Tag Archives: 200 Checks

Special “Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition

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Not To Worry–Your Rent Check Isn’t Due Till Next Week
This week, everybody who’s still bored staying home, wearing a mask, keeping safe distances during the current coronavirus crisis, and even more impatiently waiting for his hopefully first-of-many Really Big $1,200 Checks, personally signed by The Trumpster himself, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is noted Conservative Economist Supply-Side Tadwell, who says, “Even if Hamilton County over-taxed payers get $1200 Economic Impact Checks, it still won’t be enough to cover their jacked up property taxes, your Second Half 2019 Hamilton County Real Estate Tax Bills are due not a minute later than midnight on June 22, whether you’re back to work or not.”
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Supply-Side wins an “Economists Are Sexy” T-Shirt, a box full of Economics books from the Joseph Beth Bisexual Bookstore auction, and a really low evaluation for his house from our Disingenuous D-RAT Hamilton County Auditor, since property values will have dropped dramatically during the economic upheaval caused by China’s Kung Flu Pan-DEM-ic. His winning limerick is:
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Phase One Of Trump’s Recovery Plan
And increase the average lifespan
Says “Don’t be a jerk
You must go back to work
Before your date with the Dreaded Tax Man.”

Not To Be Outdone, Perturbed In Park Hills Proudly Presents Another One Of His Overstuffed Sonnets, This One’s A Two Bagger.
Phase One Of Trump’s Recovery Plan
Is “Keep your cooties to yourself, man!”

Six feet away, or six feet under:
Where did common sense go, I wonder?

Are we fundamentally deformed,
Or just altogether uninformed?

We’re now a nation of germophobes
Running panicked from Chinese microbes.

Bill Gates knows what this is all about:
Civil rights he continues to flout.

His plan is universal vaccines;
Population control – that’s his means.

And Fauci-Stein and Scarf Lady Birx
Have lots more devilry in the works.

So Trump needs to fire their asses
And restore good jobs to the masses.

As for Bill Gates and his Moloch ring,
Who foolishly belittle hell’s sting,

Deport them all to the Wuhan labs
And let them pick at each other’s scabs.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“Will Biden’s Sex Assault Charges Ever Go Away?”

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