Daily Archives: February 21, 2021

Official “Drinking The Mask-er Aid” E-dition


February 28, 2021

My Dear Friends and Benefactors,


Sieg heil!


I must apologize for my unrestrained gloating over our success in destroying capitalist America.  I just can’t help myself!  Isn’t it amazing what prolonged, well-orchestrated fear can do?  Did you ever suspect it would be so easy?  What a natural, Healthier Lives Matter high! 


But I’m not speaking of the orchestrated fear-mongering that began the lockdown of America for nothing more than a mild form of the flu – though that effort was masterful in itself.


No, I’m speaking of the fear by which our side has intimidated America’s multinational corporations into full cooperation with the enforcement of our decrees.  This fear, in fact, has been at least as successful as our efforts against the bourgeois peons!  Think now – where are our plans always implemented first?  In the workplace and the marketplace!


President Woodrow Wilson, that over-educated old fool who opened the gate to the classic Trojan Horse – the “Federal” Reserve System – had something very interesting to say about this fear, way back in 1913:


“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately.  Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.  They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”


Now to whom do you suppose old Woody was referring?  Did he even know?  I doubt it!  My friends, I’m not far enough up the food chain to know either, but it’s a pretty sure bet that those “big men” were afraid of certain secret societies.  After all, secret societies been around for centuries, and some of them have even boasted about being the power behind various thrones.  In fact, I bet Woody didn’t even know that his aide, Col. Edward M. House, was his secret society-appointed controller!

This begs the question, why would Big Commerce and Big Manufacturing be afraid of crossing secret societies?  The answer is simple: the control of money.  The big guys became big because they made unimaginable amounts of money.  Would they have been able to do that without the approval and investment of those who control money?  Get a grip!


In other words, here’s the message the “big men” get if they don’t cooperate:


“Nice business you got there.  Too bad if something should happen to it.”


Well, that certainly puts a new perspective on “size matters”!


Now, here on Little St. James Island, where we lead lives of simplicity and integrity, practice communal resources and shared significant others, and make do with modest means as we remain close to the earth, we don’t have a lot to do with money on the scale of Big Commerce.  We certainly hope to graduate some day from our humble outer court and be granted access to those treasure chambers, but we must be patient.  But don’t forget: we can be assured of success because everything we do is in obedience to our Supreme Master and his colleagues.


And as long as we are patient and obedient, we will be immune to all this fear – not to mention being immune to a flu that is so deadly that it has a 99.7% recovery rate!  OMG, if I don’t stop laughing I’m going to give myself a hernia!  (Sorry, little Anthony – no disrespect intended!)


So sit back and enjoy the show, as Americans voluntarily destroy themselves and their country!  I have plenty of popcorn, in case anyone has run out – oh, don’t worry, it’s not been coated with anything.  Hmmm, not a popcorn fan?  I also have plenty of pizza and hot dogs…

I, your most humble Supreme Pastor (but in no sense as supreme as our Supreme Master), salute your integrity authenticity, and intersectionality!

Sieg heil!

Yours for a healthier (and more sustainable) Temple,

(Rev.) Jim Jones

Supreme Pastor and CEO, Healthier Lives Matter

Little St. James Island