FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023
Today Is Nude Day In America, Everybody
Whistleblower Naked News Correspondent Oliver Klozhoff says Nudists around the world celebrate National Nude Day by going “au naturel” today.
Nudism is the act of practicing nudity, or arguing for the right to do so. Most — although certainly not all — nudism occurs on private or specifically designated property. While not all nudists share the same philosophy, many espouse the belief that the human body is inherently beautiful, and that clothes enforce artificial and destructive social boundaries.
Plus, doing laundry is unnecessary today. Enjoy an air bath or explore the naturist movement.
Oliver says National Nude Day is a great way to keep cool on a hot, sticky summer day, and Nudists around the world celebrate this holiday and take it quite seriously! Nudists (also known as naturists) are not all perverts, even though their desire to go “au natural” might be offensive to the conservative population! Nudists are individuals who believe the human body is most beautiful in its natural state. Whether or not you agree with them, nudists encourage people to shed the restrictions of clothing and be natural, like these New Richmond nude synchronized swimmers this morning.
The National Day Calendar says noted for enjoying the natural state, Benjamin Franklin would reportedly take air baths by the open window of his room allowing the fresh air to drift around his birthday suit. The postmaster didn’t invent the naturist movement, nor did it take any particular nation by storm. Its observance is firmly planted during the middle the summer months of the Farmer’s Almanac for a good reason; the Northern Hemisphere doesn’t mess around in January!
Some of the obvious benefits of the lifestyle include lighter luggage when traveling for vacation and as mentioned before, smaller loads of laundry. There are other benefits, too. Without the shields of clothing, the wrinkles and sagging that comes with time cannot be camouflaged. Acceptance becomes very real and normal and reassuring.
However, wearing sunblock is still advisable during any outdoor activities. Watch out for poison ivy, oak, and sumac. Roses do have thorns, among many other plants and animals. When recommended, wear protective gear. Skateboarding comes to mind.
Meanwhile, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wonders if anybody else finds it strangely convenient that Bastille Day and National Nude Day in America are the same day. Maybe that’s why he chose this video today, showing what happened this afternoon at the Northern Kentucky Nudist Camp in Florence.
This week in 2016, The Blower remembers when Whistleblower Naked News Correspondent Oliver Klozhoff said he was glad we let him drive up to Cleveland early to cover the Republican National Convention, because as the sun rose Sunday morning over the Quicken Loans Arena in downtown Cleveland, 100 women stood completely nude, being photographed holding large, round mirrors facing the arena. No kidding!
This is the Official Nude Day In America E-dition. Any other publication claiming Official Nude Day status would surely be a fake.