MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2023

Happy Springtime, Everybody!
“Happy Springtime,” says Whistleblower Weather-guesser Delkus Apuozzo, “but how do you know your Equinox is really Vernal?” NO wonder our Quote for Today Committee chose Mark Twain’s “In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.
And although according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac Spring actually arrived in Greater Cincinnati at 11:33 EDT this morning, Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy Furball says Spring usually arrives in the tristate when both UC and Xavier got their clocks cleaned in the NCAA’s March Madness tournament, where last year Donald Trump said he hadn’t see leads blown like that since Crooked Hillary lost on Election Night in 2016.
Turfway Touts say It’s here – way more thrills, way more chills, and way more winning than ever before at the all-new Turfway Park Racing & Gaming.
Michael Liquid Plummer and Nathan “Cornbread” Smith say Spring doesn’t usually arrive in Northern Kentucky until we start tossing back Bock beer chasers. Mainstrasse Bartenders say Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until drunks sober up from St. Patrick’s Day. And the Vanilla Hills Civic Club says Spring doesn’t historically arrive in Northern Kentucky until the police chief gets fired. Last year, everything was closed for Coronavirus.
The Blower remembers when NoKY Weight Gainers said Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until we’ve each devoured 437 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies.
Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E. Rob Sanders usually says Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters does something really frivolous like running for Bluegrass Governor.
And Heywood Jablowme says Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until all Covington sex shops have their annual Spring sale.
Rick “The Batboy” Robinson remembers when Gex “Rhymes With Sex” Williams said Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until you have sex with your first Spring sheep. Your Friends at the IRS usually say Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until people at least start thinking about paying their taxes. MILFs on Probation say Spring usually doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until you tickle a young man’s fancy. Boys at Covington Catholic usually say spring doesn’t officially arrive until you smirk at a Thieving Redskin and your dad’s lawyer sues FAKE NEWS CNN for $250 Million. Uptight Bitches in Fort Mitchell Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until we fake our equinox orgasms. Former Y’All Ville Mayor Blondie “I Thought You Guys at The Blower Forgot About Me” Whalen usually says Spring doesn’t officially arrive in Northern Kentucky until people are lined up to buy Opening Day Tickets to see the Florence Freedom. And Horny in Hebron says, “Spring never officially arrives in Northern Kentucky until I celebrate BB&BJ Day on March 20.”
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL (THE ODIOUS OCTEGENARIAN), In honor of tomorrow afternoon’s vernal equinox, which also just happens to be on BB&BJ Day, we have an “Ode to Spring,” by Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves:
Ode to Spring
Yesterday was the first day of Spring,
When men thought of only one thing.
Women think it’s odd,
Guys searching for a broad,
Just for an overnight fling.
FINALLY, we just got an e-mail from Vivacious Vicky Zwissler, our used-to-be Council-gal in Wyoming (the City not the State) who when last seen was driving one of those Uber taxis, reminding us about her birthday. Curiously, although our Virtual Redhead is still pretty much of a babe, her e-mail forgot to include her age.
Maybe that’s why our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane always says, “Women improve with age. The older I get, the more I like them.”