST made a public records request for all communications among the five related to the two press releases. The city gave COAST emails last Wednesday, but refused to turn over text messages. Our COASTERS say those emails prove PG Sittenfeld, Seelbach, Young, Landsman, and Dennard were meeting illegally. Maybe that’s why COAST filed suit on Monday alleging open meetings law violations. You can read that complaint HERE.


And our City Hall Snitch wonders if our City Hall E-Mailing Caballers were talking about all those late-night phone calls Harry Black is supposedly making these days.

Speaking of “Complaints,” The Blower is continuing to hear from people we’ve written about who were “not specifically mentioned” in our Annual “Mea Culpa” E-dition on April 1. Most Tuesday’s The Blower publishes “Real E-mails From Real Subscribers” E-ditions. Maybe we need a “Real Retractions From Real Readers” E-dition. We’ll run that idea by our Whistleblower Legal Dream Team and see what they say.

Monday there’ll be another TV photo-op of the Anderson Apocalypse at the Forest Hills School Board meeting promoting the controversy over the Anderson Redskins mascot to divert attention from serious financial matters caused by the School Board’s deception on their building levy debacle.
Do you think people are starting to focus on the real issues? Numbers on the building projects were posted on Facebook. Ugly. Realization is sinking in that the Apocalypse is nigh unless the board gets its finances in order. There ain’t no money for freaking mascot changes – or for anything else of real importance for that matter. Especially none to keep snowflakes from melting over conjured up injustices. Whatever fate comes to the mascot, the Turpin board has ridden itself to its own fate. They have rendered ridiculous their favorite self-serving phrase “good stewards of your money.”

And perhaps, this supposedly Republican School Board Member might like to explain his little political donation:

Last Week, The Blower’s story had all the makings of a desperate effort by “Mean Jean” to make a political comeback, because it looked like she’d teamed up with her old buddy Tim Rudd to do a hatchet job on Clermont County Auditor Linda Fraley — a long time nemesis to Mean Jean.

In the process Her Meanness was decrying the party as being a bunch of backroom good ole boys. Really? Mean Jean was always the manliest of men when it came to smoke filled back room deals and Turkish corruption. Tagging along on the journey with Mean Jean is political activist Chris Hicks who will most likely lose his election in the primary, but allow Schmidt to come out looking like she was pulling for the underdog and trying to clean up corruption. And ain’t that just a great opening line of a comeback tour? And speaking of a political comeback, Mean Jean isn’t the only corrupt politician looking to shed their previous skin and resurrect themselves from the ashes. Looks like Mean Jean’s pal Larry Householder is also looking to make a comeback.

FINALLY, We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Hamilton County’s Disingenuous Double-Dipping DemocRAT Auditor, who still hasn’t explained exactly how his office came up with its Fair Property Values for your Jacked-Up Property Values and forces homeowners to file notarized complains with the Hamilton County Board of Revision. Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception shows us how that might have happened.

In a related item, CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street wonders if that little-known Lady Republican who’s supposedly running against Hamilton County’s Disingenuous Double-Dipping DemocRAT Auditor ever thought of contacting any of the folks who’ve filed complaints with the Hamilton County Board of Revision over their jacked up property values. Imagine all those yard sign locations!